Il Decreto-legge 26 aprile 1993, n. 122: ("Misure urgenti in materia di discriminazione razziale, etnica e religiosa"), convertito con modificazioni in legge 25 giugno 1993 n. 205, comunemente detto Legge Mancino dal nome dell'allora ministro dell'interno che ne fu proponente (il democristiano Nicola Mancino), è una legge italiana introdotta nel 1993 che condanna gesti, azioni e slogan legati all'ideologia nazifascista, e aventi per scopo l'incitazione alla violenza e alla discriminazione per motivi razziali, etnici religiosi o nazionali. La legge punisce anche l'utilizzo di simbologie legate a suddetti movimenti politici .
Articolo 1
(Discriminazione, odio o violenza per motivi razziali, etnici, nazionali o religiosi)
1. Salvo che il fatto costituisca più grave reato, anche to implement the provisions of Article 4 of the Convention, shall be punished:
A) by imprisonment up to three years in any way those who spread ideas based on racial superiority or hatred or ethnic, or incites to commit or committing acts of discrimination on racial, ethnic, national or religious
B) by imprisonment from six months to four years who, in any way incites to commit or committing acts of violence or provocation of violence for racial, ethnic, national or religious.
2. It is prohibited any organization, association, movement or group that has among its goals the incitement to discrimination or violence on racial, ethnic, national or religious. Who participates in these organizations, associations, movements or groups, or assisting in their activity, shall be punished, merely because of participation or
assistance, with imprisonment from six months to four years. Those who promote or leading such organizations, associations, movements or groups shall be punished for that reason alone, by imprisonment from one to six years.
1-bis. With the conviction of an offense under Article 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654, or an offense under the law October 9, 1967, No 962, the court may also require one or more of the following sanctions:
A) an obligation to pay unpaid to the community for social or public utility, in the manner prescribed pursuant to paragraph 1-ter;
B) an obligation to return to their homes or in another private dwelling within a certain time and not leave it another hour before prefissata, per un periodo non superiore ad un anno;
C) sospensione della patente di guida, del passaporto e di documenti di identificazione validi per l'espatrio per un periodo non superiore ad un anno, nonché‚ divieto di detenzione di armi proprie di ogni genere;
D) divieto di partecipare, in qualsiasi forma, ad attività di propaganda elettorale per le elezioni politiche o amministrative successive alla condanna, e comunque per un periodo non inferiore a tre anni.
1-ter. Entro trenta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della legge di conversione del presente decreto, il Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia determina, con proprio decreto, le modalità di svolgimento dell'attività non retribuita a favore della collettività di cui al comma 1-bis, lettera a).
1-quater. L'attività non retribuita a favore della collettività, da svolgersi al termine dell'espiazione della pena detentiva per un periodo massimo di dodici settimane, deve essere determinato dal giudice con modalità tali da non pregiudicare le esigenze lavorative, di studio o di reinserimento sociale del condannato.
1-quinquies. Possono costituire object of the unpaid to the community: the provision of work for land reclamation and restoration of damaged buildings, with inscriptions, emblems or symbols or their usual organizations, associations, movements or groups referred to in paragraph 3 of ' Article 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654; carry out work on behalf of social welfare organizations and charities, such as those operating against persons with disabilities, drug addicts, the elderly or non-EU, the provision of employment for purposes of civil protection, protection of environmental assets and cultural and other public purposes identified by the decree referred to in paragraph 1-ter.
1-sexies. L'attività può essere svolta nell'ambito e a favore di struture pubbliche o di enti ed organizzazioni privati.
Articolo 2
(Disposizioni di prevenzione)
1. Chiunque, in pubbliche riunioni compia manifestazioni esteriori od ostenti emblemi o simboli propri o usuali delle organizzazioni, associazioni, movimenti o gruppi di cui all'articolo 3 della legge 13 ottobre 1975, n. 654, è punito con la pena della reclusione fino a tre anni e con la multa da lire duecentomila a lire cinquecentomila.
2. È vietato l'accesso ai luoghi dove si svolgono competizioni agonistiche alle persone che vi si recano con emblemi o simboli di cui al comma 1. Il contravventore è punito con l'arresto da tre mesi ad un anno.
3. Nel caso di persone denunciate o condannate per uno dei reati previsti dall'articolo 3 della legge 13 ottobre 1975, n. 654, per uno dei reati previsti dalla legge 9 ottobre 1967, n. 962, o per un reato aggravato ai sensi dell'articolo 3 del this decree, and of persons subjected to preventive measures, because it deemed engaged in the commission of crimes that offend or endanger the safety or public peace or for the reasons set out in Article 18, first paragraph, no 2-bis) of Law May 22, 1975, No 152 applies the provision in Article 6 of the Law of 13 December 1989, n. 401, and the prohibition of access, remains effective for a period of five years unless action is issued to storage of non-place decision to proceed or not to prosecute or revocation of the measure of prevention, rehabilitation, or if it is granted under Article 178 of the Penal Code or Article Law 15 of August 3, 1988, No 327.
