Monday, February 28, 2011

Half Circle Dressage Test

Little Tyke: sweet lioness would never eat the flesh

Sembra fantascienza, soprattutto in questi tempi furibondi che non risparmiano sofferenze ambientali anche al mondo animale, ma questa di Little Tyke è stata una storia vera, commovente e piena di amore e coraggio verso il mondo animale. Gli eroi:
- la leonesa Tyke adottata dopo una nascita turbolenta da una madre in gabbia che l'aveva lanciata violentemente lontano da sè.
- E i "genitori adottivi" : una coppia americana che gestiva un Ranch, Hidden Valley, "dimora" di relazioni pacifiche e serene tra tutti
's wildlife.

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E 'this is a book and those that feed on warm closeness, love and passion for Mother Nature and its animal population.

Founded by a mother frustrated and exasperated in a dark September day, the lioness Little Tyke escaped death because he was destined to a life truly special. entrusted to the care of two very special animal lovers - Westbeau Georges and his wife Margaret - and grew up in a real sanctuary for animals "ahead of its time in the late 1940-50 , it shocked all who came in contact with her and her story.

His vegetarianism and its mild character stimulated in many profound thoughts, they bloom unexpected feelings of tenderness, and hinted the doubt that perhaps the famous biblical prophecy of the lion and the lamb is not only a beautiful fantasy.

" For those who have never lived with a lion, it must be awkward to conceive that these huge creatures are able to do anything more than roar, snarl and kill. But these creatures, which is said that bad, know how to deliver a multitude of small sounds which can be understood by those who know.

I have great respect for wildlife. They have a seventh sense which goes far beyond the capabilities of domestic animals and even human, and, contrary to what many believe, do not eat a natural aversion to humans. Over the centuries through which we dominated the animals we now call "home", the inhibitions that we imposed on them have completely stopped their initiative, until they are turned into beasts of burden or apathetic docile prisoners of our whims and Balzani desires.

There is no animal or bird that fraternizing with loving humans. You city dwellers do not have to do more che raggiungere il lago più vicino per nutrire le anatre selvatiche o la selva più vicina per nutrire l'amabile cervo, per accertarvi direttamente di questa verità.

Gli animali selvatici non sono selvaggi, sono solo spaventati dall'uomo e da ciò che l'uomo ha fatto loro". da: Little Tyke, ed Impronte di Luce


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