Monday, February 28, 2011

Electricity Horror Movie 80's

foibe Exodus and even boycotted school. But there is a monument to British Prime Minister

VICENZA - THE CEREMONY. Crowd at the inauguration of the bronze sculpture in stone in memory of the exiled
"Finally a worthy place to commemorate the victims of" Celebrating the Unity of Italy even if it is missing a piece "
"I experienced as a teacher, attending different schools. Ignorance and more often for ideological arguments foibe, exodus, the eastern border are not addressed by teachers of history or are resolved in a marginal, if not removed almost with disdain. Capita also have to attend an instrumental use of memory for facts which will come first interpretation, according to criteria that have nothing to do with the ascertainment of truth. And without considering the load of the pain of a party of Italians, though innocent. "

words Sandra Ziviani, Leoniceno of orgine, professor di lettere all'istituto Brocchi di Bassano, hanno denunciato una realtà che, di sicuro non nuova, fa ancora soffrire e indignare i tanti vicentini che ieri erano al cimitero Maggiore per l'inaugurazione del Monumento dedicato alle vittime delle foibe e dell'esodo istriano - fiumano - dalmata. Alla cerimonia all'interno delle iniziative del Giorno del ricordo, erano presenti, tra le numerose autorità vicentine, l'assessore Ennio Tosetto , il consigliere comunale del Pd, Pio Serafin , il presidente e consigliere nazionale dell'Anvgd, associazione nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia, Coriolano Fagarazzi.

Ha esordito Tosetto: « Remembrance Day takes on special significance this year in Vicenza because it happens at the inauguration of a monument to the victims of sinkholes and the exodus of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia. It is a work rich with meaning for our city administration and because we give to those horrors and tragedies at a place and a symbol to remember them forever. A place definitely more worthy avenue intersection of civilian victims of war where the ceremony took place annually .

To explain the monument is the director Serafin: "The slab Istrian stone comes from a quarry south of the River: it weighs over 10 tons. We so brought a piece of land where they wear those tragedies. Tragedy and violence were represented by the sculpture of Nereus Quagliato, author of another work, next door, built forty years ago to the monument of the victims civilians. In reading the prayer of the Bishop of Trieste and Koper, Antonio Santin, a symbol of national identity and religion of the Italians in Istria. Between the two, on the ground, the architect Giorgio Maculan has carved a groove: the abyss of sinkholes. But the day of remembrance for the exiles, it means another, said association president Coriolanus: "It's a vivid memory and indelible. Because these are the humiliation and pain Exiles have been since they decided to choose to remain in exile while Italian and maintain their dignity and freedom . They have abandoned all their possessions, someone said Serafin, " even unearthed the coffins of their ancestors. To take the road of exile was about 90 percent of the Italian population Zara. "
were more than 2 thousand volunteers who defected Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia from the Austrian lines to enlist in the Italian army with 302 dead and 12 gold medals. And today? Families who are members of the Vicenza's Coriolanus is 150. But not all. How can we not all know the real story, Ziviani said: " Personally I found those horrors knowing an exile, Annamaria Fagarazzi. Then I wanted to broaden my knowledge .

So here is the mythical figure of Norma Rowena, a student Istrian captured, tortured and infoibata gold medal in 2005. " After more than 60 years many changes have been clarified - concludes -. There was a widespread awareness of the one part enlightened exponents of Italian politics. But even in some intellectual circles remains a stubborn resistance to accept the memory of the Italians and the victims of ethnic cleansing policy implemented by the communist partisans of Tito after September 8. We must recognize that the exiles are Italian due volte: per nascita e per scelta». E don Giancarlo Pianezzola, che ha conosciuto personalmente i dolori di questa persecuzioni, dopo la benedizione ha parlato dell'importante e sentita unità d'Italia, «anche se manca ancora qualche pezzettino di territorio ».

Fonte:  srs di Cristina Giacomuzzo ,  da Il Giornale di Vicenza   di Domenica 13 Febbraio 2011, CRONACA, pagina 19

Half Circle Dressage Test

Little Tyke: sweet lioness would never eat the flesh

Sembra fantascienza, soprattutto in questi tempi furibondi che non risparmiano sofferenze ambientali anche al mondo animale, ma questa di Little Tyke è stata una storia vera, commovente e piena di amore e coraggio verso il mondo animale. Gli eroi:
- la leonesa Tyke adottata dopo una nascita turbolenta da una madre in gabbia che l'aveva lanciata violentemente lontano da sè.
- E i "genitori adottivi" : una coppia americana che gestiva un Ranch, Hidden Valley, "dimora" di relazioni pacifiche e serene tra tutti
's wildlife.

for purchase
E 'this is a book and those that feed on warm closeness, love and passion for Mother Nature and its animal population.

Founded by a mother frustrated and exasperated in a dark September day, the lioness Little Tyke escaped death because he was destined to a life truly special. entrusted to the care of two very special animal lovers - Westbeau Georges and his wife Margaret - and grew up in a real sanctuary for animals "ahead of its time in the late 1940-50 , it shocked all who came in contact with her and her story.

His vegetarianism and its mild character stimulated in many profound thoughts, they bloom unexpected feelings of tenderness, and hinted the doubt that perhaps the famous biblical prophecy of the lion and the lamb is not only a beautiful fantasy.

" For those who have never lived with a lion, it must be awkward to conceive that these huge creatures are able to do anything more than roar, snarl and kill. But these creatures, which is said that bad, know how to deliver a multitude of small sounds which can be understood by those who know.

I have great respect for wildlife. They have a seventh sense which goes far beyond the capabilities of domestic animals and even human, and, contrary to what many believe, do not eat a natural aversion to humans. Over the centuries through which we dominated the animals we now call "home", the inhibitions that we imposed on them have completely stopped their initiative, until they are turned into beasts of burden or apathetic docile prisoners of our whims and Balzani desires.

There is no animal or bird that fraternizing with loving humans. You city dwellers do not have to do more che raggiungere il lago più vicino per nutrire le anatre selvatiche o la selva più vicina per nutrire l'amabile cervo, per accertarvi direttamente di questa verità.

Gli animali selvatici non sono selvaggi, sono solo spaventati dall'uomo e da ciò che l'uomo ha fatto loro". da: Little Tyke, ed Impronte di Luce

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dora The Explorer Backpack Made Out Of Gift Bags

Tory David Cameron: Is multiculturalism a failure

Tory David Cameron

Il premier UK condemns 'passive tolerance' and warned us to Europe
Aurocritica. "We have failed to ensure the vision of a single company and now time to launch a muscular liberalism." "With the doctrine of multiculturalism we encourage different cultures to live separately." Europe needs to wake up.

LONDON - British Prime Minister declares war on multiculturalism and immigration policy has turned the page. "Enough with the passive tolerance." The rights of ethnic and religious minorities are after the duty that they have, to learn and respect the ethical norms and legal society and democratic countries where they live. The new strategies that govern the relations between civilizations, especially between Western civilization and Islamic civilization, is summed up by David Cameron in two words: "muscular liberalism"

a number of Downing Street which the audience chooses the safety conference in Monaco to launch your campaign, tore his relativity theory with the assumption that communities can develop and grow in urban neighbors, but distinct, patterns of behavior even conflicting with each other, following the principles of manners and morals set by their stories, and proposes a balance with other foundations, "With the doctrine of multiculturalism have encouraged different cultures to live separately. We have failed to ensure the vision of a single company. We have tolerated these segregated communities could act against our principles. If a white racist notions expressed rightly condemn it. But when views and equally unacceptable practices come from people who are not white get too cautious, even fearful of taking a stand against them. "

The "muscular liberalism" or strong, as David Cameron, means taking alternative routes, more severe. Thus, to belong to the United Kingdom are to be believed that values \u200b\u200bare born and have been consolidated in the United Kingdom, the values \u200b\u200bof gender equality, political democracy, of freedom.

