Michelina De Cesare, tortured, raped and shot by the Piedmontese. our heroine is the south raped, maimed by Savoy
Open Letter to the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano On
E p.c. Presidente della Repubblica di Israele.
all'atto della cosiddetta unificazione italiana il Tesoro era in possesso di 668 milioni di lire, di cui, i due terzi, ben 443 erano dell'ex Regno delle Due Sicilie, al Piemonte appartenevano solo 27 milioni e alla Lombardia, oggi così ricca, solo otto milioni. Quelle due regioni campavano quasi esclusivamente di agricoltura, i lombardi erano additati come i vaccari degli austriaci. I padani tutti erano costretti ad una emigrazione feroce; sotto i loro domini il carbonchio e la pellagra mietevano vittime a migliaia. It was not so for the inhabitants of the Two Sicilies. The railways, unknown in Italy made the first appearance in Naples in 1836 and in 1837 came the gas and the electric telegraph in 1852. With the welfare population increases throughout the kingdom and for the same reason also the revenue quintupled. The streets and cities were safe and came from the sea piracy that was eradicated, eliminated the feudal laws gave the order to the territories and allowed for the first time ever, to those that worked the land, woods and were thus eradicated wetlands to make way for orchards and vineyards were cleared and dammed rivers.
He put order in public administration and that of the entire Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The school has been institutionalized as a primary and religion to make a stand. Secularism and religious rivalries mingled and competed in, giving impetus to the new realm of culture. Flourished painters, writers, architects, music teachers, composers, artists, poets, had the great development of handicrafts. The Teatro San Carlo, the first in the world, was built in just 270 days and the same cultural trend gave rise to the workshop of the Papyri, the Archaeological Museum, the Botanical Gardens, the Astronomical Observatory and the first in the world, the Centre Seismological Vesuvius and the National Library. Industrial development was overwhelming and over twenty years has reached previously unimaginable in the fields del tessile che in quello metalmeccanico con 1.600.000 mila addetti contro il 1.100.000 del resto della penisola italica. Nacquero industrie all'avanguardia e tecnologicamente avanzate dando vita a ferrovie e costruendo i primi ponti in ferro in Italia, opere d'alta ingegneria in parte ancora visibili sul fiume Calore e sul Garigliano. La navigazione si sviluppò ammirevole tanto che il governo borbonico fu costretto a promulgare, primo in Italia, il Codice Marittimo creando dal niente una rete di fari con sistema lenticolare per tutta la costa. Le navi mercantili del Regno delle Due Sicilie solcavano i mari di tutto il mondo e la sua flotta era seconda solo a quella del Regno Unito. Le compagnie di navigazione pullulavano e così pure i cantieri navali tutti forniti di mano of work experience; workers worked eight hours a day and earn enough to sustain their families in Italy and first receive a state pension as the pension system was established with a deduction of 2% on salaries. In the Realm unemployment was virtually nonexistent, and emigration was unknown word, bank branches were widely circulated in towns and villages and two hundred thousand retailers were towed to the economy. Arose in our territories the first Italian travel agencies and they started the excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Universities churn out fine scientists and professionals and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies boasted the lowest infant mortality rate in Italy. Were spread across the hospitals and nursing homes and physicians well 9000.
The state was in good health.
the international conference in Paris in 1856 was assigned to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies the third prize of the most industrialized country in Europe after England and France.
Gaeta (now in the province of Latina) in 1860-61 suffered a ferocious siege by the Piedmontese troops of General Enrico Cialdini, without a declaration of war and betrayal, invaded the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies against the law International, now as then in force. Just as he did Saddham Hussein with Kuwait. Over one thousand Neapolitan soldiers were killed by bombs cannon striped butcher's general Piedmont and hundreds of our countrymen perished under the inhuman and barbaric bombing of those who became soldiers from murderers. It was not a siege but shooting against the houses, churches, barracks and convents of our beloved city and signs of that bombing are still visible. The epic gaetana ended February 13, 1861, Square in that fateful day and the guns fell, leaders of the siege noisy round is dumb. In the village you could read the signs of the inexorable battle. Larvae of men roamed the affected homes and places of worship were downgraded to deposits casermaggio dai vincitori. Il terrore si abbatté sulla nostra comunità. Dio! Che rovine! Gaeta, sotto la gragnuola di 160 mila bombe non si è più risollevata da quel macello.
