Terron: From the director of People to champion the South with the book on the misdeeds of the Savoy, Pino April tells how the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy gutter blood of southerners. He Al Bano in the Sanremo Festival celebrates, but there are those who threaten him with death
The plastic representation of how it is impossible to agree polentone southerners and I had the front window of a library of Verona.
As for the cover of his Terroni, published by Piemme, Pino April chose a silhouette of the TSI is inverted, with the north to Sicily and Campania in the south, a zealous contract has seen fit to correct them by exposing the volume under the title upside down.
In one shot so the librarian has restored the primacy of the world map, with the subtitle of the work stopped (All that was why did the Italians of the South Wind "Southern") and reiterated unknowingly beaten by Marco Paolini reported on inside pages: "When you do not want to understand the history, changes in geography."
Released by Mondadori Printing Printing Cles, Trento, Val di Non (Demonstrating that a united Italy at least for publishers is a done deal), Terroni has become a bestseller in the space of ten months, subject to confrontation, poster Southern pride, the sacred text for the revisionists of the South, an instrument of political struggle and now even the song of Sanremo Festival: Al Bano, 67, of Cellino San Marco Puglia, insert the CD in his hymn Glory, glory written by Mimmo Cavallo and inspired by the essay of April 60, Puglia, Gioia del Colle.
not enough. Terroni iPad is the multimedia edition, with photos, interviews and clips from the movie. And they called them bandits Pasquale Squitieri, out in February. Terroni is the play which will be staged March 21 at the Quirino in Rome, "in response to Umberto Bossi and his arrogance, to say stop to the bloodshed that has lasted 150 years," proclaims the pages of the Facebook ' actor - director Roberto D'Alessandro, who grew up in the school of Gigi Proietti. Terroni, in short, is cheering stadium: no coincidence that the author, despite having already lost count of the reissues (' least twenty ') shows of having sold 150,000 copies, while Wikipedia says that it has a smitten biographer even half a million, which even in want to consider the brochures distributed through Mondolibri ebook and downloaded from the Internet seems somewhat exaggerated.
Pino April was deputy director and then chief of Today's People. Before you have a fixed target Caroline of Monaco ("I found it was bald: scoop world '), had always been involved in terrorism and politics. Thought to be retired to devote himself to the passion of his life: the sea. He has conducted the monthly sailing and has written three books from the titles healthily monomaniacal: The sea minor, A extreme seas and sea, men, and passions. Terroni then ran away and ended up in the ocean in a storm: "I have accepted so far nearly 200 presentations. Meanwhile, another 500 call came to the publisher. In theory I would have the full schedule of events until the spring of 2012, if you do not receive other requests. Instead continue to arrive. I call abroad. The first trip was in Sweden, then London, Zurich, Manchester, New York ... Are destroyed. "
But the invite only the circles of Calabria or even those of migrants from Veneto? 'University, centers of culture, Italian associations, such as Dante Alighieri. "
is the non-fiction book that is resistant to several months in the charts or not?
"True. I hope I'll be forgiven. "
How did the idea of \u200b\u200bTerroni?
"I had questions, I was looking for answers. If indeed the southern end of the nineteenth century were poor, backward and oppressed, why should react against the "liberators " came from the north with a long civil war and subsequently the flight, emigration? Only after many years I thought I'd make a book. "
He received insults or threats?
"offended. Someone asked me if I'm not afraid. And for what? On Facebook I wrote this one: "You'll the end of D'Antona . I tried to track him down, but was non-existent. After all that is a blackboard on which the collective task of all: I was a fan, mostly the advertising slogan " Terroni, there are no comparisons . This is annoying arrogance of those who believe they already know everything and not even touched by doubt. "
the presentation of Turin has run almost touched the brawl.
"We were in the Sala dei Cinquecento, the others are left standing ... A person who has railed against Roberto Calderoni, who was not present for the insults directed by the Minister for the League to the Neapolitans. Interventions Marcello Sorgi, Massimo Nava and Pietrangelo Buttafuoco yarns are straight away. When he started talking about Giordano Bruno Guerri, who wrote a book on post-unification robbery, that person has offended. The town fell from the stage to adjust the accounts and the protester has run silenced. Less wrong: War is derived from the Etruscan pirates, and has hands-profile boxer quarryman chocolate. "
We can say that Terroni has done to come to the South wants to secede that wound up yesterday outside the North?