These are the foundations of integration. Otherwise, says the conservative prime minister, he admits, even with silence, that the immigrant group may form themselves into self-regulated and closed entities unrelated to the codes of their host nation, then it favors the emergence of ghettos and racism ; also underestimate the danger of terrorism. The ideological fanaticism, in fact, strengthens communities who have no contact with the outside world, being closed, refusing to understand and adapt to Western styles and values.

Cameron's warning, leaving the boundaries of the United Kingdom: "Europe needs to wake up and realize what is happening in our countries. We need to be absolutely clear on the sources of terrorist attacks and how to spread extremist Islamic ideology behind it. "

It is therefore necessary to recognize that the policies adopted to date show up and are now in bankruptcy because they have not challenged those terrorist tendencies that do not represent Islam and that they have, if anything, a fundamentalist interpretation and dangerously unbalanced. Then no condescension towards multiculturalism, in the opinion of Cameron (actually very similar to that already expressed by the Labour Party Tony Blair), facilitates the comparison and confrontation rather than accept that the ambiguity of many organizations in a 'ideological border area, an area that does not explicitly condemn extremism. "It is legitimate to ask these organizations are in favor of human rights? They believe in democracy? They believe in equality before the law? Encourage integration or encourage segregation and cultural separatism? ". The message is clear: n o scheduled to uto and no funding will be admitted. It will not start any dialogue in the absence of rulings that reject fanaticism and accept British law. Or on this side or the other. London sends in the Attic "tolerance passica.

Source: SRS Fabio Cavalera by Corriere della Sera of Sunday, February 6 p.. 5

Multiculturalism has failed

published an extensive extract from the speech that the British prime minister, David Cameron, has spoken in Monaco of Bavaria during the Conference on Security dedicated to 'Islam.

Today I want to focus my remarks on terrorism. Some have suggested that taking a defensive strategy and reducing the armed forces, Britain somehow withdraws from a lead role in the world. This is the complete reversal of the truth. Yes, we are fare con il deficit, ma stiamo anche verificando che le nostre difese sono forti. Il nostro è ancora il quarto bilancio militare più consistente del mondo. Stiamo investendo sul miglior utilizzo e ci concentriamo sulla prevenzione dei conflitti. Questa non è ritirata, è testa dura. Ogni decisione che prenderemo ha tre obiettivi. In primo luogo, sostenere la nostra missione Nato in Afghanistan. In secondo luogo, rafforzare le nostre capacità militari effettive. (Come il governo del cancelliere Merkel sta mostrando in Germania ciò che conta non è la burocrazia ma la volontà politica di costruire capacità militari). In terzo luogo occorre assicurarsi che la Gran Bretagna sia protetta dalle minacce nelle sue diverse espressioni. Ecco perché we are investing in a national cyber-security ... The biggest threat comes from terrorist attacks, some of which are unfortunately made by our citizens. It is important to stress that terrorism is not tied exclusively to one religion or ethnic group ... Nevertheless, we must recognize that the threat comes mainly from young people in a completely perverse and distorted interpretation of Islam and who are ready to blow themselves up and kill their fellow citizens ... You do not defeat terrorism simply by the actions we take outside our borders. Europe needs to wake up and see what happens in our countries.

root of the problem
course, this means strengthening the security of reaction ... but we must get to the root of the problem. We must be absolutely clear about the origin of the terrorist attacks is that the existence of an ideology, "Islamic extremism". And we should be equally clear about what we mean by this term, distinguishing it from Islam. Islam is a religion, peacefully and devoutly observed for more than a billion people. Islamic extremism is a political ideology, supported by a minority that ... promotes its ultimate goal: a full Islamic kingdom, ruled by an interpretation Sharia ... It is this vital distinction between religion and political ideology. From time to time, people equate the two views. They think that if someone is an extremist points depends on how their religion. Thus we speak of "moderate" as if all were to be devout Muslims extremists. This is wrong. You can be devout Muslims and not extremists. Let us be clear: Islamic extremism and Islam are not the same thing.

confused thinking
This highlights a major problem when talking about the terrorist threat we face: there's too much confusion on this issue. On the one hand, the hard right ignores the distinction between Islam and Islamic extremism and says the West and Islam are irreconcilable. This is a clash of civilizations ... So does the growing Islamophobia. And I strongly reject that view. If you want an example of how Western values \u200b\u200band Islam can be compatible, just look at what has happened in recent weeks on the streets of Tunis and Cairo. Hundreds of thousands of people are asking for the universal right to free elections and democracy. The point is this: the ideology of extremism is the problem. Islam is not ... On the other hand, there are those who also left soft ignore this distinction. They are common to all Muslims and equate the end of terrorism with the end of poverty and injustice ... They forget that many terrorists have struck in Britain are graduates and middle class. The left soft says that would be enough to defeat terrorism, stop trampling on the Muslim countries. But there are many people - Muslim and otherwise - are angry about Western foreign policy and not to resort to acts of terrorism. They also emphasize the large number of non-elected leaders throughout the Middle East that would promote extremism to flourish. But this makes us ask whether the absence of democracy is the problem, because there are extremists in free and open societies? ... Sì, dobbiamo lottare contro la povertà. Sì, dobbiamo risolvere le fonti di tensione - anche in Palestina. ... Ma io non accetto che ci sia una scelta senza uscita tra uno stato di sicurezza e uno di resistenza islamico. E poi, non prendiamoci in giro, anche se risolvessimo tutti questi problemi, il terrorismo non sarebbe sconfitto. Identità e radicalizzazione.  La radice si trova nella esistenza dell’ideologia estremista... Si tratta di una questione di identità... Nel Regno Unito, alcuni giovani hanno difficoltà a identificarsi con l'Islam tradizionale praticato dai genitori. Ma hanno anche difficoltà a identificarsi con la Gran Bretagna dove abbiamo permesso l'indebolimento della nostra identità collettiva... We were unable to give an overview of the company they would like to join. We even tolerated isolated communities to behave in ways that go against our values. Thus, it is easy to condemn racism, but in the face of questionable behavior of non-white people, were too cautious, showing, frankly, too scared ... Certainly, Muslims do not become terrorists in one night. What we see is a process of radicalization ... The Internet and in some mosques the sowers of hate sow misinformation about the condition of Muslims ... You might say: as long as it does not hurt anyone, what's the problem? The convicted terrorists were initially influenced by what some have called "violent extremists" ... If we are to defeat the threat, I think it's time to turn the page on the failed policies of the past. First, governments and companies can not ignore the extremist ideology with which we have already worked with ... Second, instead of encouraging people to live apart, we need a clear sense of shared national identity, open to all.