Eppure, ancora oggi, dopo quei fatti, molti storici si affannano ad affermare che il 13 febbraio del 1861 l'Italia si unificò.
Si trattò di barbara invasione militare, di conquista regia e qualcuno deve pagare per un simile misfatto. Il Sud fu saccheggiato delle sue risorse economiche, sociali, politiche, finanziarie, umane; i Borbone furono esiliati e mai fatti rientrare in patria dai Savoia e, i loro beni requisiti. Fu Bourbon requirement to all monetary assets and even unique property in their possession after 127 years of the Kingdom: Caposele villa in Formia.
Mr President,
Saddham Hussein for attacking Kuwait to the betrayal, just as did Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was punished by the UN. All the powers of the Earth railed against the Iraqi dictator flooding of bombs on Iraq.
The civil war in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which lasted 12 years cost the lives of a million South, there were more than 100 countries completely destroyed, villages burned, emptied of campaigns Pica law, throughout the South placed in a state of siege. Political prisoners were 500 000 and many died in prisons or hunger, or because they tortured.
Well, Italy's annexation of civilization, that of Zeno, Parmenides, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Campanella, Vico, operated by the barbarian hordes of the former provinces of Rome, according to some, gave rise to unity of the country. Gullibility or ignorance? The Italy of Pythagoras, the number has been obliterated from the minds and hearts of some southern felons. On the walls of Gaeta, the Bourbons defended the honor of the South, defended our freedom, our dignity, and the Catholic Religion the gaetani all gathered around the Queen Sofia to defend the sacred soil from the assault of the barbarians in Piedmont. A king, Francis II and Queen Sofia, to be heroes, defended the city from our bombs Savoy, fought against the infamy and cowardice Cavour and Piedmont ..
Until February 13, 1861 Gaeta was master of its own territory both inside and outside the walls. With the victory of the House of Savoy from Piedmont and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in a war never declared, Gaeta, as spoils of war had to surrender its territory to the war criminal Henry Cialdini, and then winning the monarchy, which in turn delivered to the Italian Republic to escape dell'infingardo Vittorio Emanuele III, King said Pippetto, September 8, '43.
After 1861 the southerners, who until then had not been emigration, were forced into a diaspora of Scriptures over 30 million people were forced to flee their homeland, and when Mussolini called the true Italic , the hour of danger, to fight, they came all right from the Americas and landed at Anzio, Sicily, Salerno and Sciaboletta fled, as befits a Savoia, behaving like a true infamous.
The town of Gaeta is spread over 2,847 hectares, now reduced to a mere geographical expression by governments ladyfingers. More than two-thirds of its territory, it is not run by the citizens and their representatives on the City Council as under the jurisdiction of the state, be it that of the Maritime Finance. Gaeta, the city that there is, from 14 February 1861 for punishment for his opposition to the liberal system of Piedmont is not known in this respect even by the locals who walk the ground state property and not know it. The City to use public roads, schools and sports facilities to Gaetani and forced to pay protection money to the state. A State which is claimed by the colonial lace, not to use another term, we want to know whether the municipality of Milan or to turin pay the tangent to study their pupils. We are not aware.
dc Gaeta from 1100 until he was master of its own territory both inside and outside the walls. Since 1861, the House of Savoy with the victory over the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in a war never declared, Gaeta, as spoils of war, had to surrender their territory in a war criminal and traitor, General Enrico Cialdini and then winning the monarchy that in turn gave it to the Italian Republic.
