Tory David Cameron
Il premier UK condemns 'passive tolerance' and warned us to Europe
Aurocritica. "We have failed to ensure the vision of a single company and now time to launch a muscular liberalism." "With the doctrine of multiculturalism we encourage different cultures to live separately." Europe needs to wake up.
LONDON - British Prime Minister declares war on multiculturalism and immigration policy has turned the page. "Enough with the passive tolerance." The rights of ethnic and religious minorities are after the duty that they have, to learn and respect the ethical norms and legal society and democratic countries where they live. The new strategies that govern the relations between civilizations, especially between Western civilization and Islamic civilization, is summed up by David Cameron in two words: "muscular liberalism"
a number of Downing Street which the audience chooses the safety conference in Monaco to launch your campaign, tore his relativity theory with the assumption that communities can develop and grow in urban neighbors, but distinct, patterns of behavior even conflicting with each other, following the principles of manners and morals set by their stories, and proposes a balance with other foundations, "With the doctrine of multiculturalism have encouraged different cultures to live separately. We have failed to ensure the vision of a single company. We have tolerated these segregated communities could act against our principles. If a white racist notions expressed rightly condemn it. But when views and equally unacceptable practices come from people who are not white get too cautious, even fearful of taking a stand against them. "
The "muscular liberalism" or strong, as David Cameron, means taking alternative routes, more severe. Thus, to belong to the United Kingdom are to be believed that values \u200b\u200bare born and have been consolidated in the United Kingdom, the values \u200b\u200bof gender equality, political democracy, of freedom.
These are the foundations of integration. Otherwise, says the conservative prime minister, he admits, even with silence, that the immigrant group may form themselves into self-regulated and closed entities unrelated to the codes of their host nation, then it favors the emergence of ghettos and racism ; also underestimate the danger of terrorism. The ideological fanaticism, in fact, strengthens communities who have no contact with the outside world, being closed, refusing to understand and adapt to Western styles and values.
Cameron's warning, leaving the boundaries of the United Kingdom: "Europe needs to wake up and realize what is happening in our countries. We need to be absolutely clear on the sources of terrorist attacks and how to spread extremist Islamic ideology behind it. "
It is therefore necessary to recognize that the policies adopted to date show up and are now in bankruptcy because they have not challenged those terrorist tendencies that do not represent Islam and that they have, if anything, a fundamentalist interpretation and dangerously unbalanced. Then no condescension towards multiculturalism, in the opinion of Cameron (actually very similar to that already expressed by the Labour Party Tony Blair), facilitates the comparison and confrontation rather than accept that the ambiguity of many organizations in a 'ideological border area, an area that does not explicitly condemn extremism. "It is legitimate to ask these organizations are in favor of human rights? They believe in democracy? They believe in equality before the law? Encourage integration or encourage segregation and cultural separatism? ". The message is clear: n o scheduled to uto and no funding will be admitted. It will not start any dialogue in the absence of rulings that reject fanaticism and accept British law. Or on this side or the other. London sends in the Attic "tolerance passica.
Source: SRS Fabio Cavalera by Corriere della Sera of Sunday, February 6 p.. 5
Multiculturalism has failed
published an extensive extract from the speech that the British prime minister, David Cameron, has spoken in Monaco of Bavaria during the Conference on Security dedicated to 'Islam.
Today I want to focus my remarks on terrorism. Some have suggested that taking a defensive strategy and reducing the armed forces, Britain somehow withdraws from a lead role in the world. This is the complete reversal of the truth. Yes, we are fare con il deficit, ma stiamo anche verificando che le nostre difese sono forti. Il nostro è ancora il quarto bilancio militare più consistente del mondo. Stiamo investendo sul miglior utilizzo e ci concentriamo sulla prevenzione dei conflitti. Questa non è ritirata, è testa dura. Ogni decisione che prenderemo ha tre obiettivi. In primo luogo, sostenere la nostra missione Nato in Afghanistan. In secondo luogo, rafforzare le nostre capacità militari effettive. (Come il governo del cancelliere Merkel sta mostrando in Germania ciò che conta non è la burocrazia ma la volontà politica di costruire capacità militari). In terzo luogo occorre assicurarsi che la Gran Bretagna sia protetta dalle minacce nelle sue diverse espressioni. Ecco perché we are investing in a national cyber-security ... The biggest threat comes from terrorist attacks, some of which are unfortunately made by our citizens. It is important to stress that terrorism is not tied exclusively to one religion or ethnic group ... Nevertheless, we must recognize that the threat comes mainly from young people in a completely perverse and distorted interpretation of Islam and who are ready to blow themselves up and kill their fellow citizens ... You do not defeat terrorism simply by the actions we take outside our borders. Europe needs to wake up and see what happens in our countries.
root of the problem
course, this means strengthening the security of reaction ... but we must get to the root of the problem. We must be absolutely clear about the origin of the terrorist attacks is that the existence of an ideology, "Islamic extremism". And we should be equally clear about what we mean by this term, distinguishing it from Islam. Islam is a religion, peacefully and devoutly observed for more than a billion people. Islamic extremism is a political ideology, supported by a minority that ... promotes its ultimate goal: a full Islamic kingdom, ruled by an interpretation Sharia ... It is this vital distinction between religion and political ideology. From time to time, people equate the two views. They think that if someone is an extremist points depends on how their religion. Thus we speak of "moderate" as if all were to be devout Muslims extremists. This is wrong. You can be devout Muslims and not extremists. Let us be clear: Islamic extremism and Islam are not the same thing.