"No. It has been said that Terroni encourages the southern rebellion. Imagine! The South has no voice, all the national newspapers, except The Republic, we publish in the North and the three private television networks are a publisher Lombard, as head of government, also has a say in public ones. For the law of proximity, the press is more interesting is the cat's meow home compared to the roar of the lion in the savannah. The North discovers what is happening in my part only when reservations about the success of the film or Terroni Welcome to the South But Terroni is the finger pointing at the moon, not the moon. There are books that change people's hearts. Sorry, mine is not among them: I was born in February and have not had a foster father for mild carpenter. The desire for secession of South sprouts as a reaction to the insults of Ministers of the North. It is weaker and less widespread than in Lombardy or the Veneto, but it grows. "
What feelings aroused in her the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy?
'disappointment, sometimes in disgust. In what country can remain a minister who has treated the flag as toilet paper? Or a mayor that has stamped with symbols of the party of school children? Italy was united to do, because every time I fall a frontier people become freer, richer, safer, happier. But it was to do with a part of the country arrayed against each other. The anniversary of 150 years could become an opportunity to honestly once and for all accounts with history. So it's not. "
What do you think of the Savoy?
"They have found the right place at the right time. While a small minority, not more than 1 to 2 percent of the population, was animated by wishful thinking to unify Italy, but these guys had an urgent need: strangled by debt, could save itself only with the invasion and The plundering of the South wrote in 1859, the deputy Pier Carlo Boggio, right arm of Cavour: "O war or bankruptcy." Until 1860, for over 126 years, the Bourbons never raise taxes. In the Kingdom of Naples was the lowest of all States pre-unification. "
Bruno Vespa told me the sua sorpresa nello scoprire solo di recente che nel regno borbonico le imposte erano soltanto cinque, contro le 22 introdotte dai Savoia.
«I soldi del Sud ripianarono il buco del Nord. Al tesoro circolante dell’Italia unita, il Regno delle Due Sicilie contribuì per il 60 per cento, la Lombardia per l’1 virgola qualcosa, il Piemonte per il 4. Negli Stati via via annessi all’Italia nascente, appena arrivavano i piemontesi spariva la cassa».
E di Giuseppe Garibaldi che cosa pensa?
«Romantico avventuriero, di idee forti, semplici, a volte confuse, but more honest than others in the complaint, only after the fact, however, the murders and robberies committed in the South. Some problems of health, for the painful arthritis that makes it ride: he arrived in Naples by train. A decade of family: the young wife pregnant with another. Some South American dark page in its past: the slave trade from China to Peru. They've made a saint. But that's okay, every nation needs its founding myths. Just know who they were really. "
And Count Camillo Benso di Cavour what do you think?
"Great player, especially nell'imprevisto. He did not want to conquer the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and had only the Lombardo-Veneto and Ducati. Already Tuscany seemed more. But when the adventure began south, soon made her own, persuaded the king, neutralized Garibaldi, who opposed tamed. Some of his vice would be jail. Like many fathers of the Renaissance, never set foot in the South: he knew by hearsay. "
The worst figure of the Risorgimento?
"General Enrico Cialdini, then deputy and senator of the Kingdom. A butcher who was leading in the number of southern pride shot, hundreds of houses burning, of countries destroyed. Before becoming a highly decorated hero of the Risorgimento, was a mercenary in the Foreign Legion in Spain and Portugal. Killing his fellow men pay. "
What are the most revolting episodes Risorgimento, who made her think again about Italian?