Tackling extremism
We must prevent preachers of hate to come in our countries. We must also outlaw organizations that incite terrorism against the people at home and abroad. Governments must also be smart in dealing with those who, while not violent, are, in some cases, part of the problem ... Some organizations try to present itself as a port for the Muslim community. Move a shower of public money, despite doing little to fight extremism ... We try to correctly judge these organizations: they believe in universal human rights for women and people of other faiths? They believe in the equality of all before the law? They believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government? Favored integration or separatism? ... No public money to those who can not meet the requirements of these questions. At the same time, We must prevent these groups to reach people in publicly funded institutions such as universities and prisons, even if someone, without considering the consequences says that this is incompatible with freedom of speech and expression, intellectual ... We need to argue that terrorism is wrong in all circumstances. We need to argue that the prophecies of a global war of religion of Muslims against the rest of the world are garbage. Governments can not do this alone. The extremism we face is a distortion of Islam. And this should also discuss those who are part of Islam. So let's give a voice to those followers of Islam in our countries - the largest Most often unheard - who despise the extremists and their worldview.

We need to build stronger societies and identities of the nation. Frankly, we need much less than the passive tolerance of recent years and a lot more liberal and active muscles. A passively tolerant society tells its citizens whether they comply with the law, leave you alone. It stands neutral between different values. A truly liberal country does much more. I believe in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them. Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Democracy. The rule of law. The equal rights regardless of da razza, sesso o genere. Questo è ciò che ci definisce come una società. Per appartenere a questo posto devo credere in queste cose. Per ognuno di noi tutto questo deve essere chiaro e sostenuto a muso duro per la difesa della nostra libertà...

Questo terrorismo è indiscriminato e preme su tutti noi. Non può essere ignorato. Abbiamo bisogno di affrontare la questione con fiducia. Di affrontare l’ideologia che lo sostiene. Di affrontare le questioni di identità che lo tengono in piedi per una visione molto più ampia e generosa di cittadinanza. Niente di tutto questo sarà facile. Abbiamo bisogno di resistenza and patience. And it will not change anything if we act alone. This ideology across the continent. We're all in this together. At stake is not only life, it's our way of life. That's why this is a challenge we can not avoid. And we must win.

Source: SRS by David Cameron The of 06/02/2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sprinkler Valves Richdel

ANDY WARHOL: A religious artist?

After a delay of a few decades, the Osservatore Romano finds Andy Warhol, pop art genius as an artist religious - throughout his life he prayed almost every day in his parish of St. Vincent Ferrer, on Lexington Avenue, where he was kneeling on all the days of mass-

Never give anything for granted. This is the first thought that comes to do after listening to the conference on "Andy Warhol, a religious artist?", Organized by St. Louis of France in Rome. To propose a rereading of the work and life of Andy Warhol was Alain Cueff, author of "Warhol à son image" (Flammarion, 2009) and editor of Le Grand Monde d'Andy Warhol at the Grand Palais in 2009, a meeting-discussion with Stefano Chiodi.
Alain Cueff claims that today we are used to design the art of the twentieth century as an art that has given up the sacred. The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe vanguard was built against a tradition in which art and religion were often linked together. Perhaps it is time to revolutionize this vision too partisan. Andy Warhol was in fact not the only one affected by this change of perspective, because his work "could be better understood if they were accepted the contradictions that animate it."


Pochi sanno che il padre della pop art non solo era un dandy antiborghese, provocatorio e ambizioso, ma anche un uomo profondamente religioso, dedito alla preghiera e alla beneficenza. Dalle considerazioni di Cueff e dalla ricerca "religiosa" di Warhol degli ultimi anni sono nate spontanee alcune domande: cosa sappiamo e che cosa, soprattutto, non sappiamo della vita di Warhol? Ripercorriamo la sua biografia.
Terzo di due fratelli, Andrew Warhola - questo è il vero cognome - nasce a Pittsburgh il 6 agosto 1928 da Ondrej, laborer in a coal mine, and Julia Zavacky. Both parents are from Miková, a Ruthenian village in eastern Slovakia, emigrated to Pennsylvania in search of fortune. Andy coincides with the birth of the great depression that has deeply marked the American economy, but the resourcefulness of his father secured the family a degree of prosperity.

So much so that I buy a house in the neighborhood of Oakland. Both are fervent Catholics Ondrej Julia Ruthenian Byzantine rite and Pittsburgh are diligently sought the Byzantine St. John Chrysostom, where the children are baptized. In this church, as in all Orthodox churches, is responsible for the iconostasis with a its sequence of icons at multiple levels. The vision of this iconostasis has great influence on Warhol.

The serial repetition at various levels is one of its distinguishing features. Years later, when set up exhibitions, always insisted that his works were placed on walls covered with wallpaper, to create a sort of imaginary iconostasis. The icons are also present in the rooms of the house Warhola. In a his first paintings, the living room Warhola (1946), we can see even a crucifix above the fireplace.
In 1936 Andy was taken ill with rheumatic fever, which earned him three attacks of chorea (St. Vitus dance).

"The attacks always began on the first day of vacation. I do not know what he meant, but I spent the summer lying on the bed." The long hospital stays and home stays away from the school, turning it into a hypochondriac. Spends his days in bed with his mother to draw, which makes him recite ancient prayers in Slovak. Andy Julia is wearing a necklace with a crucifix and always leaves her rosary and a small Byzantine missal by the bed.
This missal is decorated with a reproduction of Leonardo's Last Supper. It will not be a coincidence that many years later that same image will become the recurring theme of his latest works. The poor health deepened the bond between mother and son, who remained close until her death in 1972.


diploma in commercial art in 1949 he moved to New York , where he published his first pictures, signing with the name that will make him famous: Andy Warhol. Began to devote himself to painting, making drawings for commercial television and advertising. He began to exhibit in 1952, at first without any feedback statement. In 1955 the prestigious shoe Miller commissioned a series of drawings that appear regularly in newspapers advertising.

In 1957 he won a special merit award for its advertising for the shoe Miller. In 1960 he devoted himself seriously to painting, creating images inspired by the advertising and comic books, and reproducing objects of mass culture, like bottles of Coca-Cola. His paintings are exhibited in the pop department store windows on the fifty-seventh street and this unusual way allows him to sell works directly to collectors.
Until then time Warhol had always worked on commission. Felt that the world of new media takes a few ideas, but good, to achieve success. He tried these ideas, even if it means having to buy. Having a lot of confidence in Muriel Latow, interior designer, asked for a suggestion for a fee. He had to find something to identify with an image. Something that people might have said: "Warhol who? What Campbell's soup?".


Strangely enough, Warhol was an admirer of Marcel Duchamp unconditional, which as we know, had decided to desecrate the concept of art. Warhol not only desecrated the art, but cynically managed to turn it into a slot machine. Was not enough to transform a flourish as a symbol of commercial production into a work of art, but with the help of screen printing that work repeated an infinite number of times. To obtain an economic immeasurable. His ideas are simple, effective, serial, repetitive, they created the image and easily recognizable.
image that earned him so much of that money was soon forced to hire a sales manager of his famous factory. Una sorta di studio gigantesco - uno dei primi loft a essere riconvertito - in cui entrava e usciva una folla di gente bizzarra, artisti di ogni tipo e razza, ma anche, purtroppo, sbandati e drogati. Fin dall'inizio della sua carriera Andy si ritrovò in mezzo a episodi estremi.
Un'artista di passaggio sparò alle sue tele, una femminista folle, Valerie Solanas - fondatrice della Society for Cutting up Men, ossia "Società per fare gli uomini a pezzi" - dopo qualche anno sparò direttamente a lui. Era il 1968. Entrato in crisi, durante la convalescenza Warhol ritrovò il gusto della pittura e della creazione. Ormai tutto il mondo - reali, capi di Stato, capitani d'industria - gli chiedeva ritratti e lui non deny them to anyone.

definitely welcomed in the elite of international culture and art, between the seventies and eighties his works were exhibited in major museums around the world, reaching staggering odds. On 17 February 1987, returning from Europe, was struck by a strong biliary colic, so that he was admitted to New York Hospital. Was operated on 21, but died the next morning in his sleep of a heart attack. Placed in a coffin of solid bronze with a prayer book and a red rose in hand, the funeral took place in the Byzantine church of the Holy Spirit in Pittsburgh, in the presence of family and few friends.

