Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Has Cough Sounds Flemmy

The seven biggest tricks of the supermarkets

Saving Tips: Learn how to uncover the tricks of the supermarkets and price guideline in order to beat the stores at their own game ...

Believe it or not, recent data say that in recent years, the wholesale price of commodities has fallen by almost 50%.
So why food prices keep rising? Apparently, supermarkets have failed to lower their prices in line with this fall.
Unfortunately, this is not the only factor by which the supermarkets looking to increase their income. Here are the seven most common strategies to make you spend more.

Size matters
in principle to buy larger packs are convenient, as the price per kilogram or per liter is lower than in smaller sizes. But not always. The best way to realize these differences is to always check the details before buying, particularly the unit price. uses this value to make him and to tell you what are the best offers.

Special offers that make you buy more of the same product (2x1, 3x2, etc..) Are certainly interesting, but, while for products to purchase multiple long term this can really help to save, for fresh or perishable products can be, however, an additional cost.
Often you will find the best deals on products with limited duration, such as fruits and vegetables or dairy products. Do not be to persuade convenience if you are unsure of being able to consume what bought before the expiration date.

delightful Perfumes
try not to let groped odors. Especially in hypermarkets there are departments that link much effect for nose into buying products that they had absolutely consider buying before entering the store. Scupolosamente try to stick to your shopping list, maybe the one you obtained using and that you printed from our website.

Coffee Break
Many shopping centers are equipped to provide refreshment, such as cafes or bars and to urge you to take a break in these places try to make you spend more available in the store. Avoid being sucked into the vortex of shopping, go straight to your goal by using the grocery list that you brought with you and exit just finished!

product placement
Do not you ever wonder what's in the top or at the foot of the supermarket shelf? In particular, in places difficult to reach? Supermarkets often bring the goods to earn more at a height of your eyes, so they are easy to find, and convenient products or offers are placed at the top or bottom. This means that savings can be need to do some 'treasure hunt.
Similarly, you can find the products more expensive near the entrance, while the basic or cheaper products will be delivered after you have been offered other products more attractive to the supermarket.

Change of lanes available and the shelves
Another trick adopted by the supermarkets is to change the store layout in order to force you to look for what you are looking around for all the store. The result is that we are forced to pass to other products, even attractive, which is likely to put in the basket. As always, the advice is: follow your shopping list!

Location of point of sale
Product prices vary from store to store, even within the same chain, depending on the size of the store and its location. The hypermarkets tend to be cheaper than smaller stores. To know exactly where the products are cheaper, use to prepare your shopping list. In a short time you will understand what supermarkets are convenient or not.

spending Shoot!
become more aware of these tricks, the better you can reduce the food bill.

Source: Expenditure by Easy of Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter 3 Reviews On The Book Death Watch

Archaeological findings are tax deductible

Archaeological excavation

Ancona. An agreement was signed between builders and the Archaeological Superintendency for the antiquities underground.
it looks to be a landmark agreement. Superintendence and manufacturers together and not enemies, ready to establish rules of collaboration together. To put an end once and for all, the nightmare (the manufacturer) of "Mr. No" archaeologist who stops work and requires the excavation, and (the archaeologist) to the risk of irreparable damage to our goods still in hiding. It 'happened on April 7 in the Marche, Ancona. The Superintendent of Cultural Heritage Giuliano De Marinis, and the chairman of the Regional Construction Alfredo Mancinelli, are committed together to promote a bill that provides tax breaks and streamlined procedures for the manufacturer who has to bear the cost of the excavation. A small but concrete step. In a sea of \u200b\u200banarchy, a true Wild West.

Because you know, dig in our country who always finds a treasure, not only in urban but a bit 'all over the "historic landscape" Italic. Especially since (several years) the modern archeology has learned to detect even the most fleeting traces of our past. He even coined the terms ad hoc "Emergency excavation" if the discovery is done randomly during an archaeological excavation of the subsoil for construction purposes, "excavation estimate" if you perform archaeological surveys prior to construction. This would actually the more correct procedure, which allows you to program operations and avoiding dangerous blocks in construction work already underway. And, in truth, the Municipal Code provides, but only for public works.
For the rest of the Italian law is still stuck in 1939: the archaeological discoveries are made only for excavation or research programs random, tertium non datur.
Thus, in many small construction projects in Italy, everyone gets by as he can. Often superintendents use the weapon to enforce the lien prior excavations. And even when the construction work began without archaeological investigation, now known manufacturers have to provide one of the "risks" the expense of any archaeological excavation resulting in the expansion of work time and sometimes even block final.
But not everyone knows or can afford those costs lightly, and it is not difficult to imagine that manufacturers often are silent in order not to generate findings to their work smoothly. And who does this work? Companies now are full of archeology, given the huge demand, but the archeology as a profession is not recognized or regulated in any where.

The bill array Marche wants, above all, make good the financial problems of building and construction the instrument of tax relief. Certainly a measure of fairness.
Constitution stipulates that the excavations can be made also by the building itself, if it uses specialized (and still under the supervision of the essential scientific direction). To expedite matters, but at the same time making clear the urgency of a framework for the profession as an archaeologist.
therefore raises a few pegs, but unclear. At first sight, even too few, as the superintendent says archaeologist for the Emilia Romagna Luigi Malnati, please do not lose sight of the real target of the investigation prior to any obligation. "However is an important step with good prospects of success because he was conceived in the mutual interest, "says De Marinis. Anyway, the two parties undertook to promote reflection and debate on the proposal anywhere in the boot. Anyone who cares about the cultural heritage of the peninsula is to provide an opinion.