To restore the public debt contracted by Cavour and Piedmont members began on sale most of the public lands and ecclesiastical enriching a few liberals and starving millions of peasants. The same operation was taking place in Gaeta and in many cities of the South: Rome had been offered for sale Bravetta Forte, sacred place of resistance to Nazism and the holy sites can not be sold. A Gaeta had sold the church of Sant'Angelo with its town park place within this complex and its former convent barracks requirement to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by the barbarians of Piedmont, as it was put up for sale the tower French Emilio Savio and strong on Mount Basin, including the city's ramparts.
This Member infetto da malversazioni e ruberie, da politici pregiudicati e corrotti, amici di esportatori illegali di capitali, compari di coloro che han portato all'estero centinaia di miliardi per sottrarsi al Fisco facendo pagare un prezzo altissimo agli onesti che han dovuto chiudere le loro aziende per le troppe tasse o spremendo operai ed impiegati fino all'ultima lira, per risanare il debito pubblico contratto dai governi per arricchire il Nord padano famelico ed infame ha messo in vendita i gioielli che i Borbone avevano lasciato alla nostra città e ai paesi di tutto il Meridione d'Italia. A Gaeta, a Napoli, a Bari, a Catania, a Palermo, a Taranto, a Caserta, a Ponza, a Ventotene dove han messo in vendita il carcere borbonico, un vero gioiello architettonico, Spinelli and other anti-fascists where they signed the "Manifesto Ventotene" which gave rise to the idea of \u200b\u200ba united Europe. In every city in the South there are historical and architectural heritage of immense value, a true treasure, a heritage that is the raw material for a non-seasonal tourism as well as a recovery of its historical identity and social cohesion should be offered to tourists through their practicality active as an essential framework for performances in period costume.
Mr President,
Italy today is administered by amoebae Valley and the pact between South and this republic on June 2, 1946 broke 13 May 2001 when the economic blockade northerner has taken the power with the fall of fascism was gone. The colonization of the territories of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies giving continues unabated, the Camorra and private public goods of historical, social and economic catastrophe by allowing the consumption is way down, keeping, however patriotic feelings who see the decline in the shadow area of the Italian flag.
Today the State Property plans to sell parts of our city to the highest bidders, including our history and our traditions, including our roots are all there, in those bastions shelled by the Piedmontese, the Angevin Castle, from the Aragonese, the convents turned into barracks, the volcanic rocks that are full of blood from their bodies, sweat dripping from the earth farmer: the former Battery Duke of Genoa to 140 million, the former drummer of the Holy Spirit for six million and the land used as a Breach of 50 million, the former building of the powder magazine of the Trinity for 650 million, the houses on the sidelines of matte Serapo 180 million, with the battery Philipsthall stores for 300 million, 100 million for the Ramparts, the stalls on the walls of the bastion for 50 million:; the area for riding horses for 25 million, the area above Former Dovecote for 45 million, and the roadway (including a road!) for 18 million and it seems it was put up for sale such as jewelry Gran Guardia built by Ferdinand II of Bourbon, the homes of military Via Annunziata barracks once military and infrastructure. The sale of our history, our historical and religious heritage is an affront to the pride of the South, an extrapolation of our roots, a true act of colonialism as the Piedmont, because of the evils of the South was flooded with hundreds of billions to rehabilitate the state property of the Savoy. At my city is not touched a penny and our fortress is covered with weeds, trees whose roots are the disjointed, whose walls are still full of holes produced by gunfire of Cialdini. He threw well over 160 000 homes, churches, the ramparts.
Mr President,
Savoy with the advent of the South was stripped of all its factories, all of its assets State-owned and clergy, of all money deposited in banks, nearly all the furnishings of the churches, everything was moved to the north of Savoy. The story that we are taught, steeped in legend and historically false means that our kids learn to cheer those who have produced irreparable damage, disaster immani, ruberie, guerre atroci, genocidi contro l'umanità e affossi chi invece ha combattuto per la propria patria e per difendere l'onore e la dignità dei Meridionali. I nostri partigiani sono stati infamati col marchio di briganti e i veri briganti e pirati sono incensati agli altari della patria. Questa commistione di falsità ha portato i rappresentanti dei governi a biasimare una falsa storia, una falsa unità italiana e a immacolare i Savoia, i Cavour, i Garibaldi.