He was buried beside his parents in the cemetery of St. John the Baptist Byzantine, in Bethel Park. His mother had always advised to live "in order not to be poor and have enough money for a modest funeral." So in the cemetery, to remember the great artist, there is only a simple tombstone of gray stone. The following April 1 in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan was celebrated a memorial Mass attended by thousands of people. During the celebration of his friend John Richardson delivered an emotional eulogy. For the first time it was made public the deep religiosity of Andy Warhol.
"The secret knowledge of his piety - Richardson said - there does inevitably change the perception of an artist who has fooled the world into believing that his only obsessions were money, fame, glamor, and so phlegmatic that he was to appear insensitive. Never take Andy to the letter. The observer was insensitive in fact an angel. For me at least is responsible for the conversion: my. "

was how it turned out that all his life Warhol had asked almost every day in his parish of St. Vincent Ferrer, Lexington Avenue. He had the habit of staying in back of the church, where he was kneeling at all times for this listing. occasion was announced even his work of charity to the homeless in New York, who often personally served meals in soup kitchens. He then learned of his deep disappointment in learning that his nephew Paul Warhola Jr. had left school at the seminary, where he had proudly maintained. But the revelations do not end here.


It seems that during a trip to Naples in the spring of 1980, hosted by the gallerist Lucio Amelio, Warhol had been pressing for meet John Paul II. We succeeded on April 2. A witness that meeting in St. Peter's Square, there remains a moving picture in which it seems that between the two clubs a kind of intense empathy. Warhol wrote in his diary that the Pope shook his hand in hers and it made him feel blessed. In light of the facts we know today about the intimate life of the artist, it is clear that Warhol was the victim of a split personality.

Perhaps because his primary identity, linked to celebrities, he was always so strong as to overshadow everything else, including the relationship with a religious sense of life and art. Apparently he had managed to create an impassive mask, capable of half the world believe that he was a indifferent self-centered, content with himself. Maybe the armor they needed not to be discovered, and his works "religious" were the messages that should have been understood only by those who had read saputi.

After all evil and must have recently investigated the journalists who interviewed him regularly, if no one has ever found that the star of the Pop Art and transgression lived in an apartment furnished with antiques, Persian rugs and paintings Pre-Raphaelite artists. Not to mention the fact that Renaissance was sleeping in a bed canopy, surrounded by sacred images. A large crucifix on the table and an ancient statue of the risen Christ a little further.


Né si è mai analizzato a fondo il passaggio che negli ultimi anni della sua vita subì la sua produzione, da rappresentativa della vita consumistica americana a una sorta di ossessivo omaggio al Rinascimento italiano. Come mai nessuno si era reso conto che Warhol aveva trasformato l'iconografia del proprio lavoro?
Gesù, Maria, gli Apostoli, l'Ultima cena di Leonardo, diventano improvvisamente la metafora di una sua inquietudine spirituale. Sembra che cerchi giustificazioni agli occhi di chi lo considera still a cynical careerist, through the support of Renaissance camouflage. The result is a series of works citationist crazy, little known to the general public, although all large. We just have a question. Which one was the most genuine Warhol?

Source: srs Sandro Barbagallo for the Osservatore Romano
Source : Dagospia

Friday, February 25, 2011

Negative Pregnancy Test Frequent Urination

Verona. Marina Tonini: "The extraterrestrials exist, I met them '

Marina Tonini

EXCLUSIVE. Marina Tonini, a woman of Rivoli Veronese, handwriting expert for the Court of Verona, told the newspaper L'Arena di Verona his incredible experience of contact, which occurred two years ago.

"I heard a buzzing sound and then I saw a white light. Then a spaceship took me on a green planet. I'm sure, I have dreamed "

A feeling of serenity and light. Questo il racconto di Marina Tonini, perito grafologo del Tribunale di Verona, sull'esperienza di contatto con popolazioni «extraplanetarie», che sarà ospite alla trasmissione «Mistero» su Italia 1, stasera (martedì 22 febbraio), alle 21.10.
Ha un che di sorprendente la testimonianza della dottoressa Tonini, perché eravamo abituati a sentire storie di «abduction» (così si chiama l'incontro con gli extraterrestri, che secondo le testimonianze prelevavano persone per fare esperimenti): erano racconti spesso terrificanti di esseri bassi, di colore grigio, dai grandi occhi dalle orbite vuote o di microchip posizionati sottopelle.

Instead, the story of Dr. Tonini, who lives in Val d'Adige, Rivoli, in the middle of a forest in the locality Fiffaro, in a court of 400, which was an ancient monastery of the Cistercian monks of St. Bernard of white Clairvaux, is very different.

E 'sure what that says, why he agreed to expose themselves in person, with his face on our newspaper and on television.
"I was in my room and I was going to sleep," he says, "when I perceive a sound, like a hum, and I see a white light that illuminates the bed. I feel transported upward a feeling of suspension, such as lack of time. I find myself inside a spaceship, an environment essential, almost antiseptic, very clearly, where I see three people and behind them the door and screens. "
"I look around, but they invite me to look out the porthole, not talking, but it sends the thoughts telepathically. And I see a green planet, with lots of greenery in the middle of huge domes and silver. In less than no time I find myself in the beam of light and I realize I'm inside the dome. And there I was accompanying the figures themselves and begin to talk, "Tonini Marina continues," I invite you to ask questions. "
"I ask where I am. The highest of the three, about 2 meters and 20 centimeters, he says that we are on a multidimensional star, called Sirius B. Then show me the garden, almost a jungle very extensive, with many types of fruit trees. "
Tonini Marina's story is detailed: "To them I asked how did you manage such a great thing. They told me that use very advanced technologies. Then I asked what they did during the day: each cultivates its talent by making available to the community, and spiritual values, "says Dr.
«Mi hanno parlato della differenza tra la loro civiltà e la nostra: non usano il denaro, sono consapevoli del senso costruttivo della vita e vivono su altre frequenze, cosa che anche a livello fisico conferisce loro caratteristiche meno materiali, meno tangibili. Mi informano del fatto che alcune persone, come me sul pianeta in questo momento, dovranno anticipare questo messaggio di consapevolezza e di una possibile trasformazione dell'essere umano, che consenta anche la salvaguardia nel nostro pianeta, ora molto compromesso».

