pesticides on fruits and vegetables THREATEN THE FERTILITY 'THE HISTORY OF MEN
The pesticides found on fruits and vegetables could do serious damage to male fertility : so say the research in the field. 30 of the 37 chemicals tested and used in crops interfere with the action of testosterone, the hormone is critical for the male reproductive system: So says the Daily Mail. And 'cause for concern, but 16 of the 30 products in question had not previously been linked with the hormonal upheaval.
Who is promoting environmental campaigns say that the effects can be particularly severe in the uterus, in the absence of testosterone the male offspring could portra effeminate traits, increasing birth defects in their reproductive oddities and low levels of sperm as well as in future cancers testicles.
Research sponsored by the European Commission was performed on cells in the laboratory. British scientists behind the scenes, say they can not be certain that humans are subject to similar influences, but is an urgent need to test more effectively.
Research conducted by the University of London's School of Pharmacy has focused on pesticides widely used in EU. Many fungicides that are sprayed on strawberries, lettuce, grapes and other fruit and vegetable that are close to harvest so reports the Journal Environmental Health Perspectives (Journal for the prospects of environmental health). These products, however, are not used in preparations which are not intended for commercial and municipal gardens or allotments. The pesticide manufacturers say that their industry is more regulated in the chemical industry.
But the researcher, Prof. Andreas Kortenkamp said that while the producers may follow the law to the letter, the law does not require that pesticides be tested for their effects on hormones . He said: 'It do many tests, but this hormonal activity is lost in oblivion. (...) We need these chemical companies take this more seriously, but we also appeal to EU regulators make it mandatory because this test .
the pesticides were charged many diseases ranging from incurable brain problems such as Parkinson's intelligence to the block in fetuses
The environmental campaigners say they do not be surprised that these chemicals, designed to attack the brain and nerves of insects, can also harm humans , as both share the same foundations of life.
Elizabeth Salter Green, director of the initiative group of Chem Trust, said: 'I children and pregnant women are encouraged to eat plenty of fruit as it is known to have very positive effects. E 'vital that the testing of pesticides both in the UK in the EU include the analysis on their effects as the destabilization of hormones, particularly when we know that can damage the reproductive health of men '.
Crop Protection Association (Crop Protection), which represents the pesticide manufacturers, said that chemicals are exhaustively tested before and after their entry into the market. The new pesticides media takes 10 years to move more than 200 tests and this cost the manufacturer £ 250milioni pounds per product.
source: # SlideFrame_1
translation and adattameento: Cristina Bassi,
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