Dietro la spinta di codeste falsità alienano i beni storici ed architettonici che i nostri avi hanno creato e costruito mentre riempiono di miliardi il Piemonte.
Questo Stato ha elargito la somma ragguardevole di 605 miliardi per la riattazione e la conservazione dei beni demaniali dei Savoia in Piemonte. l'ex ministro del centro sinistra, signora Melandri ha elargito, Enzo Ghigo del centro destra ha ringraziato. Altri 300 miliardi sono stati elargiti negli anni successivi. Ecco come sono stati distribuiti: 46 miliardi a La Mandria; 122 miliardi a Venaria; 67 miliardi a Stupinigi; 14 miliardi ad Agliè; a Moncalieri 9 miliardi più altri nove per l'arredo urbano; a Rivoli 2 miliardi; al museo del Risorgimento 15 miliardi; ; al museo egizio 3 miliardi; Alla galleria Sabauda 16 miliardi; 30 miliardi per palazzo Madama; al palazzo reale 10 miliardi; 3 miliardi per l'Armeria reale; 37 miliardi per la villa della Regina; 6 miliardi per il parco del valentino; a Racconigi ben 29 miliardi; ; a Valcasotto 14 miliardi; 3 a Govone; 6 miliardi per il forte delle Fenestrelle trasformato nel 1861 a lager dei soldati napolitani che non vollero tradire il loro giuramento e di cui ne morirono ben 56 mila infoibati e messi nella calce viva. Oltre a svariati miliardi che sono stati spesi per la valorizzazione dei beni culturali delle valli olimpiche ed al Forte di Exiles.
Signor Presidente,
come definire tanta stoltezza? Come si fa a finanziare alcuni beni culturali solo perché situati in una regione che ha prodotto danni incalcolabili al Sud e vendere i beni State property in the south of Italy? this is just stupidity of colonialism as well as who is governing the public affairs in Italy. The rebels in southern Italy this and enlists the help of the judiciary and the European Community.
I wanted to destroy the myth of Gaeta in many ways, we have to put everything, abolishing both official institutions and is fragmented.
Gaeta, until 13 February 1861 was the capital of the district, just after the siege of 1860-61 it was decided to dismantle the fortress to make it a place of punishment (the famous prison of Gaeta). Gaeta in 1861, there were the following offices: representative offices of foreign states (those of France and Great Britain), the Military Command of the fortress and district, the command of the maritime district, two bedrooms, marine insurance, post office first class, District Inspector of Customs and lieutenants and Gabella ; customs main warehouse with the receivers of the deprivation, the Recorder; agency of direct taxes and register, Inspector of the district primary schools, district court and correctional employee by the civil court of Cassino; delegation of public security, verification of weights and measures ; telegraph office of the third class of maritime health office, district agricultural consortium. Almost all of these offices are no longer. The city lost its importance in both military and civilian.
A Royal Decree of 18 February 1897 stated that from 1 April 1897 the hamlet Borgo di Gaeta (the one outside the walls) was separated from the town of Gaeta and constituted an independent municipality with the name of Helen (the Princess Montenegro and later Queen of Italy), of course, at the request of the Liberal government of that time and this results in only divisions and splits, squabbles between the two administrations of the territorial boundaries. He thought fascism in unifying the neighborhood Sant'Erasmo (the historical Gaeta) at Borgo di Gaeta and what happened on February 17, 1927 (Royal Decree Law No. 215) with which it was precisely deleted the town of Elena, which was aggregated to the section Sant'Erasmo.
Gaeta lost its function as a strategic and historic as lost various public offices, civil and military due to the suppression of districts required by the centralized scheme that even the air and so the town was removed from the jurisdiction of the province of Caserta (RD Law January 2, 1927) to Rome, after a brief gathering the institution province of Frosinone (also the first Terra di Lavoro, as indeed Gaeta), and finally to the new province of Littoria today Latina December 18 1934. Mussolini expanded the existing channels already in Roman times in our province and there was talk of reclamation of, quella che era Terra Cajetanorum diventò terra dei veneti, popolo affamato proprio da quella che alcuni storici prezzolati e di regime si affannano a chiamare Unità d’Italia. Il Veneto con la Repubblica di Venezia e sotto l’impero d’Austria raggiunse forme di democrazia e di ricchezza mai viste precedentemente.