Source: srs by Cinzia Dal Maso Source: Il Sole - 24 Ore (2007)
Source: Antikitera of October 2, 2007

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Today, March 7 (2011), begins the discussion of the House Chamber on living wills (PDL C.2350 " Rules on therapeutic alliance, informed consent and advance directives for treatment - DAT) approved a text of the Senate in March 2009, now fired with minor modifications, essentially unchanged, the Social Affairs Committee.

Assembly Speaker in Di Virgilio (PDL), physician, former president of Catholic Doctors and supporter of the "brain death", receiving the Commission's mandate to report favorably to the assembly. The vote

slide in April.

The great deception is that the universe Catholic and secular front are already colluding art. 1 a) of the Draft Law, which states: "This Act ... recognizes and protects human life ... until his death in the manner established by law ".

What law? What is death? Neither the cat or the fox, have the courage to state. In the text of the Senate was clearly spelled out : "No Law 578/93 ", ie law redefining death in terms of" brain death "declared a beating heart in just 6 hours . Then delete the ID number, crime is invisible to most people, making believe that it refers to the true death.

Neither of the two opposing sides to acknowledge the citizen the right to object to such a death protocol intended for transplantation . But the Constitution states that " all citizens have equal dignity", then TBI must also be entitled to a declaration of Early Treatment to prevent and torture tests conducted to validate the hypothesis of "coma irreversible "(brain death).

The layman imagines is the first death, and, where appropriate, invasive Typing for the removal / transplant. Instead NO: the mirage of the explant requires the preservation of organ function. This means that

heavy preparatory steps are necessary before the so-called determination of brain death . These measures are implemented when the resuscitator decides to discontinue therapy because, in his view, the prognosis is not without hope.

But it is a subjective assessment: will practice these "bills" on the patient breathing aid, whose own heart beats, keeping the club in all parts of the body. The patient is alive but he lost consciousness. Starting

From now on medical measures are no longer curative, but will only serve to preserve the organs.

will make the findings of immuno-genetic characters, you run the removal of lymph nodes for antigen typing, and not uncommon, invasive tests to assess the quality of organs for transplantation (coronariografie, etc.).

Exams not finalized the interest of the patient, even for him seriously damaging . This is the first investigation of the so-called medical college .

This violence is kept from the family that continues to believe that doctors are busy around the patient are taking care of their expensive. And maybe beg and thank them.

also for the so-called declaration of brain death, the decree imposes "instrumental investigations of cerebral blood flow (cerebral angiography, etc..) Invasive and harmful - even deadly - especially for patients in intensive care.

fact " inject a dye in the intracranial arteries, where there is already an edema, it means increased intracranial pressure and edema itself, thus implementing the opposite of what medical treatment aimed at vitality of brain tissue would require "(Prof. Dr. Max Bond).

The apnea test (sospensione temporanea della ventilazione), già denunciato a livello internazionale come gravemente lesivo (Prof. Dr. Galli Coimbra) esita in un aggravamento delle condizioni del malato. La stessa ventilazione forzata attuata routinariamente ed arbitrariamente, ha un secondo fine: quello di dare ai medici il diritto di dichiarare il malato, soprattutto il traumatizzato cranico, vivo o morto cerebrale a seconda che interessi o no espiantare e trapiantare.

La legge non prevede il caso in cui i medici che eseguono i protocolli possano certificare falsamente la morte cerebrale per dolo o imperizia, né prevede alcuna punizione del reato, come se i medici fossero una casta immune da errori e pulsioni criminali.

Sounds contradictory and dishonest behavior and thinking of those who require in 6 hours of brain death on people in comas who reject it and would like to be treated (and not be extubated authority slaughtered or worse), and one temple impose on another group of patients in vegetative life through the peg, a pipe stuck directly into the stomach or intestine for nutrition and hydration indefinitely people who have lost consciousness, state of consciousness in people who have chosen life and death by nature and do not accept the meditecnica experimental.

Counterfeiters of life and death are the cure for TBI as aggressive treatment, and the peg to life as a healthy lifestyle.

Go back to our knowledge, outside the protocols of Health authoritarian state , we have divided authority in guinea pigs: Eluana likes to experiment on the brain, and those under the change of ventilation ' organs.

This public denunciation of the exclusion of some patients , usually the head injury, the right to give advance directives for treatment, delegitimize as InCos tituzionale (Articles 2, 3, 13, 32), The bill before the House on DAT.

Rather than a mess Italian BETTER WITHOUT LAW.

by Nerina Negrello,

24121 BERGAMO Pass. Lateran Canons, 22
Tel 035-219255 - Fax 035-235660
lega.nazionale @

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Long Do You Store Tithing Envelopes


This document, " Vaccines: Get the full story " comes from the American Medical (International Medical Council on Vaccination) .