 Da questa esperienza di contatto, avvenuta circa due anni fa, Marina Tonini ha cominciato un percorso research in the field of ufology, and phenomenological, acquiring interesting photos, published in magazines.
"With rational attitude many times I wondered if this trip could have been a dream," he concludes, "but subsequent experiences have convinced me of contact of the existence of extra-planetary populations, fortunately more evolved than us , who deal with us poor, unsuspecting earth. "

Source: SRS Giancarlo Galli from the Arena di Verona of Tuesday, February 22, 2011 PROVINCE, page 25

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Laboratory 8- Population Genetics And Evolution


arrest of Omar al-Mukhtar

Tripoli, dry ground in pain and failures
Mai colonization was most unfortunate of the Italian in Libya. And to think that everything seemed easy in October 1911, when Italian troops sent by the Liberal government of Giovanni Giolitti had landed at Tobruk, Derna, Benghazi and had ventured into the land without meeting any resistance by almost two thousand ill-equipped soldiers Ottoman garrison left to Turkey. If anything, our army had some problem by the Senussi, Muslims who, without conflicting with Istanbul, the mid-nineteenth century (in 1843 Muhammad al-Sanusi had settled in south-west of Cyrene), had given to the people of Tripoli and Cyrenaica new forms of political and social organization (in addition to a version of the traditional Muslim religious belief most modern, more suitable to the mentality and needs of the Bedouin population). But the Italian company had still happened, and in October of 1912 the Sublime Porte (the government of Istanbul) signed the Treaty of Ouchy (Lausanne) under which Turkey withdrew its forces from Libya, leaving the country to ' Italy. After that, the guerrilla and the Senussia continued - with the help of the army turkish not resigned to respect the decisions of Ouchy - could have created us in serious trouble if the impact site of the First World War and a plague epidemic (between 1916 and 1917) they had not mortified ambitions.

Thus, major conflict ended, the adventure of the Italian colonization of Libya was able to resume .
and proceed gradually to the conclusion that justifies the title of a book by Federico Cresti Carocci that the publisher is now appropriate to give to the press: not covet the land of others . The history has bequeathed to us the story of an Italy that liberal, after the war (1918) to march on Rome (1922), tried the route of peaceful coexistence with the Senussi and the local population was then Italy Mussolini to return to the path of arms. In part, things went well. But only in part. The experiment - following the First World War - of indirect rule and "association" of the premises, writes Cresti, actually showed "a spirit of reconciliation and respect for the people of Libya that might have been avoided, if applied continuously, following the massacres and disasters." But already in 1922, before the march on Rome at the time of the governorate of Giuseppe Volpi (when he was Colonial Secretary John Amendola) by the Italian, in Libya, had returned to the use of the hard way. So we can safely say that the second-Italian War Senussi, then emphatically presented as the fascist conquest of Cyrenaica, was laid before the advent of fascism.

A lthough then the season will be the bloodiest of the conflict due to the responsibility of Marshal Pietro Badoglio ,
The Libyan who entered the scene at the end of 1928 stating that it would give respite to those who had not submitted ( "Neither he nor his family nor his cattle nor his heirs') and that of General Rodolfo Graziani, who since March 1930 and work began the last phase of repression of the toughest resistance. In this context, forced population movements were organized never seen before. Badoglio wrote shortly after the arrival of Graziani, " must first create a spatial separation Broad and well agreed between rebel groups and the population submissive, I do not hide the extent and severity of this measure will mean the ruin of so-called submissive population, but now the way we have been drawn and we must continue to the end even if it destroy the entire population of Cyrenaica . E Graziani took the order literally, organizing the relocation of the entire population of Cyrenaica along the coastal plain between the sea and the slopes of the plateau. It was a march in the winter, hundreds and hundreds of miles. It was a gesture of piety towards the nomadic populations of Gebel? Almost none. Badoglio so Graziani wrote in 1932: " not seek the return of exiles. It is better to lose them forever ... The Gebel should be mainly dominated by the settler Italian ... The native is convinced, or, rather, is used to consider the (concentration camps along the coastal areas of Cyrenaica and Sirtica) as its permanent destination. " Badoglio directives for the maintenance of populations in the camps, unless they were determined by a precise determination of mass destruction, were unsustainable, says Cresti, ' if they materialize would, in all likelihood, the gradual destruction of the populations concentrated. Graziani was more flexible.

But the outcome of those policies was in any case dramatic.
not calculate the exact number of deaths, which were numerous. Moreover Badoglio ordered anyone to go through the weapons, among the natives, had been found on the Gebel where the deportation had begun. In September of 1931 Umar al-Muktar, the senior leader of the Resistance (he was almost 70 years), was captured and hanged. On 24 January 1932 Badoglio was able to declare that the rebellion was finally crushed and Libya " completely pacified." According to official killed in operations against the Italians the guerrillas were, between 1923 and 1932, 6,500. But now scholars and Giorgio Rochat Angelo Del Boca, which in recent years have explored the issue, estimated that tens of thousands were rather different. Perhaps one hundred thousand. Many, of course, though infinitely less than those indicated by such contemporary politicians Libyan Buissière Salah (one million and a half) or Gaddafi (750 000) that correspond to twice in the first case, in the second to almost all of the local population to this' time of the Ottoman census of 1911. Ali Abdellatif Ahmid, a scholar of Libyan origin who currently teaches in the United States, estimates that half a million of his countrymen died in battle or of disease, hunger and thirst; 250 000 others were forced into exile in Egypt, Chad, Tunisia, Turkey, Palestine, Syria and Algeria. Another old Libyan, Salim Yusuf al-Bargathi, said the dead were to be deported between 50 and 70 000 (where Rochat and Del Boca estimate that were about 40 000).

On 13 August 1932, proposed by the Minister for the Colonies Emilio De Bono, was named president of Louis Race for the colonization of Cyrenaica .
Race, formerly a journalist in Mussolini's Popolo d'Italy ', Sansepolcro, former secretary of the beams of action, future Minister of Public Works, is launching an ambitious plan to to arrive at Italian willing to work hard. People, in general, with no criminal record is not spotless. It does not matter if affected as a result of convictions for political or common crimes. Circumstances that will force a result Italo Balbo to "clean up" between 1938 and 1939, the current immigration policy. But in the first half of the thirties is not subtle. In 1934 Amerigo Dumini also comes in Cyrenaica, convicted (albeit with a ridiculous penalty: six years of which four were pardoned) for the killing in June of '24, Giacomo Matteotti. Dumini, re-arrested in Italy for arms trafficking, had begun to blackmail and Mussolini, under pressure from the Interior Minister Arturo Bocchini was been "accepted" in Libya. Arriving there, he began to complain that the land had been allocated and the reduction of funding that had been promised. Shortly after arriving in Libya, Mussolini began to write letters to subtly blackmail, the money arrived, and within three years became a wealthy landowner. In 1939, the land of his company were acquired by the government of the colony and Dumini came up with a lavish compensation. It remained to Libya, when the British arrived, thanks to his mastery of the language (he was born in the U.S.) for a short period he also interpreter. In short, if passed it just fine. But for all the others that they had no weapons of blackmail against the Duce, were or were not affected, things went very differently.

already fraught with difficulties and adaptation of newcomers .
cases have been recorded "excitement of various organ functions, followed by mild depression ... especially in females ',' some major case of chronic disease ... some cases of chronic infectious eye shapes and some cases of ringworm and ringworm, but all that is not occurring for chronic infection with indigenous element 'frequent arthritic disorders, heart disease, syphilis, among children, lymphatic, scrofulous, skin diseases other , sporadic caso di tubercolosi. A detta di Armando Maugini, che dirigeva l'Ufficio per i servizi agrari della Cirenaica, i pugliesi erano quanto di meglio l'Italia potesse offrire alla Libia per la loro capacità di affrontare la durezza delle condizioni di vita di quella fase pioneristica. «Il colono pugliese» scriveva Maugini in un rapporto « è molto indicato per tale tipo di colonizzazione, non solo per lo spirito di adattamento e per la notevole sobrietà, ma anche perché, essendo molto attaccato ai parenti, ed essendo proveniente da territori aventi requisiti agrologici molto simili a quelli del Gebel Cirenaico, esercita un'influenza di attrazione verso gli elementi rimasti nella Madrepatria, i quali pertanto potrebbero un giorno intensificare spontaneously by the population of the areas already occupied Puglia. Luigi Race confirms: The choice of families was carried out initially in Puglia, near Bari, and more broadly, for the first group of six families from Corato transferred in full to the colony at the beginning of the activities, as an experiment , gave good results, and there was then a first point of support that could act as if they were made assimilator its contact elements from the same source ... The settlers have already set all well and have clung to their land, which have already been able to establish good attitudes to the exploitation . In the alternative are appreciated Abruzzi and Calabria.