Per colpa dei Savoia la nostra amatissima città ha perso lo splendore e la vivacità che da sempre l'avevano contraddistinta come seconda capitale dell'ex Reame e soprattutto ha perso il suo territorio passato prima al Regno d'Italia e poi alla Repubblica italiana. Oggi lo Stato sta svendendo tutti i gioielli che i Borbone ci avevano lasciato in eredità. I beni demaniali Gaeta should provide an opportunity for a development of historical tourism, the city is overwhelmed and can not pay protection money to acquire some of its properties. This Republic of continuing the work of the Savoy, in fact we consider colony of exploitation, since 1861 this has happened. Before the Savoy and then this state have sold all church property and state of the annexed territory to the domain of Piedmont, impoverishing our people to hunger and enriching the North with a fiscal drag continuing to pluck herself while Mr. Prime Minister currently in office has come from an impressive mass of dirty money, drugs or exported illegally to avoid paying taxes by charging a rate of 2.5% while the people are forced to close small businesses and commercial activities because burdened with taxes and levies. A fiscal drag that has lasted 140 years determines the economic death of family businesses and then emigration and starvation. From the South one hundred and fifty thousand young people emigrate every year in search of work and that while agriculture is mortified and buried. This state has given the state-owned sites and other Piedmont 605 000 000 000 300 was spent to bring prestige to castles and crap that various locations were smelly and disgusting Savoy considered murderers and war criminals from us southerners.
But Gaeta joined the Kingdom of Italy?
Mr President, it seems not. The Act of Accession of the Kingdom of Italy Gaeta is a hoax designed and prepared by the then Prime Minister Camillo Benso di Cavour. Gaeta, formally, has never joined the kingdom of the barbarians, speaking French and the Act of Accession of 18 February 1861 printed on the first official gazette of the Kingdom of Italy is a false history as there appear all the names of notables and settlers who made the City Council at the time. In fact, at that City Council were present only five of twenty-five settlers in addition to the mayor who signed this document under the pressure of Savoy bayonets. The law then provided for the validity dell'assemblea con la partecipazione di non meno dei due terzi dei decurioni.
L'atto originale di adesione al Regno d'Italia è depositato nell'Archivio storico della nostra città e tutti possono vederlo e consultarlo.
Quell'atto di adesione illegale ha falsato la Storia e il corso degli eventi, soprattutto ha segnato uno smacco per la nostra città.
Gaeta, pur avendo avuto per oltre un millennio una sua moneta, leggi proprie, un suo governo democratico, navigatori come Enrico Tonti e Giovanni Caboto che hanno esportato Democrazia e leggi del Ducato nelle lontane Americhe, una città-Stato che ha avuto un ruolo rilevantissimo e determinante nella battaglia di Lepanto che insieme a quella di Poitiers ha permesso di salvare la Civiltà Occidentale, Cristiana e laica, si trova oggi nella grottesca, aberrante, obbrobriosa situazione per cui, in virtù di chissà quale misterioso sortilegio le sue strade, le sue piazze, le sue scuole, i suoi litorali, i suoi castelli, le sue caserme, le sue montagne e quant'altro risultano essere di proprietà dello Stato.
Che significa questo? Semplice Signor Presidente, non avendo aderito formalmente al Regno d'Italia, i beni demaniali che Cialdini accorpò al Regno di Sardegna prima al Regno d'Italia successivamente, belong to our city and all the laws that govern the status and make them state property (of which State?) should be discussed by the parliament of the republic that was born from the ashes of barbarism. Our Renaissance is in its infancy, the streets named after those killers, those criminals will be deleted from the place names of southern cities, each one its heroes incense, incense us who call our Passannante Crocco, Michele Pezza (Fra Diavolo, which fought against the French invaders), Ninco Nanco, War, Conte, Palma, Michelina De Cesare, etc. etc.. as heroes who fought against the Piedmontese against Savoy. Our homeland is established June 2, 1946, is the Italian Republic, one that artfully called the kingdom of Italy does not belong to us. The Savoy heirs of the offspring to pay for the sins of their fathers, pay the debts of their ancestors.