Gli 80 firmatari (...) rappresentano una selezione di pediatri, medici di famiglia, chirurghi cerebrali, professori di patologia, chimica, biologia ed immunologia.

(...) Come mai i medici non trovano le cause vere di molte malattie?
Perché sono condizionati e costretti a ignorare le correlazioni tra patologie e vaccini.

L’elenco di tali malattie è lungo, ma citiamo solo quelle più note:

Allergie ed eczema, artrite, asma, autismo, riflusso acido che costringe i bimbi a inibitori tipo pompe protoniche (con molti effetti collaterali), cancro, infantile and juvenile diabetes, kidney disease, miscarriages, long list of neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and many more.

list of side effects documented and reported in the medical literature
- arthritis, bleeding disorders, blood clots, heart attacks, sepsis
- ear infections
- Fainting (often resulting in broken bones)
- stroke, epilepsy
- Severe allergic reactions, urticaria and anaphylaxis
sudden deaths - Several diagnoses for hospital admission
- The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has awarded more than 1.2 billion reward for damage caused by vaccines to infants, children and adults.

Autism is particularly associated with vaccines
Autism disease was almost unknown before the mass vaccination were launched in 1991 with the introduction of the vaccine against hepatitis B and meningitis vaccines.

Tens of thousands of parents can testify that autism had appeared in their children shortly after that the same would be vaccinated. Please study the documentation on the website

When you get sick, the medical system, insurance companies and multinationals, are enriched

- Vaccines do not provide effective long immunity, so they require a number of appeals.
- Each new call increases the risk of side effects.
- The side effects of vaccines can cripple a person for the rest of life.
This is convenient in Big Pharma, which has in its arsenal many drugs designed to fight diseases caused by its own vaccines.

- In the U.S. nor the multinational drug companies nor doctors can be sued for disasters caused by vaccines. Both categories are listed by the National Child Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 . This law, shameful and scandalous, decrees that "No vaccine manufacturer Shall be liable in a civil Action for Damages Arising from a vaccine-related injury or death. "

(...) How many vaccines are in circulation?

If American children receive all doses of all vaccines recommended and imposed, would receive at least 35 vaccinations containing 113 different types of agents of disease, 59 different chemicals, 4 types of animal cells / DNA, human DNA tissue from aborted human albumin.
If you think you've passed the critical time because your kids are older, forget it.
There are at least 20 other new vaccines ready to be launched in the near future, all designed for teenagers and for adults.

Let's look at the ingredients
- Virus and bacteria from animal cell cultures.
- Mercury a mineral known to be neuro-toxic , is present in the majority of vaccines in circulation.
- Aluminium, a poison that can cause degeneration in the bones and spinal cord.
- cells from monkeys, animals, dog kidney, chicken, cow and human beings.
- Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
- Polysorbate 80, known causatore-female infertility in mice and testicular atrophy in male-mice.
- Gelatin, pigs and cows, known for causing anaphylactic reactions.
- Glutammato monosodico (MSG ), causa di disturbi metabolici, tipo diabete, apoplessia ed altri
disordini di tipo neurologico.

(...) Per godere di salute vibrante è opportuno che tu impari alcuni concetti

- La scelta sicura è quella di dire no ai vaccini. Tu sei in grado di controllare le scelte salutistiche che fai per te e per i tuoi bambini. Ma non hai nessun controllo sui risultati di una vaccinazione.
- Non c’è bisogno di andare da un pediatra specializzato a misurare i tuoi bambini e a siringarli con un vaccino. Vai da un terapeuta naturale che sia più aperto e meno inserito nel business delle vaccinazioni.
- I bambini nascono dotati di potenti natural defenses. If they had, would die immediately after birth. Huge immune processes take place already at their first cry. This is natural and does not need interference in children.
- Most diseases are dodging children. A healthy child is not vaccinated, and has the force of impact against any disease and jump out without a syringe into the places of poisons.
- Learn to appreciate the importance of fever. Most of the wall fevers resolve themselves within a few hours, without medication.
- Realize that your baby, even though the vaccine, can also contract the disease that the vaccine intended to prevent.
- Learn che le chiavi della salute sono la buona nutrizione, acqua pura, sonno adeguato, esercizio fisico e buonumore.
- Studiati come funzionano i vaccini. Il tuo medico sa molto meno di te su questo argomento. Sa solo quello che la pubblicità di Big Pharma gli rifila in continuazione.

Salvate i vostri bambini dalle vergognose speculazioni "



What we need to know before deciding

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Mancino Law, a law unconstitutional and dangerous left-handed

Massimo Di Lacey

Most people are not aware of them, but since 1993 there is a law in Italy, the No. 205 to 95, better known as "Mancino Law", was born and used with the odious order to suppress any dissent and restriction of the inalienable freedom of thought and speech. My statement is supported by the following considerations:

- is a law which effectively sets limits clearly defined and absolute freedom of thought and speech, setting a dangerous and disturbing attempt to define what are the values \u200b\u200band ideas legitimate (and legal) and what are the ideas and values \u200b\u200billegitimate (and illegal).

- There is a dangerous generality of the concept of "acts of discrimination based on race, national or religious grounds" where "discriminate" has the same meaning as "preferred", "distinguish", "click" in which fundamental freedoms, rule of law - as it claims to be the Italian one.

