VICENZA - THE CEREMONY. Crowd at the inauguration of the bronze sculpture in stone in memory of the exiled
"Finally a worthy place to commemorate the victims of" Celebrating the Unity of Italy even if it is missing a piece "
"I experienced as a teacher, attending different schools. Ignorance and more often for ideological arguments foibe, exodus, the eastern border are not addressed by teachers of history or are resolved in a marginal, if not removed almost with disdain. Capita also have to attend an instrumental use of memory for facts which will come first interpretation, according to criteria that have nothing to do with the ascertainment of truth. And without considering the load of the pain of a party of Italians, though innocent. "
words Sandra Ziviani, Leoniceno of orgine, professor di lettere all'istituto Brocchi di Bassano, hanno denunciato una realtà che, di sicuro non nuova, fa ancora soffrire e indignare i tanti vicentini che ieri erano al cimitero Maggiore per l'inaugurazione del Monumento dedicato alle vittime delle foibe e dell'esodo istriano - fiumano - dalmata. Alla cerimonia all'interno delle iniziative del Giorno del ricordo, erano presenti, tra le numerose autorità vicentine, l'assessore Ennio Tosetto , il consigliere comunale del Pd, Pio Serafin , il presidente e consigliere nazionale dell'Anvgd, associazione nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia, Coriolano Fagarazzi.
Ha esordito Tosetto: « Remembrance Day takes on special significance this year in Vicenza because it happens at the inauguration of a monument to the victims of sinkholes and the exodus of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia. It is a work rich with meaning for our city administration and because we give to those horrors and tragedies at a place and a symbol to remember them forever. A place definitely more worthy avenue intersection of civilian victims of war where the ceremony took place annually .
To explain the monument is the director Serafin: "The slab Istrian stone comes from a quarry south of the River: it weighs over 10 tons. We so brought a piece of land where they wear those tragedies. Tragedy and violence were represented by the sculpture of Nereus Quagliato, author of another work, next door, built forty years ago to the monument of the victims civilians. In reading the prayer of the Bishop of Trieste and Koper, Antonio Santin, a symbol of national identity and religion of the Italians in Istria. Between the two, on the ground, the architect Giorgio Maculan has carved a groove: the abyss of sinkholes. But the day of remembrance for the exiles, it means another, said association president Coriolanus: "It's a vivid memory and indelible. Because these are the humiliation and pain Exiles have been since they decided to choose to remain in exile while Italian and maintain their dignity and freedom . They have abandoned all their possessions, someone said Serafin, " even unearthed the coffins of their ancestors. To take the road of exile was about 90 percent of the Italian population Zara. "
were more than 2 thousand volunteers who defected Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia from the Austrian lines to enlist in the Italian army with 302 dead and 12 gold medals. And today? Families who are members of the Vicenza's Coriolanus is 150. But not all. How can we not all know the real story, Ziviani said: " Personally I found those horrors knowing an exile, Annamaria Fagarazzi. Then I wanted to broaden my knowledge .
So here is the mythical figure of Norma Rowena, a student Istrian captured, tortured and infoibata gold medal in 2005. " After more than 60 years many changes have been clarified - concludes -. There was a widespread awareness of the one part enlightened exponents of Italian politics. But even in some intellectual circles remains a stubborn resistance to accept the memory of the Italians and the victims of ethnic cleansing policy implemented by the communist partisans of Tito after September 8. We must recognize that the exiles are Italian due volte: per nascita e per scelta». E don Giancarlo Pianezzola, che ha conosciuto personalmente i dolori di questa persecuzioni, dopo la benedizione ha parlato dell'importante e sentita unità d'Italia, «anche se manca ancora qualche pezzettino di territorio ».
Fonte: srs di Cristina Giacomuzzo , da Il Giornale di Vicenza di Domenica 13 Febbraio 2011, CRONACA, pagina 19
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