Mr. President,
on behalf of the interests of Gaeta and the municipalities of the former Kingdom of Two Sicilies, the Party of South asks
1 ) seizure of diamonds and necklaces (which would amount to about € 1,500 million) currently stored in the vaults of the Bank of Italy since Mr. Vittorio Savoia, which they claim, as heir to that Vittorio Emanuele II, King of Sardinia and Piedmont then army chief who has destroyed my home town in 1860-61, should pay damages to Gaeta and other southern cities burned and massacred without a declaration of war. The heirs, if they take the inheritance must also pay the debts of their ancestors, and the same goes for the ladies in question.
2) that the Republican State may refer to the International Court in The Hague the Savoy (as the direct heirs of the King of Sardinia and Italy, of the Kingdom removed from the partisan struggle and history) for a compensation fair of the damage caused by the siege of 1860-61 (damages requested by our city government Piedmont and recognized even by the Crown, and never paid and amounted to 2,047,000 lire in 1861). All documentation relating to such requests is kept in the town of Gaeta, which is attached to this, in addition to the report of the most Learned Mr. Pasquale Troncone, delegate from the town of Gaeta to report on a possible complaint.
3) the party also calls for the South referred to the Hague International Court of Savoy, Count Camillo Benso di Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi that, adventurer, slave trader, a Freemason, General Cialdini, the General Pinelli, Enrico Cosenz of col. Eleonora Negri, Gaetano Negri of Capt., of Gen. Quntini of General Della Rocca, etc. etc.. for war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide crimes such as inextinguishable in time for having brutally invaded the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies without declaring war and for having killed a million farmers and 30 million did emigrate to South America.
4) The Party of the South calls to our beloved republic, who inherited the kingdom royal loser laws, deleting it from civil and criminal codes, as well as give back to cities, state property requirements and the Church Church property that the law has incorporated a State Rattazzi unlawful. In four years, from 1861 to 1864, were expropriated convents well 398, con tutti i loro beni mobili ed immobili, centinaia di ettari di terreno coltivato dai contadini e regalati a liberalucci del tempo.
chi Le scrive ha trascorso la sua vita in una sezione del Partito comunista di Gaeta. Antonio Gramsci era originario della mia città, che diede i natali al padre Francesco il 6 marzo del 1860, nato dalla signora Teresa Gonzalez e da Don Gennaro Gramsci, allora Capitano delle Gendarmeria borbonica dentro la fortezza. Gramsci ha sempre criticato il Risorgimento, fonte dei guai del Sud; ha sempre criticato i blocchi storici che ne determinarono la povertà; ha sempre criticato i Savoia, tanto che parlando della Roman Question wrote that: "Porta Pia was but a shabby episode, militarily and politically. Militarily it was only a grotesque skirmish. It was truly worthy of the Italian military traditions. Porta Pia resembles - in small-to Vittorio Veneto. Porta Pia was the small, easy victory of the aggressor vastly superior opponent helpless, like Vittorio Veneto was easy victory against an opponent who - military-no longer existed. Politically Porta Pia was simply the latest episode of the violent and artificial construction of the Kingdom of Italy. Everything else is rhetoric trinkets. Third Rome, the beautiful phrases are completely empty of meaning.
Rome is the imperial city and the papal city: therein lies its greatness universal. The "Third Rome" is not a dirty city of the province, a filthy nest of beams, for a hotel, whore and parasites. While the two phases of Roman history, the imperial and papal, have left immortal track, leaving the brief occupation of Savoy, the only trace of him, the Palace of Justice, plaster statues and decorative grotesque imitations: born between scandal supplier thieves and corrupt MPs patriots, it is worthy of hosting the forfeiture law in contemporary society. For this reason the Roman Question is not resolved. They could not resolve the guns of the King of Savoy. The militaristic violence can not solve international problems. And the question of Rome is an international problem ..."( The New Order, Socialist Culture Review Weekly, October 2, 1920).