confused thinking
This highlights a major problem when talking about the terrorist threat we face: there's too much confusion on this issue. On the one hand, the hard right ignores the distinction between Islam and Islamic extremism and says the West and Islam are irreconcilable. This is a clash of civilizations ... So does the growing Islamophobia. And I strongly reject that view. If you want an example of how Western values \u200b\u200band Islam can be compatible, just look at what has happened in recent weeks on the streets of Tunis and Cairo. Hundreds of thousands of people are asking for the universal right to free elections and democracy. The point is this: the ideology of extremism is the problem. Islam is not ... On the other hand, there are those who also left soft ignore this distinction. They are common to all Muslims and equate the end of terrorism with the end of poverty and injustice ... They forget that many terrorists have struck in Britain are graduates and middle class. The left soft says that would be enough to defeat terrorism, stop trampling on the Muslim countries. But there are many people - Muslim and otherwise - are angry about Western foreign policy and not to resort to acts of terrorism. They also emphasize the large number of non-elected leaders throughout the Middle East that would promote extremism to flourish. But this makes us ask whether the absence of democracy is the problem, because there are extremists in free and open societies? ... Sì, dobbiamo lottare contro la povertà. Sì, dobbiamo risolvere le fonti di tensione - anche in Palestina. ... Ma io non accetto che ci sia una scelta senza uscita tra uno stato di sicurezza e uno di resistenza islamico. E poi, non prendiamoci in giro, anche se risolvessimo tutti questi problemi, il terrorismo non sarebbe sconfitto. Identità e radicalizzazione. La radice si trova nella esistenza dell’ideologia estremista... Si tratta di una questione di identità... Nel Regno Unito, alcuni giovani hanno difficoltà a identificarsi con l'Islam tradizionale praticato dai genitori. Ma hanno anche difficoltà a identificarsi con la Gran Bretagna dove abbiamo permesso l'indebolimento della nostra identità collettiva... We were unable to give an overview of the company they would like to join. We even tolerated isolated communities to behave in ways that go against our values. Thus, it is easy to condemn racism, but in the face of questionable behavior of non-white people, were too cautious, showing, frankly, too scared ... Certainly, Muslims do not become terrorists in one night. What we see is a process of radicalization ... The Internet and in some mosques the sowers of hate sow misinformation about the condition of Muslims ... You might say: as long as it does not hurt anyone, what's the problem? The convicted terrorists were initially influenced by what some have called "violent extremists" ... If we are to defeat the threat, I think it's time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past. First, governments and companies can not ignore the extremist ideology with which we have already worked with ... Second, instead of encouraging people to live apart, we need a clear sense of shared national identity, open to all.
Tackling extremism
We must prevent preachers of hate to come in our countries. We must also outlaw organizations that incite terrorism against the people at home and abroad. Governments must also be smart in dealing with those who, while not violent, are, in some cases, part of the problem ... Some organizations try to present itself as a port for the Muslim community. Move a shower of public money, despite doing little to fight extremism ... We try to correctly judge these organizations: they believe in universal human rights for women and people of other faiths? They believe in the equality of all before the law? They believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government? Favored integration or separatism? ... No public money to those who can not meet the requirements of these questions. At the same time, We must prevent these groups to reach people in publicly funded institutions such as universities and prisons, even if someone, without considering the consequences says that this is incompatible with freedom of speech and expression, intellectual ... We need to argue that terrorism is wrong in all circumstances. We need to argue that the prophecies of a global war of religion of Muslims against the rest of the world are garbage. Governments can not do this alone. The extremism we face is a distortion of Islam. And this should also discuss those who are part of Islam. So let's give a voice to those followers of Islam in our countries - the largest Most often unheard - who despise the extremists and their worldview.
We need to build stronger societies and identities of the nation. Frankly, we need much less than the passive tolerance of recent years and a lot more liberal and active muscles. A passively tolerant society tells its citizens whether they comply with the law, leave you alone. It stands neutral between different values. A truly liberal country does much more. I believe in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them. Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Democracy. The rule of law. The equal rights regardless of da razza, sesso o genere. Questo è ciò che ci definisce come una società. Per appartenere a questo posto devo credere in queste cose. Per ognuno di noi tutto questo deve essere chiaro e sostenuto a muso duro per la difesa della nostra libertà...
Questo terrorismo è indiscriminato e preme su tutti noi. Non può essere ignorato. Abbiamo bisogno di affrontare la questione con fiducia. Di affrontare l’ideologia che lo sostiene. Di affrontare le questioni di identità che lo tengono in piedi per una visione molto più ampia e generosa di cittadinanza. Niente di tutto questo sarà facile. Abbiamo bisogno di resistenza and patience. And it will not change anything if we act alone. This ideology across the continent. We're all in this together. At stake is not only life, it's our way of life. That's why this is a challenge we can not avoid. And we must win.
Source: SRS by David Cameron The of 06/02/2011
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