Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Verona: In 1867, complimentary 's Union Italy, the city's dialect words were translated into Italian historian Alberto Mario Banti

Lane Bogoni to Veronetta: one of the few terms of place names survived the Veronese dialect Italianization City

Palazzo Barbieri in 1867 renamed many streets in the center to honor the fallen patriots. Only dead Bogoni escape routes all'italianizzazione

The historic center of Verona makes a significant tribute to the Italian Risorgimento: the many roads around Piazza Bra, dedicated to the characters that made the unit of 'Italy. But these have different naming stories. The first tribute to the protagonists of the Risorgimento, there was just the aftermath of the annexation of Verona Italy.

the sitting of 21 January 1867, the City Council decided that the highway became the Porta Nuova Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, and so the same piazza Bra. The course, during the Fascist era, changed its name and was dedicated to Can Grande, to return, however, entitled to Porta Nuova, with the war.

So Piazza Bra. Also during the session of 1867, it was also decided that the course was dedicated to Castelvecchio Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, and the two streets of San Pietro in Monastery and San Fermo Cortalta in which Rose carried away by the Adige, were named after Giuseppe Garibaldi, as well as the bridge. But it was above the street and the bridge dedicated to the Emperor Ferdinand of Austria had to change that name. It was then pointed out the patriot Daniele Manin (1804-1857), hero of the uprising of Venice are the road and the bridge that sull'Adigetto Via Roma (Via del Teatro then), via Marconi lead today. The square becomes the Post Independence Square and Via Crocette, which led to the palace from the city Montanari, is dedicated to the same Patriot Verona.

In 1871, five years after annexation, we are seeing a radical revision of the toponymy of Verona: the popular names were preserved, but in honor of national unification, the words were Italianized dialect, with results sometimes questionable and ridiculous. Willow Street that leads from Via Garibaldi to replace Jerome alley off of the sales, but the name refers to the river pebbles, rounded by the current, and not the slender trees. Only one name has remained dialect, perhaps forgotten, is dead Bogoni to Veronetta.

dates back to 1882, the naming of William via Oberdan, patriot Trieste, of what was via Great Czar, to commemorate the stay of the Tsar, during the Congress of Verona in 1822.

E 'was instead decided in 1890 to commemorate the name of the Cairoli brothers, the road that leads from Piazza Erbe Piazza Viviani in today and had the prosaic name of Via Gallina, by the teaching of inn. The way the family wanted to remember Cairoli, a native of Pavia, a father and his five children, who participated in the most important episodes of the Risorgimento, the Five Days of Milan to the Expedition of the Thousand. In addition, the Veronese Benedict had known when he came to inaugurate the nearby monument to Garibaldi.

should then traced back to 1907, the names of Via Mazzini, Via Cattaneo and Via Alberto Mario. So central Via Nuova, the city's main thoroughfare, has been dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini, the higher of the Italian patriots, while the road near Dove took the name of another great character, Carlo Cattaneo. Behind Via Via Nuova, however, was dedicated to Mario, a partisan source of Rovigo. The dedication created controversy because he was a patriot and radical anti-clerical positions.

Also in this same year, the second part of Via San Paolo, drawn in 1874, to join Bishop door to the deck ships, was dedicated al giorno della fine del potere temporale dei papi, diventando via XX settembre, mentre la piazzetta antistante porta Vescovo fu intitolata al 16 ottobre, la data in cui, da lì sono passate le truppe piemontesi, entrate a Verona. Infine, via Roma è uno dei pochissimi toponimi, creati in età fascista, che è rimasto ancora oggi: la strada che unisce piazza Bra a Castelvecchio si chiamava via del Teatro Filarmonico. (E.CERP.)

Fonte:  srs di E.CERP, da L’Arena di Verona di Giovedì 03 Marzo 2011 CRONACA, pagina 18


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