Rules for grants and loans to and protested
Le persone che hanno subito un protesto o un pignoramento possono incontrare molte difficoltà alla richiesta di un finanziamenti. Ciò è ovviamente dovuto al fatto che la loro affidabilità non è considerata sufficiente alla stipula di un contratto. Le banche possono controllare l'affidabilità dei loro clienti attraverso i dati delle Centrali Risks and therefore can know exactly where a person has had economic problems of this kind.
This does not mean that people who have suffered a protest did not happen to a mode of financing. Banks can in fact make use of a special funding to protest that is based on salary as collateral. The best choice for the customer and the bank is that of employee loans that involves not only the salary as collateral also loves the direct deduction of the amount of the installment from the salary. The bank has so certain that the customer has the option to pay and payment is made automatically each month.
Cancellation and update data from the CRIF
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