Article 3
(aggravating circumstances)
1. For crimes carrying a sentence different from that dell'ergastolo committed for purposes of discrimination or ethnic hatred, national, racial or religious group, or in order to facilitate the activities of organizations, associations, movements or groups that have among their aims the same purposes, the penalty is increased to the half.
Article 4
(Changes to existing provisions)
1. The second paragraph of Article 4 of Act June 20, 1952, No 645, reads as follows:
to the same penalty in the first paragraph is subject anxious public officials who, principles, facts or methods of fascism, or its anti-democratic purposes. If the offense relates racist ideas or methods, the penalty is imprisonment from one to three years and a fine ranging from one to two million.
Article 5
(search and seizure)
1. In proceedings for an aggravated offense under Article 3 or of an offense under Article 3, paragraph 1, letter b) and 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654, October 9, 1967 and Law No 962, the court has the search the property against which there are concrete evidence to suggest that the author has exercised it as a place of assembly, storage or shelter or other activities in any way linked to the crime. The police officers, whenever reasons of particular urgency and necessity that does not allow to request authorization by telephone competent magistrate may also conduct searches giving notice, without delay and not later than forty-eight hours, the public prosecutor, who, if appropriate assumptions, the validation within the next forty-eight hours.
2. It is always ready the seizure of the property referred to in paragraph 1 when it is discovered weapons, ammunition, explosives or incendiary or explosive devices or some of the items mentioned in Article 4 of Law April 18, 1975, No 110. It is always provided, also with the seizure of objects and other materials mentioned above as well, emblems or publicity materials or their usual organizations, associations, movements or groups referred to rules 9 October 1967, No 962, and October 13, 1975, No 654, found in the building. You shall observe the provisions of Articles 324 and 355 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. If the property is owned in exclusive use or enjoyment of a person not involved in crime, the seizure can not last for more than thirty days.
3. With the conviction or the sentence of which alltarticolo 444 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the court in cases of particular gravity, provides for the confiscation of the property referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, except that the same belongs to a person unrelated to the crime. It is always the confiscation of objects and other materials mentioned in said paragraph 2.
Article 6
(Procedural Rules)
1. For the offenses of aggravated by the fact that art. 3, paragraph 1, shall in any case ex officio.
2. In cases of flagrante delicto, the officers and agents of the judicial police have the power to arrest for an offense provided for in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 4 of Law April 18, 1975, No 110, as well as to fulfill the condition laid down in Article 3, paragraph 1 of this Decree, one of the offenses provided for in the first and second paragraphs of that article 4 of Law No 110, 1975.
2-bis. Article 380, paragraph 2, letter l) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, are added at the end, the words, organizations, associations, movements or groups referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of Law 13 October 1975 No 654.
3. For crimes aggravated by the circumstance referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, which does not belong to the jurisdiction of the court of assizes, the court has jurisdiction.
4. The court also has jurisdiction for crimes under Article 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654.
5. For the offenses listed in Article 5, paragraph 1, the prosecutor shall expedited basis outside the confines of Article 449 of the Criminal Procedure Code, unless the necessary special investigations.
Article 7
(interim suspension and termination)
1. Quando si procede per un reato aggravato ai sensi dell'articolo 3 o per uno dei reati previsti dall'articolo 3, commi 1, lettera b), e 3, della legge 13 ottobre 1975, n. 654, o per uno dei reati previsti dalla legge 9 ottobre 1967, n. 762, e sussistono concreti elementi che consentano di ritenere che l'attività di organizzazioni, associazioni, movimenti o gruppi favorisca la commissione dei medesimi reati, può essere disposta cautelativamente, ai sensi dell'articolo 3 della legge 25 gennaio 1982, n. 17, la sospensione di ogni attività associativa. La richiesta è presentata al giudice competente per il giudizio in ordine ai predetti reati. Avverso il provvedimento è ammesso ricorso ai sensi del quinto comma del that Article 3 of Law No 17 of 1982.
2. The measure referred to in paragraph 1 shall be revoked at any time when they are not the conditions set out therein.
3. When, with final court is satisfied that the activity of organizations, associations, movements and groups has facilitated the commission of any of the offenses listed in Article 5, paragraph 1, the interior minister, after consideration by the Council of Ministers, by order decree the dissolution of the organization, association, movement or group, and provides for the confiscation of property. The resolution was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.
Article 8
1. The seventh paragraph of Article 4 of Law April 18, 1975, No 110, is repealed.
2. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 6 shall apply only to acts committed after the date of entry into force of this decree.
AMATO - Mancini - CONSO
Seen,: CONSO
[1] The management of the organization appears to invoke the protection of the guarantees granted to each activity in which religion is involved. Scientology regularly presents itself as a "persecuted religious minority" only for his religious beliefs, and not otherwise subject to reservations and more controls as a result of adverse judgments in court for the commission of illegal activity found in fields beyond the religious sphere. For a comprehensive note on this subject, see here .
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