"You can not stop being Italian. But I had to think again about the beautiful and glorious tale about the birth of my country that I had learned in school. As a teenager, raging with indignation for the Indians exterminated on Sand Creek and find out what the big brothers in the South of Italy did worse. The Risorgimento mythology began to waver when I read The Conquest of South Charles Alianello. It tells the story of a woman raped and left to die by 18 riflemen, who had already killed her husband. The little boy who witnessed the scene, now a teenager, he boasted of having killed 18 soldiers in revenge of King Vittorio Emanuele in Custoza. Then the massacre and Pontelandolfo Casalduni, the first 5,000 people, 3,000 the second, two of the dozens of countries destroyed, with freedom to rape and pillage Cialdini left by his soldiers, mass shootings, torture, the houses set on fire with the people inside. And the thousands of southern Fenestrelle melted in a lime, and the strength lager at about seventy kilometers from Turin, at 1,200 meters, beaten by icy winds, where the average life of the inmates did not exceed three months. For added torture of prisoners, had been torn up the windows of the dormitories. Long live Italy! ".
Gianfranco Miglio, the ideologist of the League, told me that he was still terrified to hear some terrible stories as a child when his grandfather told him that a young sharpshooter in Calabria, he found his fellow soldier crucified on a termite mound by brigands.
"Did he also said that what he had done that target? It was a country invaded without even a declaration of war. Maria Izzo, the most beautiful of Pontelandolfo, was tied naked to a tree, his legs wide apart, raped in turn by sharpshooters and then finished with a bayonet in the belly. In Palermo killed under torture by a silent birth because he refused to talk. Reported in Parliament that he had shot in one year, 15,600 South: one every 14 minutes, for ten hours a day, 365 days out of 365. But the death toll is conservatively estimated at least 100,000 by Giordano Bruno Guerri. Other calculations come to several hundred thousand. Civilization Catholic, Jesuit magazine, wrote in 1861 that were over one million. The true figure will never be known. "
Da Terroni :«“ Ottentotti ”, “ irochesi ”, “ beduini ”, “ peggio che Affrica ”, “ degenerati ”, “ ritardati ”, “ selvaggi ”, “ degradati ”: così i meridionali vennero definiti, e descritti con tratti animaleschi, dai fratelli del Nord scesi a liberarli». Io sono veneto. Ha idea di quante ce ne hanno dette e ce ne dicono? Razzisti, analfabeti, beoti, ubriaconi, bestemmiatori, evasori fiscali, sfruttatori di clandestini . Non crede che se cominciamo a tenere questo genere di contabilità, non la finiamo più?
«Devono finirla i Bossi, i Calderoli, i Borghezio, i Salvini, i Brunetta. Quella degradazione dei meridionali ad animali preparò e giustificò il genocidio. Ricordo le parole di un intellettuale di Sarajevo: “ Non è stato il fracasso dei cannoni a uccidere la Jugoslavia. È stato il silenzio. Il silenzio sul linguaggio della violenza, prima che sulla violenza” . Un ministro della Repubblica ha minacciato il ricorso ai fucili. In Italia, adesso. Non a Sarajevo, allora».
Lei scrive che Luigi Federico Menabrea, President of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom, in 1868 he wanted to deport the southern Patagonia suspected of robbery. What should really say the Venetian deported by Benito Mussolini in malarial Pontine marshes to reclaim?
"Menabrea wanted to deport the southerners to exterminate. The Venetian in the Pontine Marshes were not deported were work, home, land restored with the money of all to the detriment of those who were dying of malaria for centuries to draw bread. But we see the bright side: they met among the poor. And where the blood is mixed, the beauty is born. The province now called Latin America has given Italy the highest concentrazione di miss da calendario per chilometro quadrato. E pure Santa Maria Goretti, che si fece uccidere per difendere la propria femminilità».
Scrive anche: «La Calabria non appartiene, geologicamente, al Mezzogiorno, ma al sistema alpino: si staccò con la Corsica dalla regione ligure-provenzale e migrò, sino a incastrarsi fra Sicilia e Pollino». Recrimina persino sull’orografia?
«O è un modo per dire che a Sud vogliono venirci tutti?».
Si dilunga sul caso di Mongiana, che in effetti è impressionante. Però che What does that prove? From North to South, each industrial district mourns its dinosaurs.