-There is no reference to 'incitement hatred for political reasons ". From this we can deduce the absolute immunity for those individuals and not only those political groups that" discriminate against "the other party (which is legitimate for us) but, motivated by a feeling of" hatred " , using a language explicitly harmful to the dignity and honor personal and acting on the concrete level (with offices, blocks, counter-demonstrations not authorized) to prevent political opponents propaganda and freedom of expression (Article 12 - Right to dignity - Universal Declaration of Human Rights ").

the accessory penalties provided for (withdrawal of documents prohibited to participate in public life, and return bonded labor, confiscation of property owned), addition to those sentences, show unequivocally the willingness to hit, even before the alleged crime, first and foremost a way of being, thinking, a way of life. Additional penalties are not applied either, for example, the drug dealers and hardened regulars.

It also provides a case for summary that minimizes procedural safeguards and impact heavily on other specific offenses, where the aggravating for "racial reasons" shall be applied without consideration of mitigating circumstances.

Based on these considerations, it seems more than fair to consider the "Mancino Law" a law in effect restricts freedoms and unconstitutional, since it is highly detrimental to the fundamental freedoms of every Italian citizen (thought, word , action) in relation to articles 17, 18, 19 and 21 of the Italian Constitution and Articles 2, 7, 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. "
appears to be an instrument capable of prosecuting individuals and groups not approved as unwelcome, as it is not aligned with the single thought, with the dominant way of thinking.
arbitrary interpretations let any expression of "choice", "preference" and "distinction" as an act of "discrimination", "funds" automatically and implicitly "on national superiority or hatred, religious or racial."
E 'also undemocratic because it tends to criminalize systems of thought and ideas that affirm the principles of identity, belonging and diversity.
Finally, it allows processes to the intentions, denying any value to the statements of the accused in favor of the multiplicity of cultures and ethnic groups, as is clear from the pleadings so far acquired.

It is for these reasons that the battle undertaken by associations and committees - to name just one, "the Committee freely" - is a fight for and defend freedom ', attacked by what can be considered in all respects a true monster in law.
a legal monster, on the other, is applied with absolute rigor and readiness, one-way. That is only and only to those movements (political or cultural) or to those individuals that ITALIAN ideally refer to their traditional values \u200b\u200bclearly and clear.
me give an example to explain more clearly the latter consideration.
When a person of Muslim faith or an atheist perhaps you can throw a crucifix in public Christians, say, the window of a public hospital, or the trash of a middle school, take no risk to be processed through the "Mancino law", although this is still applicabilissima.
The reason still unknown and shrouded in mystery.
And of these cases in recent years, here in Italy they were held in hundreds.
In contrast, when an ordinary person, of Italian nationality, who dared to speak, perhaps during a rally, or between friends in a pub, or with his girlfriend, existence of large cultural differences between the Christian civilization and that, say, Islam, claiming the superiority of the first - without wishing in any way discriminating against the latter or those who turn to Islam, but simply expressing his own personal opinion - well, it would be immediately liable to prosecution through the application of the law "Mancino law."
for what happens simple and honest citizens who are found to have served several months in jail - at best - in the compulsory return by 20.00 at home, to have no more right to vote, having to endure the withdrawal of license automobile and so much more - JUST FOR YOU EXPRESS THEIR OWN OPINION.
And in such cases, it took place and the tens place.
Between the silence of the institutions, the silence of the media, the silence of political parties.

Source: SRS Di Massimo Lacerenza da .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Law, text

Il Decreto-legge 26 aprile 1993, n. 122:  ("Misure urgenti in materia di discriminazione razziale, etnica e religiosa"), convertito con modificazioni in legge 25 giugno 1993 n. 205, comunemente detto Legge Mancino dal nome dell'allora ministro dell'interno che ne fu proponente (il democristiano Nicola Mancino), è una legge italiana introdotta nel 1993 che condanna gesti, azioni e slogan legati all'ideologia nazifascista, e aventi per scopo l'incitazione alla violenza e alla discriminazione per motivi razziali, etnici religiosi o nazionali. La legge punisce anche l'utilizzo di simbologie legate a suddetti movimenti politici .

Articolo 1

(Discriminazione, odio o violenza per motivi razziali, etnici, nazionali o religiosi)

1. Salvo che il fatto costituisca più grave reato, anche to implement the provisions of Article 4 of the Convention, shall be punished:

A) by imprisonment up to three years in any way those who spread ideas based on racial superiority or hatred or ethnic, or incites to commit or committing acts of discrimination on racial, ethnic, national or religious

B) by imprisonment from six months to four years who, in any way incites to commit or committing acts of violence or provocation of violence for racial, ethnic, national or religious.

2. It is prohibited any organization, association, movement or group that has among its goals the incitement to discrimination or violence on racial, ethnic, national or religious. Who participates in these organizations, associations, movements or groups, or assisting in their activity, shall be punished, merely because of participation or
assistance, with imprisonment from six months to four years. Those who promote or leading such organizations, associations, movements or groups shall be punished for that reason alone, by imprisonment from one to six years.