conditions to start a new business in the colony were terrible.
the beginning of 1935 a community of thirty fishermen was transferred to Zuetina. But already in early June, many of them asked to return to Italy. The isolation and abandonment of the state of reduced making life very difficult: a reduced mobility for the all the bread that came from time to time Agedabia where the little oven and it worked very badly for the lack of bakers, flour and fuel. The boats were few and were damaged on the way from Italy. Sirtica the heat along the coast, reports Cresti, was such that by the end of the workday a part of the fish, low in bad condition, had to be thrown away. On the ground refrigeration equipment were poor: the premises of a small refrigerator had been turned in, but the ice available was insufficient. Even more difficult, Cresti continues, "had proved the sale of fish, the car was not equipped for the available transport and therefore had recourse to a private dealer." But the company had proved very profitable, and the contract was soon torn. In addition, fishermen were complaining of excessive taxation by local authorities since, once arrived at Benghazi and subjected out an audit of hygiene, often the fish had been considered spoiled and thrown away before he could reach the market. In the month of September to Zuetina not stay that four people, also wanting to return soon. In an attempt to revive the experiment were taken in contact with a cooperative of Trapani. But at the end of season, the last remaining were repatriated.

The 1936 was then, in Tripoli, due to drought, a bad year for crops .
is judged by that time a mistake to have sent to Libya families: the presence of children and old men had proved a dead weight la bonifica. E si cambiò registro. Il 1938 fu l'anno dell'operazione cosiddetta dei «ventimila». Tanti dovevano essere, secondo Italo Balbo, i «non emigranti» da trapiantare in Libia. Perché «non emigranti»? Il fascismo aveva sempre fatto una politica antiemigratoria e non poteva smentirsi. Il trasferimento in Libia dei ventimila, racconta Cresti, «venne così presentato dai giornali italiani come l'esatto contrario di tutto ciò che era stata l'emigrazione sofferta fino ad allora da quanti partivano alla ricerca di condizioni di vita che l'Italia non poteva offrire: non più un evento triste, ma un'avventura eccitante - dove l'inatteso era fonte di curiosità e non di angoscia (ovvero dove l'inatteso, as a source of anxiety was eliminated) - full of positive surprises, happy, no more separation, only from their own living environment and the society in which those who departed had lived until then, but the possibility of creating new ties strong group, with those attending the same event, no more continuation of poverty in terms of travel, but participation in the luxury of modernity, no longer the prospect of shortages, but the abundance, no longer the cold reception given to suspicious aliens at the border, but the manifestation of the warmth of a brotherly in a land that is not said to be more "overseas" but a constituent part of motherland. "

The departure from Venice was organized October 28, the anniversary of the March on Rome .
was great resonance all over the papers. Mussolini liked to a certain point the emphasis that gave Balbo operation. And when they were less than a year at the beginning of World War II, began to show signs of impatience with the same Balbo. Italy entered the war until June 1940, but the unfavorable development of the agricultural season had caused considerable difficulties at the end of 1939. In early '40 we had to organize new shipments, particularly of forage and animal feed. They were bought over a thousand oxen Maremma, but many animals got sick before you even leave and had to stay long in Civitavecchia, with new costs for the crop that was becoming more expensive. The cattle suffered in the winter of '40, which was followed by losses from malnutrition due to lack of fodder for animals. Over the months, then, had become increasingly difficult to find space for the transport of goods. During the months of April and May 1940 almost all ships were requisitioned for military service: In some cases the goods and materials already sent to Libya had been downloaded in Syracuse and Catania to leave the ship. A ship load of agricultural materials left from Genoa in the month October, was still stuck in mid-December in Palermo on hold to make the crossing. "In these conditions" the author notes, "was not advisable to send perishable goods, such as seeds or cuttings of vines." So, to reduce losses, it was decided to re-sell in Italy already purchased the materials to be sent to Libya. A disaster.

Italy entered the war in June 1940 and the 28th of that month falls in the sky of Tobruk, where the plane is boarded Italo Balbo (death raises some suspicion of a not yet felt the involvement of Mussolini).
takes its place Rodolfo Graziani, who Duce is now engaged in the offensive against Egypt. Follows in the months of February and March 1941, the first British occupation, writes Cresti, " such a violent shock to the building is still shaky in Cyrenaica of colonization." Practically there is no peace for Libya that when the work should reap the first fruits of the "twenty thousand", is found to be the scene of war. The settlers are panicked and they flocked to the credit institution to withdraw his savings, trying to flee to Tripoli and to return to Italy. As the advancing Allied troops, the Arabs on the spot - backed by a body Senussia fighting on the British side - whenever plunder has offered him the chance. They are characterized by ruthlessness Australians. He writes in his diary the agronomist Paul Sabbetta "Australian Military come, day and night, in houses paying asking different kinds, some handsomely, while others, almost always drunk, looting and raping the women while the men take at bay with weapons in hand . And the evidence of this violence are numerous. From Italy, the scheme seeks to minimize and to promote the image of a Libyan population of Cyrenaica in solidarity with the settlers. But between December 1941 and January 1942 for the Italians is the beginning of defeat. Still a terrible year and January 23 of '43 British troops make their entrance to Tripoli. Between Italy and Libya has cut off all contact. A few thousand Italians remain there to work until the end of the war and beyond. Even after that in '49 the UN General Assembly voted for the project to Libya as a state itself and after the proclamation, in '51, independence. It should be added that after the war, failed the Italian authorities on the region, there are bloody demonstrations hostile to the Arab Jewish community that had until then been a pillar of the Italian presence, so that in '38 Balbo had obtained some sort of exemption of Libya racial laws.

Pogroms more sanguinosi saranno quelli del novembre 1945
(particolarmente raccapriccianti perché compiuti proprio nei giorni in cui, con l'uscita dei superstiti ebrei dai campi di concentramento d'Europa, il mondo veniva a conoscenza delle atrocità compiute nei lager nazisti) e del giugno del 1948, all'indomani della nascita dello Stato di Israele. Poi si ripeteranno nel 1967 all'epoca della guerra dei sei giorni. Nel 1956 un accordo tra Italia e Libia regola la presenza nella ex colonia dei nostri connazionali che si trasformano, la maggior parte, in piccoli possidenti. Ma saranno tutti cacciati dopo il colpo di Stato degli ufficiali liberi guidati da Gheddafi, che nel 1969 rovescerà la monarchia senussa. Nel frattempo Libya, which did not yet know his oil fortune, had come to be one of the poorest countries in the world. The peasants-pastoralists of Cyrenaica, back on their ancient lands, unable to make use of capital equipment and of the Italian plant, had quickly brought the country in the tradition. Britain in the long run the military administration (1942-1951), had refused to invest their money in our former colony. And when the last Italian left in 1970, the budget of almost sixty years of their presence in that country could boast a few points to its credit. Even those that have marked the colonial experiences in other Third World countries. As if a particular punishment had befallen those who had disobeyed the commandment invented by Federico Cresti for the title of his book: Do not covet the land of others, in fact.