Mr. President,
sections of the Communist Party we have learned that the republican Italy was born June 2, 1946. The sections of the Communist Party, we learned that 87 000 died well partisans to overthrow the fascist dictatorship and the House of Savoy, in the common areas we have learned that the Republicans were killed by the Savoy monarchy migliaia, a cominciare dal 1849, quando, Vittorio Emanuele II mandò a Genova il Generale La Marmora con 30 mila bersaglieri a massacrare ben 700 genovesi repubblicani, volevano solo l’antica repubblica di Genova, si ribellarono alla protervia dei Savoia e alle leggi centraliste piemontesi che impedivano i liberi commerci che i mercanti del capoluogo ligure erano soliti praticare.
Sig. Presidente,
a scuola abbiamo studiato la Rivoluzione francese. Ci è stato insegnato che ha portato alla Francia “Egalitè e Fraternitè” e che i francesi abbatterono la monarchia che regnava, ai cui re mozzarono la testa. Nessuno in Francia Celebrates Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, there are no streets and squares named after them. France had been united by monarchs, but no one dreams of celebrating the unity of France on Christmas Eve each year. It is celebrated on July 14, Bastille Day. Why do you want to cheer the monarchy that produced havoc in the South, infamy, genocide and emigration Bible that even the Jews have suffered?
Italy was united by the Romans, which historians recently historians have forgotten, and that in 1860 there were six small states and a large state: the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, then rich and prosperous. Today we are 20 small states, 20 regions, and Realm those former territories reduced to underdeveloped Third World. The House of Savoy, in 1861 the South was hungry, he massacred by sending some 150 thousand troops to root out the resistance of peasants called bandits, to root the liberalization Bourbon, uprooting equality and legality that existed in these territories. The massacres were so many massacres, the countless massacres. The first massacre took place at Bronte in Sicily where Nino Bixio, on the order of Garibaldi staged a show trial for shooting those who were putting into practice a decree of Nice; rifle peasants who were occupying the land. Their was only one wrong, the lands were those of the Duchy of Nelson, private land, of ownership of English who had financed the expedition of the thousand three million Turkish plates, or hundreds of millions of euro today. A mercenary, the Garibaldi, the pay of the British monarchy and the Mason Cavour, who shoots the Sicilians, made by Masons as a hero and cheer as a socialist. Garibaldi was just a pirate and a mercenary and slave, so that the captain's "Carmen" was transporting slaves Chinese from Canton in China and Callao in Peru.
Mr. President,
sections of our party taught us that the Risorgimento Piedmont was the absolute evil, and Gramsci knew. The Risorgimento is philosophy liberaleggiante between liberalism and deregulation in force in the Piedmont and the Kingdom of Naples in 1700-1800, the South has always preferred the latter, so that under the Bourbons, the people enjoyed an absolute wealth and prosperity. In 1856 the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, in Paris, was ranked among the richest in the world. Today we are a colonized people in its economy, in its nature. But something is moving. The media tell us of the Italian economy, but everyone knows that it is not, is only part of Italy to produce, to consume the other. The Italian economy does not really exist, it is only Tosco-Valley. The center-left represents the interests Cheap Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, the Marches and Umbria: the various Coop, Conad, Unipol, Monte dei Paschi and the like, while the center-right defends interests Po as other supermarket (Panorama, Outlet, Standa, Upim Rinascente etc.. etc..), telephone companies, insurance companies, financial, industrial, and especially the media and banking. Even the glorious Banco di Napoli and ended up in the hands of Turin. To the south are not even left the stands, now in the hands of the Chinese and the EU.