1-bis. With the conviction of an offense under Article 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654, or an offense under the law October 9, 1967, No 962, the court may also require one or more of the following sanctions:

A) an obligation to pay unpaid to the community for social or public utility, in the manner prescribed pursuant to paragraph 1-ter;

B) an obligation to return to their homes or in another private dwelling within a certain time and not leave it another hour before prefissata, per un periodo non superiore ad un anno;

C) sospensione della patente di guida, del passaporto e di documenti di identificazione validi per l'espatrio per un periodo non superiore ad un anno, nonché‚ divieto di detenzione di armi proprie di ogni genere;

D) divieto di partecipare, in qualsiasi forma, ad attività di propaganda elettorale per le elezioni politiche o amministrative successive alla condanna, e comunque per un periodo non inferiore a tre anni.

1-ter. Entro trenta giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore della legge di conversione del presente decreto, il Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia determina, con proprio decreto, le modalità di svolgimento dell'attività non retribuita a favore della collettività di cui al comma 1-bis, lettera a).

1-quater. L'attività non retribuita a favore della collettività, da svolgersi al termine dell'espiazione della pena detentiva per un periodo massimo di dodici settimane, deve essere determinato dal giudice con modalità tali da non pregiudicare le esigenze lavorative, di studio o di reinserimento sociale del condannato.

1-quinquies. Possono costituire object of the unpaid to the community: the provision of work for land reclamation and restoration of damaged buildings, with inscriptions, emblems or symbols or their usual organizations, associations, movements or groups referred to in paragraph 3 of ' Article 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654; carry out work on behalf of social welfare organizations and charities, such as those operating against persons with disabilities, drug addicts, the elderly or non-EU, the provision of employment for purposes of civil protection, protection of environmental assets and cultural and other public purposes identified by the decree referred to in paragraph 1-ter.

1-sexies. L'attività può essere svolta nell'ambito e a favore di struture pubbliche o di enti ed organizzazioni privati.

Articolo 2

(Disposizioni di prevenzione)

1. Chiunque, in pubbliche riunioni compia manifestazioni esteriori od ostenti emblemi o simboli propri o usuali delle organizzazioni, associazioni, movimenti o gruppi di cui all'articolo 3 della legge 13 ottobre 1975, n. 654, è punito con la pena della reclusione fino a tre anni e con la multa da lire duecentomila a lire cinquecentomila.

2. È vietato l'accesso ai luoghi dove si svolgono competizioni agonistiche alle persone che vi si recano con emblemi o simboli di cui al comma 1. Il contravventore è punito con l'arresto da tre mesi ad un anno.

3. Nel caso di persone denunciate o condannate per uno dei reati previsti dall'articolo 3 della legge 13 ottobre 1975, n. 654, per uno dei reati previsti dalla legge 9 ottobre 1967, n. 962, o per un reato aggravato ai sensi dell'articolo 3 del this decree, and of persons subjected to preventive measures, because it deemed engaged in the commission of crimes that offend or endanger the safety or public peace or for the reasons set out in Article 18, first paragraph, no 2-bis) of Law May 22, 1975, No 152 applies the provision in Article 6 of the Law of 13 December 1989, n. 401, and the prohibition of access, remains effective for a period of five years unless action is issued to storage of non-place decision to proceed or not to prosecute or revocation of the measure of prevention, rehabilitation, or if it is granted under Article 178 of the Penal Code or Article Law 15 of August 3, 1988, No 327.

Article 3

(aggravating circumstances)

1. For crimes carrying a sentence different from that dell'ergastolo committed for purposes of discrimination or ethnic hatred, national, racial or religious group, or in order to facilitate the activities of organizations, associations, movements or groups that have among their aims the same purposes, the penalty is increased to the half.

Article 4

(Changes to existing provisions)

1. The second paragraph of Article 4 of Act June 20, 1952, No 645, reads as follows:

to the same penalty in the first paragraph is subject anxious public officials who, principles, facts or methods of fascism, or its anti-democratic purposes. If the offense relates racist ideas or methods, the penalty is imprisonment from one to three years and a fine ranging from one to two million.

Article 5

(search and seizure)

1. In proceedings for an aggravated offense under Article 3 or of an offense under Article 3, paragraph 1, letter b) and 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654, October 9, 1967 and Law No 962, the court has the search the property against which there are concrete evidence to suggest that the author has exercised it as a place of assembly, storage or shelter or other activities in any way linked to the crime. The police officers, whenever reasons of particular urgency and necessity that does not allow to request authorization by telephone competent magistrate may also conduct searches giving notice, without delay and not later than forty-eight hours, the public prosecutor, who, if appropriate assumptions, the validation within the next forty-eight hours.

2. It is always ready the seizure of the property referred to in paragraph 1 when it is discovered weapons, ammunition, explosives or incendiary or explosive devices or some of the items mentioned in Article 4 of Law April 18, 1975, No 110. It is always provided, also with the seizure of objects and other materials mentioned above as well, emblems or publicity materials or their usual organizations, associations, movements or groups referred to rules 9 October 1967, No 962, and October 13, 1975, No 654, found in the building. You shall observe the provisions of Articles 324 and 355 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. If the property is owned in exclusive use or enjoyment of a person not involved in crime, the seizure can not last for more than thirty days.