"Mongiana, in Calabria, Italy was the capital of the steel industry and today has the uncomfortable distinction of neighboring Nardodipace the poorest town in Italy. The mongianesi, uprooted from their country, found themselves working in the foundries of Bresciano: 150 families, about 500 people, only to Lumezzane, which is now the real Mongiana. Where the first 1,500 workers and technicians specialized steel self-made heavy industry of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, now has not been even a blacksmith. The richest mining district of the peninsula was suppressed by the government unit for a serious structural flaw: it was in the wrong place in the South. The South did not have to compete with the North in the production of goods. And that was imposed by force of arms and legislation unbalanced to the detriment of the South. The story of Mongiana is exemplary, it being impossible to tell everything. But the same thing happened with the shipbuilding industry, the rail industry, agriculture. "
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the city of Gaeta wants to seek relief from the siege of the Savoyard 1861: 500 million €. Reminds me of the Veneto, which claims to war reparations from France for the looting napoleonico del 1797: 1.033 miliardi di euro.
«C’è una differenza: al risarcimento di Gaeta s’impegnò il luogotenente, principe di Carignano, in nome del quale il generale Cialdini, responsabile di quelle macerie, garantì per iscritto: “ Il Governo di Sua Maestà provvederà all’equo e maggiore possibile risarcimento ”. Quando gli amministratori comunali andarono per riscuotere, il nuovo luogotenente, Luigi Farini, già distintosi con moglie e figlia nel patriottico furto dell’argenteria dei duchi di Parma, consigliò loro di rivolgersi “ alla carità nazionale ”».
Lei è arrivato al punto da dichiarare che Giulio Tremonti ruba al Sud per dare al Nord. Forse dimentica che il Veneto ha solo 225 dirigenti regionali mentre la Sicilia ne ha 2.150. L’855 per cento in più. Che si aggiungono ai 100.000 dipendenti ordinari. Allora le chiedo: chi ruba a chi, se non altro lo stipendio?
«I fondi per le aree sottoutilizzate sono, per legge, all’85 per cento del Sud, e invece sono stati abbondantemente spesi al Nord. I 3,5 miliardi di euro con cui è stata abbuonata l’Ici a tutt’Italia erano quelli destinati alle strade dissestate di Calabria e Sicilia. Citizens of the Val d'Aosta spend more than 10,195 percent in Lombardy, per capita, for regional employees. But it is a right to special status, it is argued. Right. Pure Sicily is. That does not absolve neither one nor the other. But the comparison is always with each other. "
sociologist Luca Ricolfi The bag in the North documents that each year 50 billion euro leave the northern regions of the South and she directed me to call it theft?
"Meanwhile, the accounts should be made about 150 years. And then Ricolfi explains that these same data, assessed differently, leading to diametrically opposite conclusions. Not everyone agrees on the method chosen by Ricolfi. Go and get a chat with Professor Gianfranco Viesti, face economic policy who teaches at the University of Bari.
is heard a trumpet blast to right: Terroni. To answer a phone call left: Long live Italy! Aldo Cazzullo. Who accused her of having compared the Piedmont to the Nazis only to sell more copies.
"incapable of such elegance, Cazzullo to confess that I am writing in hopes of being bed. And I do not understand why her company spends a lot of money to advertise live Italy! If the aim is not to sell copies. My book hath been imposed by word of mouth. "
not take the name of Marzabotto in vain, the recalled Cazzullo.
"What is the difference between Pontelandolfo and Marzabotto? Put it this way: my publisher has hidden the existence of Terroni, the publisher of Cazzullo did the opposite. Neither got the desired result. "
Even Ernesto Galli della Loggia and Francis Merlo hanno maltrattato il suo pamphlet.
«Libera critica in libero Stato: non si può piacere a tutti. A me piace non piacere a Galli della Loggia, per esempio. Prima ha parlato di “ fantasiose ricostruzioni ”. Poi, al pari di Merlo e di qualche altro, ha obiettato che le stragi risorgimentali nel Sud erano note e da considerarsi “ normali ” in tempo di guerra. A parte che a scuola tuttora non vengono studiate, allora scusiamoci con i criminali nazisti Herbert Kappler e Walter Reder per l’ingiusta detenzione; critichiamo gli Stati Uniti che hanno inflitto l’ergastolo all’ufficiale americano responsabile dell’eccidio My Lai in Vietnam, let us ask ourselves why we condemn the massacre of Kurds by Saddam Hussein. In short, only the mass murder of the southern " normal '?".
