Today, March 7 (2011), begins the discussion of the House Chamber on living wills (PDL C.2350 " Rules on therapeutic alliance, informed consent and advance directives for treatment - DAT) approved a text of the Senate in March 2009, now fired with minor modifications, essentially unchanged, the Social Affairs Committee.
Assembly Speaker in Di Virgilio (PDL), physician, former president of Catholic Doctors and supporter of the "brain death", receiving the Commission's mandate to report favorably to the assembly. The vote
slide in April.
The great deception is that the universe Catholic and secular front are already colluding art. 1 a) of the Draft Law, which states: "This Act ... recognizes and protects human life ... until his death in the manner established by law ".
What law? What is death? Neither the cat or the fox, have the courage to state. In the text of the Senate was clearly spelled out : "No Law 578/93 ", ie law redefining death in terms of" brain death "declared a beating heart in just 6 hours . Then delete the ID number, crime is invisible to most people, making believe that it refers to the true death.
Neither of the two opposing sides to acknowledge the citizen the right to object to such a death protocol intended for transplantation . But the Constitution states that " all citizens have equal dignity", then TBI must also be entitled to a declaration of Early Treatment to prevent and torture tests conducted to validate the hypothesis of "coma irreversible "(brain death).
The layman imagines is the first death, and, where appropriate, invasive Typing for the removal / transplant. Instead NO: the mirage of the explant requires the preservation of organ function. This means that
heavy preparatory steps are necessary before the so-called determination of brain death . These measures are implemented when the resuscitator decides to discontinue therapy because, in his view, the prognosis is not without hope.
But it is a subjective assessment: will practice these "bills" on the patient breathing aid, whose own heart beats, keeping the club in all parts of the body. The patient is alive but he lost consciousness. Starting
From now on medical measures are no longer curative, but will only serve to preserve the organs.
will make the findings of immuno-genetic characters, you run the removal of lymph nodes for antigen typing, and not uncommon, invasive tests to assess the quality of organs for transplantation (coronariografie, etc.).
Exams not finalized the interest of the patient, even for him seriously damaging . This is the first investigation of the so-called medical college .
This violence is kept from the family that continues to believe that doctors are busy around the patient are taking care of their expensive. And maybe beg and thank them.
also for the so-called declaration of brain death, the decree imposes "instrumental investigations of cerebral blood flow (cerebral angiography, etc..) Invasive and harmful - even deadly - especially for patients in intensive care.
fact " inject a dye in the intracranial arteries, where there is already an edema, it means increased intracranial pressure and edema itself, thus implementing the opposite of what medical treatment aimed at vitality of brain tissue would require "(Prof. Dr. Max Bond).
The apnea test (sospensione temporanea della ventilazione), già denunciato a livello internazionale come gravemente lesivo (Prof. Dr. Galli Coimbra) esita in un aggravamento delle condizioni del malato. La stessa ventilazione forzata attuata routinariamente ed arbitrariamente, ha un secondo fine: quello di dare ai medici il diritto di dichiarare il malato, soprattutto il traumatizzato cranico, vivo o morto cerebrale a seconda che interessi o no espiantare e trapiantare.
La legge non prevede il caso in cui i medici che eseguono i protocolli possano certificare falsamente la morte cerebrale per dolo o imperizia, né prevede alcuna punizione del reato, come se i medici fossero una casta immune da errori e pulsioni criminali.
Sounds contradictory and dishonest behavior and thinking of those who require in 6 hours of brain death on people in comas who reject it and would like to be treated (and not be extubated authority slaughtered or worse), and one temple impose on another group of patients in vegetative life through the peg, a pipe stuck directly into the stomach or intestine for nutrition and hydration indefinitely people who have lost consciousness, state of consciousness in people who have chosen life and death by nature and do not accept the meditecnica experimental.
Counterfeiters of life and death are the cure for TBI as aggressive treatment, and the peg to life as a healthy lifestyle.
Go back to our knowledge, outside the protocols of Health authoritarian state , we have divided authority in guinea pigs: Eluana likes to experiment on the brain, and those under the change of ventilation ' organs.
This public denunciation of the exclusion of some patients , usually the head injury, the right to give advance directives for treatment, delegitimize as InCos tituzionale (Articles 2, 3, 13, 32), The bill before the House on DAT.
Rather than a mess Italian BETTER WITHOUT LAW.
by Nerina Negrello,
24121 BERGAMO Pass. Lateran Canons, 22
Tel 035-219255 - Fax 035-235660
lega.nazionale @
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