3. With the conviction or the sentence of which alltarticolo 444 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the court in cases of particular gravity, provides for the confiscation of the property referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, except that the same belongs to a person unrelated to the crime. It is always the confiscation of objects and other materials mentioned in said paragraph 2.

Article 6

(Procedural Rules)

1. For the offenses of aggravated by the fact that art. 3, paragraph 1, shall in any case ex officio.

2. In cases of flagrante delicto, the officers and agents of the judicial police have the power to arrest for an offense provided for in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article 4 of Law April 18, 1975, No 110, as well as to fulfill the condition laid down in Article 3, paragraph 1 of this Decree, one of the offenses provided for in the first and second paragraphs of that article 4 of Law No 110, 1975.

2-bis. Article 380, paragraph 2, letter l) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, are added at the end, the words, organizations, associations, movements or groups referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3 of Law 13 October 1975 No 654.

3. For crimes aggravated by the circumstance referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, which does not belong to the jurisdiction of the court of assizes, the court has jurisdiction.

4. The court also has jurisdiction for crimes under Article 3 of Law 13 October 1975, No 654.

5. For the offenses listed in Article 5, paragraph 1, the prosecutor shall expedited basis outside the confines of Article 449 of the Criminal Procedure Code, unless the necessary special investigations.

Article 7

(interim suspension and termination)

1. Quando si procede per un reato aggravato ai sensi dell'articolo 3 o per uno dei reati previsti dall'articolo 3, commi 1, lettera b), e 3, della legge 13 ottobre 1975, n. 654, o per uno dei reati previsti dalla legge 9 ottobre 1967, n. 762, e sussistono concreti elementi che consentano di ritenere che l'attività di organizzazioni, associazioni, movimenti o gruppi favorisca la commissione dei medesimi reati, può essere disposta cautelativamente, ai sensi dell'articolo 3 della legge 25 gennaio 1982, n. 17, la sospensione di ogni attività associativa. La richiesta è presentata al giudice competente per il giudizio in ordine ai predetti reati. Avverso il provvedimento è ammesso ricorso ai sensi del quinto comma del that Article 3 of Law No 17 of 1982.

2. The measure referred to in paragraph 1 shall be revoked at any time when they are not the conditions set out therein.

3. When, with final court is satisfied that the activity of organizations, associations, movements and groups has facilitated the commission of any of the offenses listed in Article 5, paragraph 1, the interior minister, after consideration by the Council of Ministers, by order decree the dissolution of the organization, association, movement or group, and provides for the confiscation of property. The resolution was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.

Article 8


1. The seventh paragraph of Article 4 of Law April 18, 1975, No 110, is repealed.

2. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 5 of Article 6 shall apply only to acts committed after the date of entry into force of this decree.

AMATO - Mancini - CONSO

Seen,: CONSO


[1] The management of the organization appears to invoke the protection of the guarantees granted to each activity in which religion is involved. Scientology regularly presents itself as a "persecuted religious minority" only for his religious beliefs, and not otherwise subject to reservations and more controls as a result of adverse judgments in court for the commission of illegal activity found in fields beyond the religious sphere. For a comprehensive note on this subject, see here .

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Lampedusa's mayor accused of racist hate

Bernardino De Rubeis

Agrigento, 01/03/2011

The Mayor of Lampedusa, Bernardino De Rubeis is stato scritto sul libro degli indagati della procura di Agrigento per l'ipotesi di reato relativa all'istigazione all'odio razziale e abuso di potere.

Bernardino De Rubeis, dovrà rispondere dell'ordinanza da lui emessa che impone il divieto di utilizzare i luoghi pubblici come siti di bivacco e deiezione ai migranti del CIE, (centro identificazione e di espulsione) di Lampedusa.

Secondo quanto si è appreso che l’ l'inchiesta è stata aperta dopo l'ordinanza emessa dal Sindaco che prevede il divieto di utilizzare i luoghi pubblici come siti di bivacco e deiezione, non ché, l'accattonaggio e i comportamenti poco decorosi da parte degli migranti del CIE.
« Di queste ordinanze, in Italia ce ne sono centinaia. E’ puro buonsenso, altro che razzismo».
Con queste parole il sindaco De Rubeis giustifica il provvedimento sottoscritto la scorsa settimana ora al centro della indagini della Procura di Agrigento.

Le  indagini sono state affidate a guardia di Finanza e carabinieri per verificare se l'ordinanza emessa trovi dei reali riscontri sul comportamento degli migranti.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Verona: In 1867, complimentary 's Union Italy, the city's dialect words were translated into Italian historian Alberto Mario Banti

Lane Bogoni to Veronetta: one of the few terms of place names survived the Veronese dialect Italianization City

Palazzo Barbieri in 1867 renamed many streets in the center to honor the fallen patriots. Only dead Bogoni escape routes all'italianizzazione

The historic center of Verona makes a significant tribute to the Italian Risorgimento: the many roads around Piazza Bra, dedicated to the characters that made the unit of 'Italy. But these have different naming stories. The first tribute to the protagonists of the Risorgimento, there was just the aftermath of the annexation of Verona Italy.

the sitting of 21 January 1867, the City Council decided that the highway became the Porta Nuova Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, and so the same piazza Bra. The course, during the Fascist era, changed its name and was dedicated to Can Grande, to return, however, entitled to Porta Nuova, with the war.