Mr. President,
the Savoy were stain of infamy in the south of the peninsula, in the north and around the world, and could not understand why many military units, still bear their name. The other day I witnessed a parade of sharpshooters, the fanfare is called "Garibaldi Brigade" incredible but true, but they were the riflemen of General Pallavicino to injure the leg of the Aspromonte mountains of Garibaldi? In 12 years, Savoy massacred a million peasants, burned towns and villages, put them on fire, in the name of Italy that is not ours. Germany is Switzerland without spilling a drop of blood. It means that the union but was not barbaric invasion. From cities like Gaeta, Gioia del Colle, Bronte, Pontelandolfo, Casalduni, Ariano Irpino Vieste, Montecillone, Scurcola Marsicana, Nola, Somma Vesuvius, Castellammare di Stabia and a hundred other, more blood flows from the streets and squares. In Genoa in 1849, gen. La Marmora massacred seven hundred hymns to the Genoese republic, and I do not see why we should celebrate those criminals who in 2011 did not have any pity for all Italians. In 1864 in Turin, there were 500 deaths, were citizens who defended the name of their capital which was to be transferred to Florence. In 1866 the Savoy in the war Palermo massacred more than six thousand known as "half past seven, threw bombs on the Sicilian capital without mercy, and in 1893 there was a massacre of the beams Sicilian peasant Socialists and Catholics who wanted only the promised land. In 1898 Gen. Bava Beccaris massacred over three hundred workers in Milan, they were only asking for bread and work. In World War I killed more than 700 000 Italians, north and south, in the second world war were over 50 million Europeans, and millions of Italians, both civilian and military.
Mr. President,
celebrate that unity is to celebrate the tribe of murderers in the world, to the shame of our republic. We were born in the republic and do not celebrate anything, remember the 30 million immigrants, we will remember the massacres and the massacres perpetrated by those criminals monarchs, all Freemasons, all murderers. We'll remember the one million dead peasants to defend their women and their territory by people who spoke French, by thieves thirsting for money and blood. In 2011, Gaeta will host a national event, the Southern will be a lot to remember our history from all Italian regions and abroad, because Mr. President, the South wants to regain the colony North, wants to redeem himself from the injustice suffered by the former monarchy, and want you to be present. You, Mr.. President, Communist monarchy that has suffered, like many socialists, anarchists and Catholics died in the resistance, in prisons, Fascists and Nazis in the concentration camps, just as our peasants in 1860 and its called bandits. The farmers of the South began the struggle against the Savoy, the partisans of the North have continued, and in better condition have won. The Republic was born on June 2 and signed the celebrated thrice. On 2 June is the birthday of my son Damian, is a day of celebration to honor the saints because Gaeta Erasmus and Marciano, patrons of the city, and celebrate this Holy republic so lonely, because national institutions are absent.
Mr. President,
the south wants its presence in Gaeta February 13 del 2011, come segno tangibile, e ricordare ciò successe 150 anni fa, ricordare lo sterminio della città, i massacri.
Sig. Presidente,
solo un’ultima cosa, chiedo venia, ma ho sentito un mio amico di origine ebrea lamentarsi quando Eli Wiesel è stato accolto dal nostro presidente della Camera Gianfranco Fini, e quando Il Presidente Berlusconi è andato alla Knesset a ricordare la Shoà. Ebbene, in Italia abbiamo ancora strade, piazze, scuole, ospedali intitolati a Vittorio Emanuele Terzo. Oltre ad essere fuggito da codardo lasciando gli italiani scannarsi in una guerra civile, è stato colui il quale ha promulgato le racial laws against Jews in 1938, laws that caused the deaths of thousands of our fellow Italians for centuries. We are not aware that they have named streets in Israel to Hitler, to Kapler, to Reder. In Italy we have the dubious distinction of having made the streets remain named to the slaughters of the Southern peasants called Brigands, and Italians of Jewish origin, called the Savoy and plagued by the fascists.
with absolute respect and loyalty to our Republic, I offer my best wishes.
Antonio Ciano
Segretario nazionale de "Il Partito del Sud"
Via Rimini, 1
04024 Gaeta
Fonte: da Populo Napulitano del 29 aprile 2010
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