Sergio Romano has run in the Corriere della Sera said annoyed by the " readers who deplore the abuses of the southern Piedmont, the arrogance of the North, the South lot, and miss some sort of age ' gold during which the Bourbons of Naples would do their kingdom a model of social equity and economic development . And I recalled that, by unanimous consent of Europe at the time, " il Regno delle Due Sicilie era uno degli Stati peggio governati da una aristocrazia retriva, paternalista e bigotta » .
«Senta, foss’anche tutto vero, e non lo è, questo giustifica invasione, saccheggio e strage? Mi pare la tipica autoassoluzione del colonizzatore: ti distruggo e ti derubo, però lo faccio per il tuo bene, neh? Infatti, l’Italia riconoscente depone ogni anno una corona d’alloro dinanzi alla lapide che ricorda il colonnello vicentino Pier Eleonoro Negri, il carnefice di Pontelandolfo e Casalduni, e nega ai paesi ridotti in cenere rimasero in piedi solo tre case persino il rispetto per la memoria».
you have done military service?
"In team, C4 red, if I remember correctly: I was told that if war broke out, I would end up in the office. My lungs gave no expectations: after-effects of TB and four packs of Gauloises a day. "
If war breaks out, defend Italy or not?
"Oh, but what questions are they? Bossi and Calderoli not ask! I am an Italian who claims the critical truth about his country and how did the end of inequality and insults to the detriment of the South The Southern question did not exist 150 years ago, the National Research Council showed that gross domestic product and per capita were the same in the North and South The South, with one third of the population, gave about half of the fallen in the trenches of the First World War. "
Magnago Silvius, the historic leader of the SVP, said: " The home is where they feel they belong with the heart. My Homeland is the Tyrol. Heimat, the homeland. You do not have this Italian concept. can not understand. " What does home mean to you? And what is his Heimat?
"The dico nell’esergo del mio libro, con parole rubate allo scrittore francese Emmanuel Roblès: patria è “là dove vuoi vivere senza subire né infliggere umiliazione” ».
Sarebbe favorevole a un’Italia divisa in cantoni, come la Svizzera?
«No. Una frontiera non migliora gli uomini. Al più, può peggiorarli. Ma se la Lega, dopo vent’anni di strappi, recidesse l’ultimo filo che tiene ancora unito il Paese, un attimo prima il Sud dovrebbe andarsene, contrattando l’uscita, per evitare di essere derubato di nuovo».
On what basis should be rebuilt the unification of Italy?
'fair. The form provides little substance to go explain to young people that ours is a Republic founded on work. Or that the law is equal for all. Or that the State Railways provide service throughout the country: Matera, a pleasant place in Europe, is unknown to the Fs, there the train never arrived. "
she was the President of the Council, which would waste to clean up Naples?
'appointed Commissioner Vincenzo Cennamo, Mayor che ha fatto di Camigliano, provincia di Caserta, un esempio virtuoso nello smaltimento, grazie alla raccolta differenziata che copre il 65 per cento del totale. Cenname s’è rifiutato di affidarne la gestione a un ente provinciale, la cui inefficienza è testimoniata dalle immondizie che vengono lasciate nelle strade per scoraggiare la raccolta differenziata a favore degli inceneritori. Per questo Cenname è stato rimosso dal prefetto, quasi fosse a capo d’una Giunta camorrista».
Siamo alla domanda delle cento pistole: i terroni hanno voglia di lavorare sì o no?
«Capisco che la domanda lei deve porla e immagino che le costs to give a voice to fools. If I was rude, I would answer, but do me the pleasure! They are not and then say: those 5 million who are in the factories of southern North dall'abruzzese Sergio Marchionne down, as he sees them? Lazy? Those 20 million migrants in the world, which for the first time in their thousand-year history took the voluntary exile after the disasters of the Unification of Italy, went elsewhere to do anything? My region was the only one where the aridity of the land failed in production system of the Roman Empire, centered on the villa. Well those Apuliae deserted, deserts of Puglia, my people over the centuries, with the sweat of the brow, made a garden, stealing moisture at night with stone walls and planting 60 million trees. Not like Bossi, who has not worked a day in his life. In fact, he knows that I say, no offense, eh? But do me the pleasure. "
52 percent of the population of Terzigno, near Naples, field dependent INPS. Is he guilty of INPS?