So Piazza Bra. Also during the session of 1867, it was also decided that the course was dedicated to Castelvecchio Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, and the two streets of San Pietro in Monastery and San Fermo Cortalta in which Rose carried away by the Adige, were named after Giuseppe Garibaldi, as well as the bridge. But it was above the street and the bridge dedicated to the Emperor Ferdinand of Austria had to change that name. It was then pointed out the patriot Daniele Manin (1804-1857), hero of the uprising of Venice are the road and the bridge that sull'Adigetto Via Roma (Via del Teatro then), via Marconi lead today. The square becomes the Post Independence Square and Via Crocette, which led to the palace from the city Montanari, is dedicated to the same Patriot Verona.

In 1871, five years after annexation, we are seeing a radical revision of the toponymy of Verona: the popular names were preserved, but in honor of national unification, the words were Italianized dialect, with results sometimes questionable and ridiculous. Willow Street that leads from Via Garibaldi to replace Jerome alley off of the sales, but the name refers to the river pebbles, rounded by the current, and not the slender trees. Only one name has remained dialect, perhaps forgotten, is dead Bogoni to Veronetta.

dates back to 1882, the naming of William via Oberdan, patriot Trieste, of what was via Great Czar, to commemorate the stay of the Tsar, during the Congress of Verona in 1822.

E 'was instead decided in 1890 to commemorate the name of the Cairoli brothers, the road that leads from Piazza Erbe Piazza Viviani in today and had the prosaic name of Via Gallina, by the teaching of inn. The way the family wanted to remember Cairoli, a native of Pavia, a father and his five children, who participated in the most important episodes of the Risorgimento, the Five Days of Milan to the Expedition of the Thousand. In addition, the Veronese Benedict had known when he came to inaugurate the nearby monument to Garibaldi.

should then traced back to 1907, the names of Via Mazzini, Via Cattaneo and Via Alberto Mario. So central Via Nuova, the city's main thoroughfare, has been dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini, the higher of the Italian patriots, while the road near Dove took the name of another great character, Carlo Cattaneo. Behind Via Via Nuova, however, was dedicated to Mario, a partisan source of Rovigo. The dedication created controversy because he was a patriot and radical anti-clerical positions.

Also in this same year, the second part of Via San Paolo, drawn in 1874, to join Bishop door to the deck ships, was dedicated al giorno della fine del potere temporale dei papi, diventando via XX settembre, mentre la piazzetta antistante porta Vescovo fu intitolata al 16 ottobre, la data in cui, da lì sono passate le truppe piemontesi, entrate a Verona. Infine, via Roma è uno dei pochissimi toponimi, creati in età fascista, che è rimasto ancora oggi: la strada che unisce piazza Bra a Castelvecchio si chiamava via del Teatro Filarmonico. (E.CERP.)

Fonte:  srs di E.CERP, da L’Arena di Verona di Giovedì 03 Marzo 2011 CRONACA, pagina 18

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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meets Roberto Benigni

Alberto Mario Banti

The theme of the unification of Italy and more than 150 in general of the Italian Risorgimento was recently brought to the attention of the general public with the assistance of Roberto Benigni seguitissimo in Sanremo. However, I feel good contributing back to the discussion that is very critical but also constructive, Professor of Alberto Mario Banti , great scholar of the Renaissance.

Roberto Benigni in Sanremo, but certainly what he loved Berlinguer! What - with gentle sweetness - with Troisi joked about Brothers of Italy ... What a transformation! Amazing! Yes, since Thursday, February 17 "on the stage of the Ariston," as they say in these circumstances, not only did the exegesis Inno di Mameli. He has done more. He made an apology of passionate political and moral values \u200b\u200bproposed innate. And - as someone said - he also taught a history lesson. A "memory" history lesson if we want to use the vocabulary of the comic.

Good. And what have we learned from this history lesson? That we Italians and Italian-2011 even descended from the Romans, who were known for having possessed a great army, which instilled fear in everyone. They also state that the fighters of the Lombard League (1176); from Palermo who rebelled against the Angevin on the evening of Easter Monday of 1282, by Francesco Ferrucci, who died in 1530 in the defense of Florence and Balilla, boy who in 1746 started a revolt against the Austrians in Genoa. Interesting. As a historian, I frankly do not know. I mean I did not know that all these people who thought they had fought for other reasons, in fact, had already fought for the construction of the Italian nation. I thought this was a distorted version of history offered by national leaders and intellectuals of the nineteenth century nationalists. And what a century of historical research had shown the invalidity of that claim. But, you see a little 'that is going to discover in one evening on television.

But there's more. We found that all these "Italians" were good, the exploited and oppressed by foreigners, violent, savage and rapist - foreigners who in turn were German, French, Austrian and English. It also this is an interesting concept, one that erased at a stroke the sentiments of opening to Europe and the world that have successfully characterized the political action of the last forty years.

Then we understood that we feel a special thrill of excitement when, walking through the Louvre museum or some other foreigner, we are faced with a painting, say, by Titian or Tintoretto: e This is because those are painters 'Italian' and we, in some way descended from them. How strange: this seemed a strange concept really: I get excited even in the face of other paintings, Dürer's Goya or Manet, to say that it is irreducibly anti-patriotic?

