Franchising: Preca Brummel: Now the mothers are entrepreneurs "Doc"
The "mothers do business" was also created to Bimbus to give a future to new mothers
born from an idea that the world has already shown signs of success and is called MOTHERS DO BUSINESS, Preca Brummel launched by the group that represents the brands in franchising and BRUMS BIMBUS.
The initiative - says Carola Prevosti, Group Managing Director Preca Brummel - is twofold: firstly to help women who are qualified and motivated to return, or find their own place in the world of work and other help companies understand and reap the benefits, including economic, labor flexibility, providing services to both recruitment and consulting specialist. We have provided incentives and solutions of various kinds: the scholarship for the child who will accompany him to the University at the time the mother can devote to her child, while maintaining the work with his new shop "
Party in March 2010 as a pilot project in Lombardy nella prima fase Moms@Work si è concentrato nella creazione di una banca dati di profili di professioniste qualificate, di cui più della metà in possesso di una laurea, un’esperienza professionale media di circa dieci anni e per la maggior parte provenienti dall’area amministrativa, dal marketing e dal product management; complessivamente i curricula raccolti finora sono stati oltre 3.500.
MAMME FANNO IMPRESA è uno dei progetti principali dell’azienda per il 2011 volto ad aumentare i punti vendita in franchising dei marchi BRUMS (220 negozi monobrand e 600 multimarca ad oggi su tutto il territorio nazionale) e BIMBUS (100 negozi monobrand e 400 multimarca).
Le mamme that were interested in understanding how to become "entrepreneurs mothers in Franchising" can turn directly to the brands and BIMBUS BRUMS to understand how to realize their dream.
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