"If you take away everything you need to attack me. Need help? Help! I do not like, but I have no choice. In Parma, 170,000 inhabitants, the ministry has decided to provide the same money for the subway designed for 24 million members, later reduced to 8, then abandoned, for shame, I hope, despite the study cost 30 million €. It is the city of Parmalat, the worst scam of all time. But the fraud of the false invalid shocked most. Be ', to bother me all the scams. I understand that the poor more. "
Half of the cases against the INPS is concentrated in six cities in the South: Foggia, Napoli, Bari, Rome, Lecce and Taranto. At Foggia is pending for about 15 per cent of the national institute litigation. All the registered 46,000 laborers have sued Foggia INPS. Depend mica by the Savoy.
"as it may pay to INPS Terzigno in Lecce, will never receive the billions of euro that cost us the fines paid to the fault of breeders Po rogue electors of the League. Or meets all, and it is wrong, or condemn those who deserve it. With one difference: the fraud of milk quotas is already established. We wait to see how they end the cases against the INPS.
There is little to expect: Foggia, about 122,000 cases brought, 25,000 have been voluntarily withdrawn by lawyers. Were initiated mostly on behalf of people killed or missing.
"But it is said that all others are unfounded. I repeat: We hope. "
Could it be that she becomes the boss of the South?
"That's the combination is offensive. I do not judge my neighbor on the latitude and have always worked, nor have I celebrated three times a degree without ever taking it. They offered me the applications, but I thanked him and declined, because unsuitable: they are clean record, I paid the house with my money and I want to die a journalist. "
Yet Giordano Bruno Guerri wrote that Terroni is supported by a small but militant groups and the Party of South neoborbonici Antonio Ciano, councilor in Gaeta, and could become the sacred text of a future Southern League, as opposed to that of Bossi.
"The book, once gone, goes his own way, as children. You can not tell you where to go. Terroni is not sustainable is read. It makes the reader who wants to use, provided you do not attribute it to me. Cyan and I estimate I follow closely the southern part, the Neoborbonici, MPA governor Sicilian Raffaele Lombardo, the group I'm staying in Calabria Pippo Callipo, the movement south of I Adriana Poli Bortone. But I remain an interested observer and external. I was also a friend of Angelo Vassallo, the mayor of Pollica killed by the mafia with nine shots. I remember his funeral, all the same with the papers attached to the shutters of closed shops and doorways of the houses, "Angelo, the country dies with you." Today, fortunately Pollica goes on in his name. In twenty years as mayor, Angelo had enriched all without destroying anything of the land, real capital of the country. I admired his courage, his imagination, his ability to turn ideas into action. I cried accompanying him to the cemetery. If he could see me, he would have laughed. "
For those who vote?
"The first time I voted for Democrats naivete, on the advice of a friend. Fierce disappointment. Then left, without ever having a party, which I think is incompatible with journalism. Finally, almost permanently to the Republicans of La Malfa, father, of course. At the next election probably will not vote, even though I know I make a gift to the worst. "
I do not think that the left, with the only prime minister originally from Gallipoli, has improved the condition of the South
"Massimo D'Alema and the electoral college in Gallipoli Pugliese's wife. But it is Roman. And then, again, being from here or there means nothing. The Southerner is a doctrine only Italian in the world. It has been practiced by great men of culture and morality, but is an invention of northern Italians, especially in Lombardy. Only a generation arose after the southerners southerners. What do I care where you are? Let me see what you do. "
She complains about the bureaucratic invasion of Southern Piedmont, Mario Cervi, however, reminded her that today administers the South with his own bureaucracy and the court in the Italian state as a whole. And the results are brilliant.
"Everyone, absolutely everyone, institutions, banks, public or quasi-public companies are in the hands of northern Italy, including Lombardy, except for a three Roman Naples. It means that if so and so many leaders fail to achieve good results the fault of the subject? If you win the overall is good and if you lose are bad soldiers? When directing a newspaper, my rule was: anybody wrong, it's my fault. "
Source: SRS Stefano Lorenzetto by The , Journal of Sunday, January 23, 2011
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