Source: SRS Paolo Mieli by The New York Times of Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Traditional Interpretation Of Progressivism

Happy birthday. On 24 February 56 years ago was born in San Francisco co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs.

Oggi Jobs compie 56 anni. Macity coglie l'occasione per raccontare e soprattutto ricordare alcuni passaggi della storia di Apple che sarebbero stati molto diversi se non ci fosse stato Steve Jobs.

L'ultima notizia è apparsa online pochi giorni fa: in una ricerca commissionata da Logitech a Wakefield Research, intitolata "Remote Control Global Trends Studio ", emerge tra gli altri un aspetto interessante: il telecomando del televisore (inventato nel 1950 dal fisico austriaco Robert Adler e realizzato per la prima volta dalla Zenith) è la periferica elettrica più amata e usata al mondo ma, soprattutto per il proliferare dei dispositivi digitali in casa (televisori, videoregistratori prima, decoder e media extender poi, infine stereo hi-fi e vari altri gadget) rimane la più complessa e quella più critica. Il 92% della gente, rivela la ricerca, vorrebbe una cosa sola: un telecomando unico e soprattutto molto più semplice.

Facciamo un salto indietro nel tempo: 12 ottobre 2005. Steve Jobs presenta l'Apple Remote, il telecomando bianco di Apple che serve a comandare dapprima Front Row sugli iMac G5 e i MacBook e MacBook Pro, poi a seguire i Mac mini e la Apple Tv (sia l'attuale che la precedente generazione). How to submit it? Showing the control of a Windows media center, literally an orgy of keys, and then pointing to the little Apple remote with its six buttons (seven will become the edition aluminum released in late 2009). The Apple Remote, said Jobs, is an example of how to think in Apple: we try to make things more elegant, simple and functional. Reducing waste to a minimum.

Who uses it, or just does not matter much, the products of Apple knows that this is the philosophy and at the same time the spectacular ability to see things for what they really are in their essence. Just count the willingness of experts in marketing and commercial, Scientists and dreamers of dirty oneself and complicate things: Jobs aims at the essence, the distillation of what you need, size and unscrupulous thoughts and everything else goes to the heart of the problem. At the primary need. The need is always more intimate and always moves things.

today Steve Jobs takes 56 years. Li turns in a particularly delicate moment of his career many years as an innovator, entrepreneur and creator of the computer world. It is on sick leave, recovering from (and hence the respect for privacy, no matter what is said by major U.S. pension funds and tabloid regular, is firm and absolute) and in transition. Yes, because Apple is making a further, extraordinary transition. The company that is reborn from its ashes with a series of innovative shock comparable to an earthquake, is changing more and more skin.

mutate products, changes the composition of the product portfolio and especially the backlog. Within five birthdays Apple introduced iPhone, iPad, a theory of infinite products. It has become very strong in the field of post-PC products, has established a new world and especially with iTunes with App Store and now Mac App Store. Has shown that product innovation knows no bounds with the introduction of a theory of parts and details that would otherwise long extraordinary: only applies to all processing of its new Unibody MacBook Pro, which is now evolving further

It went so forward, led by Apple's Steve Jobs, by passing the boundaries that previously had been painstakingly achieved . Since January 2007 has dropped its suffix "Computer" from the old tradition Apple Computer Inc, to become a company that does a lot in the era of consumer electronics, Apple has not stopped since. Now, having created a second world with IOS, which his opponents find it difficult to reach (let alone to match it) is already on the way to do it converged with the first. Mac OS X and IOS are destined for marriage that within a couple of years will turn into a merger. You can imagine all: Mac also working with ARM processors made by Apple itself, with a hybrid operating system, half and half iOS Mac OS X. More new interfaces, tracking systems and rich and complex interaction.

It is also revolutionizing the most successful product in recent years, that the laptop: Apple's Steve Jobs was the first to realize that the laptop would have been the dominant form (along with All-machines In-One as the iMac) and nomadic light of the future of computing. Now, with batteries that exceed 12 hours, with systems which the computer is asleep and wake up in less than a second, without ever really be turned off, and forms that are now dictating the pace of technology components and not vice versa (from motherboards to the batteries via containers 2.5-inch SSDs becoming the stick) until technologies such as Light Peak, which has once again revolutionized the way in which a computer is built into it.

Let's talk about Apple and Steve Jobs even though the latter's birthday is because in reality the company is in the form of dreams and the will of man. If you can get as far as our imagination we allows you to dream, Steve Jobs has wanted to see more of us all, or at least much more than tanttissimi others. Since the days of Icarus, a single man had never flown so high and so far in the world of computer technology and digital culture. Steve Jobs continues to be regarded as a hybrid, a creature composed of many souls, some of which are absolutely unknown in the business world or of contemporary technology. Can be traced back to him many, many things, including a humanistic vision, Computer Renaissance. Personal machine, more and more personal in his view that proceeds uninterrupted since 1976

Today the halfway point, formal, a birthday. Che vale a ricordare come la volontà, la fantasia e l'intelligenza contino più di ogni altra cosa. Lo Steve Jobs adottato da una coppia di californiani di classe media, dropout dal college e forse condannato in un altro universo a finire come lavoratore precario senza futuro, nel nostro mondo ha sognato di lasciare un tassello nella storia, di segnare il nostro tempo. Ci è riuscito, possiamo dire assieme all'augurio di un buon compleanno, Steve

Fonte: rsr di Antonio Dini,  da  Macity  del 24-2-2011

Saddle Rigging Center Fire

Franchising encourages the development

The companies incorporated in the associations call for the opening of technical meetings to support the sector
Assofranchising, Confimprese and Fif-Confesercenti turn to the government through a joint appeal calling for a recognition for companies in the franchising sector. Ateco there is no code to monitor the industry for some time, however, that shows a positive trend: it is a physiological fact that an upswing in output from the crisis period, starting a business with financing and facilities for the franchise if it proposes (because largely related to the billing structure starts) can be an attractive option to go.

The last photograph of the franchising market in our country back from a business of € 21.7 billion fatturato, per un volume di occupazione di 180mila addetti impegnati in oltre 53mila punti vendita. Si è trattata in definitiva di una valida altenrativa alla disoccupazione per chi ha avuto un po’ più di capacità di rischio imprenditoriale e – inutile negarlo – anche un piccolo capitale da investire.

Inoltre una maggiore attenzione viene richiesta rispetto al tema della formazione professionale per il settore, contrattualmente essa pè difatto a carico dell’affiliante e ciò naturalmente genera una distorsione a favore di chi ha un business che funziona, laddove la formazione sarebbe opportuno fosse considerata principalmente come occasione di rilancio attraverso l’incremento competenziale.

Assofranchising, Confimprese FIF and have therefore joined together to express their dissent against what, according to the trade associations is a lack of government response to this need, asking them to propose a series of institutional meetings to the Ministries of Labour, Economy and Finance and Economic Development in order to open a dialogue on this interesting topic often overlooked strategic tool for the success and growth of small and medium enterprises.

Can Implantation Bleeding Happen Twice In A Month

If the workshop starts from the franchise

The seamstress is reborn thanks to the franchise. Are, in fact, multiplying the chains that offer a repair service tailoring. The signs are many. They range from hem and on, which focuses on the concept of speed, Mr. Sewing, born from the idea of \u200b\u200btwo friends, until you get to Celestina Espresso hem.

In fact, the franchise system is to fill a gap in the offer that had been formed in recent years, especially in urban areas, with the gradual disappearance of the seamstresses.

