what they are and how they work at home Mortgage
Cosa sono i prestiti personali
Il prestito personale non è altro che un finanziamento di un certo ammontare di denaro che dovrà poi essere restituito all’ente erogatore maggiorato dagli interessi maturati nel periodo del finanziamento. Possono erogare un prestito sia banche generaliste che istituti di credito specializzati.
Quando si parla però personal loans are referred to the fact that these loans are granted regardless of the purpose for which they are requested by the customer so they are not directly related to the purchase of a specific item.
Using a personal loan you can request an amount of between 2,000 and € 30,000 repayable in installments up to 120. In some cases it is also possible to request early repayment of the loan.
What are the requirements to obtain a personal loan
requirements that are generally required by all banks and / or lending institutions are as follows:
- be aged between 18 and 70 years;
- Have an income tax return via certified, CUD, etc.;
- Another key requirement is to have a clean credit status (so-called "credit profile"), ie not to have endured protests, foreclosures, etc. but they have paid all the rate of a previous loan with regularity and punctuality.
These documents can then add others as required by the specific institution providing the loan.
Documents required to apply for a personal loan
To qualify for funding must submit all documents are:
- identity document and tax code
- Documentation showing the income situation of the applicant (payroll, CUD, etc.) in order to verify the real capacity of the customer to repay the financing
- last paid user that is a copy of your phone bill, gas, etc. paid.
How to Apply for a personal loan
order to apply for a personal loan is simply choosing to go to the branch office equipped with the aforementioned documents and apply for funding. In some cases, where permitted by the credit granting the funding, it is possible to sign the loan agreement online by completing a form specifically created which will be included in all Our data and earnings. In this case, once accepted the loan you will receive by mail the contract to be signed and sent together with all documents and personal income required at the headquarters of the institution providing the financing.
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