Franchising encourages the development
The companies incorporated in the associations call for the opening of technical meetings to support the sector
Assofranchising, Confimprese and Fif-Confesercenti turn to the government through a joint appeal calling for a recognition for companies in the franchising sector. Ateco there is no code to monitor the industry for some time, however, that shows a positive trend: it is a physiological fact that an upswing in output from the crisis period, starting a business with financing and facilities for the franchise if it proposes (because largely related to the billing structure starts) can be an attractive option to go.
The last photograph of the franchising market in our country back from a business of € 21.7 billion fatturato, per un volume di occupazione di 180mila addetti impegnati in oltre 53mila punti vendita. Si è trattata in definitiva di una valida altenrativa alla disoccupazione per chi ha avuto un po’ più di capacità di rischio imprenditoriale e – inutile negarlo – anche un piccolo capitale da investire.
Inoltre una maggiore attenzione viene richiesta rispetto al tema della formazione professionale per il settore, contrattualmente essa pè difatto a carico dell’affiliante e ciò naturalmente genera una distorsione a favore di chi ha un business che funziona, laddove la formazione sarebbe opportuno fosse considerata principalmente come occasione di rilancio attraverso l’incremento competenziale.
Assofranchising, Confimprese FIF and have therefore joined together to express their dissent against what, according to the trade associations is a lack of government response to this need, asking them to propose a series of institutional meetings to the Ministries of Labour, Economy and Finance and Economic Development in order to open a dialogue on this interesting topic often overlooked strategic tool for the success and growth of small and medium enterprises.
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