Massimo Di Lacey
Most people are not aware of them, but since 1993 there is a law in Italy, the No. 205 to 95, better known as "Mancino Law", was born and used with the odious order to suppress any dissent and restriction of the inalienable freedom of thought and speech. My statement is supported by the following considerations:
- is a law which effectively sets limits clearly defined and absolute freedom of thought and speech, setting a dangerous and disturbing attempt to define what are the values \u200b\u200band ideas legitimate (and legal) and what are the ideas and values \u200b\u200billegitimate (and illegal).
- There is a dangerous generality of the concept of "acts of discrimination based on race, national or religious grounds" where "discriminate" has the same meaning as "preferred", "distinguish", "click" in which fundamental freedoms, rule of law - as it claims to be the Italian one.
-There is no reference to 'incitement hatred for political reasons ". From this we can deduce the absolute immunity for those individuals and not only those political groups that" discriminate against "the other party (which is legitimate for us) but, motivated by a feeling of" hatred " , using a language explicitly harmful to the dignity and honor personal and acting on the concrete level (with offices, blocks, counter-demonstrations not authorized) to prevent political opponents propaganda and freedom of expression (Article 12 - Right to dignity - Universal Declaration of Human Rights ").
the accessory penalties provided for (withdrawal of documents prohibited to participate in public life, and return bonded labor, confiscation of property owned), addition to those sentences, show unequivocally the willingness to hit, even before the alleged crime, first and foremost a way of being, thinking, a way of life. Additional penalties are not applied either, for example, the drug dealers and hardened regulars.
It also provides a case for summary that minimizes procedural safeguards and impact heavily on other specific offenses, where the aggravating for "racial reasons" shall be applied without consideration of mitigating circumstances.
Based on these considerations, it seems more than fair to consider the "Mancino Law" a law in effect restricts freedoms and unconstitutional, since it is highly detrimental to the fundamental freedoms of every Italian citizen (thought, word , action) in relation to articles 17, 18, 19 and 21 of the Italian Constitution and Articles 2, 7, 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. "
appears to be an instrument capable of prosecuting individuals and groups not approved as unwelcome, as it is not aligned with the single thought, with the dominant way of thinking.
arbitrary interpretations let any expression of "choice", "preference" and "distinction" as an act of "discrimination", "funds" automatically and implicitly "on national superiority or hatred, religious or racial."
E 'also undemocratic because it tends to criminalize systems of thought and ideas that affirm the principles of identity, belonging and diversity.
Finally, it allows processes to the intentions, denying any value to the statements of the accused in favor of the multiplicity of cultures and ethnic groups, as is clear from the pleadings so far acquired.
It is for these reasons that the battle undertaken by associations and committees - to name just one, "the Committee freely" - is a fight for and defend freedom ', attacked by what can be considered in all respects a true monster in law.
a legal monster, on the other, is applied with absolute rigor and readiness, one-way. That is only and only to those movements (political or cultural) or to those individuals that ITALIAN ideally refer to their traditional values \u200b\u200bclearly and clear.
me give an example to explain more clearly the latter consideration.
When a person of Muslim faith or an atheist perhaps you can throw a crucifix in public Christians, say, the window of a public hospital, or the trash of a middle school, take no risk to be processed through the "Mancino law", although this is still applicabilissima.
The reason still unknown and shrouded in mystery.
And of these cases in recent years, here in Italy they were held in hundreds.
In contrast, when an ordinary person, of Italian nationality, who dared to speak, perhaps during a rally, or between friends in a pub, or with his girlfriend, existence of large cultural differences between the Christian civilization and that, say, Islam, claiming the superiority of the first - without wishing in any way discriminating against the latter or those who turn to Islam, but simply expressing his own personal opinion - well, it would be immediately liable to prosecution through the application of the law "Mancino law."
for what happens simple and honest citizens who are found to have served several months in jail - at best - in the compulsory return by 20.00 at home, to have no more right to vote, having to endure the withdrawal of license automobile and so much more - JUST FOR YOU EXPRESS THEIR OWN OPINION.
And in such cases, it took place and the tens place.
Between the silence of the institutions, the silence of the media, the silence of political parties.
Source: SRS Di Massimo Lacerenza da .
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