Most of the signs is characterized by two issues: affordability (an average of the edge to a pair of pants cost between € 6 and 8) and breadth of services. In addition to more basic work (for example substitution of a zip) are carried out complex tasks, such as the refurbishment of jackets and coats model.

Some brands, including "XO textile workshop," they then developed the concept base, adding to the sale of accessories tailored repairs and restyling of clothes. In this way, try to handle the offer and to attract, intrigue especially youngest group of customers.

The spread of outlets also stems from the fact that no large investments are needed for the equipment or commercial space. All you need is a store of 25/30 square meters, located on a street with good pedestrian traffic or in a shopping mall, and at least € 13.000/14.000, for the acquisition system and the possible adaptation of 'property.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Movie Jenna Jameson Pierced Nipples

Zucconelli Giancarlo: "My portrait of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi became official '

Giancarlo Zucconelli with a portrait of Qaddafi (Photo MARCHIORI)

He designed and painted one of the most beautiful portraits of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, but the work will always be anonymous. And this is his biggest regret: "They did not want that signature, because they, the Libyans, did not need anyone: total self-sufficiency. Patience. "

But the blow which for years has camped across the Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, which portrays in full uniform, riding a horse parade decked with golden trappings, that stands out on a field of corn popped in the desert was born in Verona. For the record in a studio in the historic center, the pencil and the colors of the famous Giancarlo Zucconelli, cartoonist of our newspaper.

The background of this portrait is told by Zucconelli, aka Zuc.

"was in 1976," says the artist, "and a Libyan delegation arrived at the Mondadori to Borgo Venice print a technical book on agriculture in Libya. They also brought a lot of pictures of Colonel Qaddafi in the middle of the book because they wanted a portrait double page, which summarizes the efforts of their leaders for the development of agriculture even in the desert. "

And Mondadori Zucconelli call, which draws not only cartoons but also paints and photographs, collecting exhibits for exhibitions. Zucconelli receive photos and information. "The result was this: Gaddafi riding a horse with trappings of honor, which I had provided pictures and details, background and a huge corn field that borders on the desert to witness the miracle because of its policies agricole del colonnello. La delegazione libica non volle che firmassi l'opera, perché la Libia non aveva bisogno di nessuno. Il ritratto venne pubblicato nel libro, doppia pagina centrale, e a Gheddafi piacque al punto che ordinò di riprodurlo in decine di migliaia di poster, due metri e mezzo per tre, per tappezzare la Libia».

In quanto tempo riuscì a realizzare il ritratto? «Tre giorni interi. Ma quello che mi richiese più tempo e impegno furono le spighe di grano: non finivano mai...».

Fonte: da L’Arena di Verona di Mercoledì 23 Febbraio 2011, CRONACA, pagina 11(FOTO MARCHIORI)

How Much Does It Cost To Meet Sara Jay

Franchising: SMEs call for code Ateco

Assofranchising A joint appeal, Fif-Confesercenti Confimprese and addressed to the Government requests an acknowledgment for the franchise industry. SMEs in the sector as it requests a specific code Atecoper monitor the sector, which is showing a positive trend, not least because in times of crisis to start a business with financing and facilities is a good solution.

The latest report on Franchising in Italy photographing a market of 21.7 billion euro turnover, which employs 180,525 workers, engaged in 53,313 stores.

alternative to employment that can respond to unemployment, providing opportunities for employment and business with a formula of lower risk.

It also calls for greater attention to vocational training for the franchise, given that this contract shall be borne by the franchisor. And since, when the government fails to recognize any merit in this franchise, Assofranchising, Confimprese FIF and have come together to express their dissent and propose a series of institutional meetings to the Ministries of Labour, Economy and Finance and Economic Development for open a dialogue on Franchising as a "strategic tool for the success and growth of small and medium enterprises."

Flooring Ideas For Jon Boats

Franchising More about DJ Automatic

Millionaire continues advancing on this mark. A question answered: Director David Bergamini DJ Automatic.
I negozi e i distributori automatici si stanno espandendo a macchia d’olio un po’ dappertutto.
Quali prospettive offre il settore e quali possono essere le future strategie di sviluppo ?
Il nostro è un settore in decisa crescita, afferma Davide Bergamini di DJ Automatica. Decisivi affinché questa tendenza possa proseguire sono, a mio parere, l’appeal nei confronti del pubblico e i margini realizzabili dagli affiliati.
Per quanto riguarda il primo punto, stiamo operando su più fronti: competitività dei prezzi, ampliamento della gamma dei prodotti, scelta delle location e miglioramento del look e della funzionalità dei punti vendita.
I margini per gli affiliati sono la conseguenza di uno sforzo continuo, act at the best price to buy individual products.
As for the future of our company, we are developing new business, trying to apply new winning formula for our affiliates, which enable excellent margins in various types of products offered so far only through traditional trade channels.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome Letters For Churches

In Verona city works the maker of Pino Daniele: Roberto Fontanot is to make the guitars of the Neapolitan singer

Pino Daniele

Verona A study Fontanot Roberto, maker of the trust by Pino Daniele. Giambattista Zerpelloni Pino buys his new guitar. And, finally, at the Guitar Ranch Pierpaolo Adda recorded the video for her new single "Lazy", taken from the last album "Footsteps of copyright."

Giambattista Zerpelloni, Pierpaolo Adda, Roberto Fontanot "work" shoulder to shoulder: Zerpelloni is the owner of the Musical Box Zai, Pierpaolo Adda, Roberto Fontanot have their own shops within the structure of Zerpelloni.

Pino Daniele in the mid-eighties held a triumphant concert at the Arena. And maybe from there began his love for our city. The decision to shoot the video for "Lazy" was born, so, just inside the Musical Box.

"About a month ago Giambattista comes to me - says Pierpaolo Adda - and he says:" Get ready because Pino Daniele wants to shoot a video here with us. " As usual, I replied that there was no problem. "

Video was shot on Palm Sunday with the start of work at 7.30 am. "Pino, who initially was scheduled to arrive at 11, arrived at 9 o'clock - still Adda -. They have toured with director Gary Morbioli Verona, and at 14.30 the set and Pino left the company because he had an important meeting in Rome that could not miss. All this with his usual professionalism and helpfulness that distinguishes the artist from Naples. "

Some scenes of the video, then, were shot on the deck of Victoria and also the commercial center of San Giovanni Lupatoto. It tells the story of a boy who sells his guitar and then comes to success in the professional field and with women. But the whole is without heart, without his beloved guitar, life is no longer the same, will be returned to the Guitar Ranch to buy it. Simple plot for the beautiful song by Pino Daniele, are as simple and beautiful pictures of Morbioli.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bshooting in the Musical Box - continues Pierpaolo Adda - Pino came to when he arrived to buy three new chitarre. E il Guitar Ranch, pieno di chitarra vintage e di amplificatori, lo deve aver in qualche modo ispirato. E io sono stato ben felice di mettere a disposizione il mio piccolo spazio per girare le scene dove Pino suona con un contrabbassista. Al tutto aggiungo che Pino mi ha dato la sua prima chitarra e quella Gibson nera, "storica", chiamiamola così, che lo ha accompagnato in tanti concerti. La sua prima chitarra era una Gibson anche quella, che lui ha comperato a rate nel 1970 e di cui va ancora fiero per come ha dovuto sudare per averla».

Fonte: srs di Luca Sguazzardo da L’Arena di Verona di Mercoledì 11 Agosto 2004, SPETTACOLI,  pagina 46