This document, " Vaccines: Get the full story " comes from the American Medical (International Medical Council on Vaccination) .
Gli 80 firmatari (...) rappresentano una selezione di pediatri, medici di famiglia, chirurghi cerebrali, professori di patologia, chimica, biologia ed immunologia.
(...) Come mai i medici non trovano le cause vere di molte malattie?
Perché sono condizionati e costretti a ignorare le correlazioni tra patologie e vaccini.
L’elenco di tali malattie è lungo, ma citiamo solo quelle più note:
Allergie ed eczema, artrite, asma, autismo, riflusso acido che costringe i bimbi a inibitori tipo pompe protoniche (con molti effetti collaterali), cancro, infantile and juvenile diabetes, kidney disease, miscarriages, long list of neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and many more.
list of side effects documented and reported in the medical literature
- arthritis, bleeding disorders, blood clots, heart attacks, sepsis
- ear infections
- Fainting (often resulting in broken bones)
- stroke, epilepsy
- Severe allergic reactions, urticaria and anaphylaxis
sudden deaths - Several diagnoses for hospital admission
- The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has awarded more than 1.2 billion reward for damage caused by vaccines to infants, children and adults.
Autism is particularly associated with vaccines
Autism disease was almost unknown before the mass vaccination were launched in 1991 with the introduction of the vaccine against hepatitis B and meningitis vaccines.
Tens of thousands of parents can testify that autism had appeared in their children shortly after that the same would be vaccinated. Please study the documentation on the website
When you get sick, the medical system, insurance companies and multinationals, are enriched
- Vaccines do not provide effective long immunity, so they require a number of appeals.
- Each new call increases the risk of side effects.
- The side effects of vaccines can cripple a person for the rest of life.
This is convenient in Big Pharma, which has in its arsenal many drugs designed to fight diseases caused by its own vaccines.
- In the U.S. nor the multinational drug companies nor doctors can be sued for disasters caused by vaccines. Both categories are listed by the National Child Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 . This law, shameful and scandalous, decrees that "No vaccine manufacturer Shall be liable in a civil Action for Damages Arising from a vaccine-related injury or death. "
(...) How many vaccines are in circulation?
If American children receive all doses of all vaccines recommended and imposed, would receive at least 35 vaccinations containing 113 different types of agents of disease, 59 different chemicals, 4 types of animal cells / DNA, human DNA tissue from aborted human albumin.
If you think you've passed the critical time because your kids are older, forget it.
There are at least 20 other new vaccines ready to be launched in the near future, all designed for teenagers and for adults.
Let's look at the ingredients
- Virus and bacteria from animal cell cultures.
- Mercury a mineral known to be neuro-toxic , is present in the majority of vaccines in circulation.
- Aluminium, a poison that can cause degeneration in the bones and spinal cord.
- cells from monkeys, animals, dog kidney, chicken, cow and human beings.
- Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
- Polysorbate 80, known causatore-female infertility in mice and testicular atrophy in male-mice.
- Gelatin, pigs and cows, known for causing anaphylactic reactions.
- Glutammato monosodico (MSG ), causa di disturbi metabolici, tipo diabete, apoplessia ed altri
disordini di tipo neurologico.
(...) Per godere di salute vibrante è opportuno che tu impari alcuni concetti
- La scelta sicura è quella di dire no ai vaccini. Tu sei in grado di controllare le scelte salutistiche che fai per te e per i tuoi bambini. Ma non hai nessun controllo sui risultati di una vaccinazione.
- Non c’è bisogno di andare da un pediatra specializzato a misurare i tuoi bambini e a siringarli con un vaccino. Vai da un terapeuta naturale che sia più aperto e meno inserito nel business delle vaccinazioni.
- I bambini nascono dotati di potenti natural defenses. If they had, would die immediately after birth. Huge immune processes take place already at their first cry. This is natural and does not need interference in children.
- Most diseases are dodging children. A healthy child is not vaccinated, and has the force of impact against any disease and jump out without a syringe into the places of poisons.
- Learn to appreciate the importance of fever. Most of the wall fevers resolve themselves within a few hours, without medication.
- Realize that your baby, even though the vaccine, can also contract the disease that the vaccine intended to prevent.
- Learn che le chiavi della salute sono la buona nutrizione, acqua pura, sonno adeguato, esercizio fisico e buonumore.
- Studiati come funzionano i vaccini. Il tuo medico sa molto meno di te su questo argomento. Sa solo quello che la pubblicità di Big Pharma gli rifila in continuazione.
Salvate i vostri bambini dalle vergognose speculazioni "
What we need to know before deciding |
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