franchisee franchising
franchisee franchising that allows the creation of a business, a franchise contract is an agreement between the producer (which allows the marketing of its products to third parties, and the use of the mark and teaching) and retailer, ie the franchisee.
The first, franchisor, is committed to providing products according to the required amount (in many cases contracted minimum or maximum extent). The franchisee is obliged to promote and execute the sale, in the area, assist (including after-sales) to customers, subject to the terms dictated by the franchisor intended as rules of the organization on terms and price di vendita dei prodotti.
Nella concessione di vendita è molto frequente la clausola "concessionario di vendita in esclusiva" a favore del venditore all'interno di un'area specificata.
Vantaggi del Franchising
La convenienza nell'avviare un'azienda in franchising? E' per entrambe le parti. Il produttore riesce a programmare la quantità di beni da produrre; a sviluppare una rete di distribuzione senza il rischio della distribuzione; a elaborare il piano di mercato dei propri prodotti (che i rivenditori dovranno incondizionatamente approvare e osservare) in tutti i particolari.
Dal canto suo, il rivenditore diventa sì imprenditore indipendente dal punto di vista giuridico ed economico ma può rely on brand (already known) and know-how of the producer (which is why it is not required special training or experience but strong personal and professional qualities.) The franchisee is presented to the public with the same image of business-brand manufacturer , to the point that often the end customer compares the two figures, placing the utmost trust and loyalty in the dealer affiliate, considered as a kind of branch.
franchise startup cost estimate from the first sign of being a franchise are the costs of start-ups. First and foremost, the hiring of local Handycapped: usually, in fact, the local franchisor require expensive, located in central cities or towns high traffic such as malls and airports. The expenditure on IT equipment (computer equipment and software), and of course for the commercial management personnel.
Added to these are usually fixed costs also be paid to the franchisor as rights of entry or periodic fee, or a fixed amount that the franchisee shall pay to the inception of the franchise agreement. For then the percentage royalties means that the franchisor must recognize the franchisor commensurate with the turnover or fixed fee.
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