Franchising and crisis
Milan - The Golden Flute Sergio Zampetti, worth 20 thousand euro, opened the dinner Mediawatch dedicated to business communication in the year of economic recovery. A Music tasty starter during which the Master flutist (star concerts in cities like New York and Salzburg) entertained the guests with a fun music lesson, in which Mozart, Mercadante and Gossec proved once again most of the references that the current music and modern life. In the frame of the modern elegant NH Hotel Touring in Milan, as always, was attended by important guests of the fields of communication and journalism, entrepreneurship and franchising, on the evening dedicated to them.
the head table, next to the moderator and president Vittorio Mediawatch Carlo Giovannelli, sat the likes of Omar Fogliadini, founder de LaClinique (Brescia in 2010 showed a +16.4% of sales), Fabio Pasquali, director of AZ Franchising (market leader in Italy with an annual turnover in excess of € 35milioni) and Barbara Benedettelli which, accompanied by her husband Claudio Brachino, submitted for Victims Still, her fourth book, which she defined as "the most important." Impossible not indicate the presence of known world-renowned surgeon Michael Zocchi, journalist Carlos Garcia, managing editor of MSNBC Class, Solidarity and the singer Salvatore Ranieri.
"There is not only my soul, but also to those who remain victims forever - racconta Barbara Benedettelli, autrice televisiva – E’ terribile sopravvivere a una persona che si ama. La cattiveria esiste e noi dobbiamo imparare ad avvicinarci al dolore degli altri”. Un libro che le è costato tempo e fatica, nove mesi di alti e bassi e una depressione profonda: “Mi sono sentita in colpa perché avevo una vita normale. Non una vita bellissima, ma una vita normale”.
Il tema della serata non concede altre divagazioni e la cena si conclude con le dichiarazioni dei personaggi e degli ospiti in sala. Fabio Pasquali introduce il concetto di franchising, uno dei pochi settori che ha retto e sopportato la crisi degli ultimi anni. A parlare sono le cifre, che non ammettono repliche: se in Italia la growth rate is still relatively low (+1.7%), Spain and the emerging data travels in double figures. Between Madrid and Barcelona touch thresholds close to +20%, as in the vast area of \u200b\u200bEastern Europe, Brazil reaches +30%, while the unstoppable China exceed +50%.
"Franchising is a real opportunity for those left without work - says Pasquale - an opportunity which, thanks to marketing, and assistance provided under a known brand, it has a significantly lower risk margins." A new way to work, to cooperate, a network system in which the relationship between the company and entrepreneur generates profits and useful. The strength of AZ Franchising was to "tell the world" and "accompany this meeting (matching)" in all its phases.
Fogliadini Omar has not missed a wonderful opportunity LaClinique & Partners and the leader in cosmetic surgery in Italy is about to grow further with new projects related to the franchise Dealership Management, a formula in which the franchisee has the opportunity to devote himself entirely to the quality standard of benefits and services, backed and supported by the organization in the management of each phase of the business. La mission de
LaClinique is not new in our country, which already in 1600 proposed some rudimentary forms of Cosmetic Surgery. The real impetus for innovation of the Brescia was to "translate cosmetic surgery in a structured model without detracting from the extraction of the individual, taking advantage of the trend throughout Western intimacy, to do something for themselves before for others.
the face of the crisis: Mediawatch and successful Italian companies in Italy
One area that moves and moves closer to the capital of two billion euro every year, despite the "bel paese" the notion of collaboration does not yet exist. " "We were good to believe the future of the industry - continues Fogliadini - a sector which in 2015 is bound to have a new boom, an increase of four times of the procedures carried out only five years ago. [...] LaClinique includes the best need to achieve a profile that explore the full potential of new business opportunities. "
A business model to follow, in the face of the crisis. So much to join the great stories of the book by Mauro Castelli Grand'Italia, alongside names like Federico Falck, heir to the family history that has contributed nearly a century to economic success and the Italian economy, Francesco Ranzoni (Bialetti) Michael Baron (The Fablier) or the Bridges brothers, creators of the brand Peperlizia. But what is the secret del successo? “Il lavoro, l’innovazione, la creatività, il team.. e tante incazzature”.
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