And we finally figured out what the fundamental value that makes us Italians and Italian, and that should make us love the fighters of the Risorgimento: the mystique of the heroic sacrifice and death on the enemy, if the death of themselves on the altar of the motherland, the militarization of the war-mongering policy. There. I argue that the recovery time from uncritical of the Risorgimento as a founding myth of the Italian Republic to run the risk of calling into the circuit values \u200b\u200bare as dangerous as those built by the nineteenth-century nationalism: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe nation as a community of descendants a nation that exists if not eternity, at least the dawn of time, the idea of \u200b\u200bwar as a fundamental value of patriotic masculinity and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe political community as a system of differences: "we" are "us" and we are united, as opposed to "those other" foreigners, which are different from us, and we are dangerous to the integrity of our community.

Each of these ideas put into the circuit of a society like ours, which is crossed by intensive migration processes, it can become very toxic: it can lead to the belief that defending the Italian identity implichi difendersi dagli «altri», che – in quanto diversi – sono anche pericolosi; può indurre a fantasticare di una speciale peculiarità, se non di una superiorità, della cultura italiana; invita ad avere una visione chiusa ed esclusiva della comunità politica alla quale apparteniamo; e soprattutto induce a valorizzare ideali bellici che, nel contesto attuale, mi sembrano quanto meno fuori luogo.

Ecco, con la performance di Benigni mi sembra che il rischio di una riattualizzazione del peggior nazionalismo stia diventando reale: tanto più in considerazione della reazione entusiastica che ha accolto l’esibizione del comico, Benigni's almost as if he had said things that everyone had the heart who knows how long. Now if these people are the ministers of Russia or melons, it is not surprising coming from these two political militancy that has always cultivated the nationalist values. But when they join too many politicians and commentators from the left, many of them also ex-communists, well there is to be truly amazed.

One might ask them: but what was of internationalism, pacifism, Europe, the opening of solidarity that has characterized the best democratic culture of the past decades? Why I do not think that such a background of values \u200b\u200bis compatible with these forms of neo-nationalism. With his long monologue, in fact, Benigni - despite having spoken out against nationalism - it seems essentially inviting us to counter nationalism Po dusting off an Italian nationalism same as in the League's system of values \u200b\u200band contrary to the one that concerns only the ' geopolitical area of \u200b\u200breference.

Well, we hope that the success of Benigni is a successful evening. Why embrace the solution of an Italian neo-nationalism would be to slip straight into the most pernicious of political cultures that have populated the history of Italy from the Risorgimento to Fascism.

Source: SRS Alberto Mario Banti from The Manifesto of 20.02.2011

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pesticides on fruits and vegetables THREATEN THE FERTILITY 'THE HISTORY OF MEN

The pesticides found on fruits and vegetables could do serious damage to male fertility : so say the research in the field. 30 of the 37 chemicals tested and used in crops interfere with the action of testosterone, the hormone is critical for the male reproductive system: So says the Daily Mail. And 'cause for concern, but 16 of the 30 products in question had not previously been linked with the hormonal upheaval.

Who is promoting environmental campaigns say that the effects can be particularly severe in the uterus, in the absence of testosterone the male offspring could portra effeminate traits, increasing birth defects in their reproductive oddities and low levels of sperm as well as in future cancers testicles.

Research sponsored by the European Commission was performed on cells in the laboratory. British scientists behind the scenes, say they can not be certain that humans are subject to similar influences, but is an urgent need to test more effectively.

Research conducted by the University of London's School of Pharmacy has focused on pesticides widely used in EU. Many fungicides that are sprayed on strawberries, lettuce, grapes and other fruit and vegetable that are close to harvest so reports the Journal Environmental Health Perspectives (Journal for the prospects of environmental health). These products, however, are not used in preparations which are not intended for commercial and municipal gardens or allotments. The pesticide manufacturers say that their industry is more regulated in the chemical industry.

But the researcher, Prof. Andreas Kortenkamp said that while the producers may follow the law to the letter, the law does not require that pesticides be tested for their effects on hormones . He said: 'It do many tests, but this hormonal activity is lost in oblivion. (...) We need these chemical companies take this more seriously, but we also appeal to EU regulators make it mandatory because this test .

the pesticides were charged many diseases ranging from incurable brain problems such as Parkinson's intelligence to the block in fetuses

The environmental campaigners say they do not be surprised that these chemicals, designed to attack the brain and nerves of insects, can also harm humans , as both share the same foundations of life.

Elizabeth Salter Green, director of the initiative group of Chem Trust, said: 'I children and pregnant women are encouraged to eat plenty of fruit as it is known to have very positive effects. E 'vital that the testing of pesticides both in the UK in the EU include the analysis on their effects as the destabilization of hormones, particularly when we know that can damage the reproductive health of men '.

Crop Protection Association (Crop Protection), which represents the pesticide manufacturers, said that chemicals are exhaustively tested before and after their entry into the market. The new pesticides media takes 10 years to move more than 200 tests and this cost the manufacturer £ 250milioni pounds per product.

source: # SlideFrame_1
translation and adattameento: Cristina Bassi,

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