Thursday, November 25, 2010

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what they are and how they work at home Mortgage

Cosa sono i prestiti personali

Il prestito personale non è altro che un finanziamento di un certo ammontare di denaro che dovrà poi essere restituito all’ente erogatore maggiorato dagli interessi maturati nel periodo del finanziamento. Possono erogare un prestito sia banche generaliste che istituti di credito specializzati.
Quando si parla però personal loans are referred to the fact that these loans are granted regardless of the purpose for which they are requested by the customer so they are not directly related to the purchase of a specific item.
Using a personal loan you can request an amount of between 2,000 and € 30,000 repayable in installments up to 120. In some cases it is also possible to request early repayment of the loan.

What are the requirements to obtain a personal loan

requirements that are generally required by all banks and / or lending institutions are as follows:
- be aged between 18 and 70 years;
- Have an income tax return via certified, CUD, etc.;
- Another key requirement is to have a clean credit status (so-called "credit profile"), ie not to have endured protests, foreclosures, etc. but they have paid all the rate of a previous loan with regularity and punctuality.
These documents can then add others as required by the specific institution providing the loan.

Documents required to apply for a personal loan

To qualify for funding must submit all documents are:
- identity document and tax code
- Documentation showing the income situation of the applicant (payroll, CUD, etc.) in order to verify the real capacity of the customer to repay the financing
- last paid user that is a copy of your phone bill, gas, etc. paid.

How to Apply for a personal loan

order to apply for a personal loan is simply choosing to go to the branch office equipped with the aforementioned documents and apply for funding. In some cases, where permitted by the credit granting the funding, it is possible to sign the loan agreement online by completing a form specifically created which will be included in all Our data and earnings. In this case, once accepted the loan you will receive by mail the contract to be signed and sent together with all documents and personal income required at the headquarters of the institution providing the financing.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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'abroad. The loans with foreign currency in Italy

Lending terms stipulated in countries other than ours are often very beneficial. Precisely for this reason many people decide to borrow directly abroad, allowing them to receive these benefits. But not everyone knows that some banks have the ability to open foreign currency loans in making it possible directly from Italy enjoy benefits similar to those found in these countries.

When you decide to do, however, a transaction of this type is important to remember that the conditions of the loan is made directly in the currency decided. If our salary is € this means it must be changed in foreign currencies, U.S. dollars for example in the United States of America (USA), to be able to go to repay the mortgage payments.

relationships between different currencies are constantly changing and this can be considered as a real risk .

Loans in foreign currencies are recommended only and only to persons who are not afraid of this risk and who are ready to see any rise in times their monthly payment even twice its value.

The advice can be given to those who want to open a loan in foreign currency are:
-point periods in which the euro is weak so that you can pay off the debt so early without losing our money-choose
a mixed rate as a currency that is partially refundable in euro and partly in a foreign currency in case of a difference between them is particularly large.

See also:
- Comparison of fixed and floating rate
- rates of interest on loans

Friday, November 5, 2010

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Advantages of soft loans

provide concessional financing to the applicant of the proceedings cheap caratterizzati da piani di ammortamento snelli e a tassi d'interesse molto vantaggiosi. I finanziamenti agevolati possono essere sia prestiti finalizzati che prestiti non finalizzati nonché leasing e sono ricollegabili direttamente agli incentivi messi a disposizione dall'Unione Europea ai vari paesi con l'obiettivo di incentivare lo sviluppo delle piccole e medie imprese. I finanziamenti agevolati offrono la possibilità di ottenere elevate somme di denaro in parte totalmente a fondo perduto e in parte invece a condizioni agevolate e quindi vantaggiose.
Non sempre però i finanziamenti possono essere ottenuti perchè è ovviamente necessario essere in possesso di determinati requisiti. Spesso in realtà più che di mancanza di requisiti si tratta lack of experience of applicants who have not been able to choose properly the type of interest loan that suits your needs.

That's why you should always rely on an expert in the field who is able to carry out a cross-searching among the funds made available to European citizens and their project.

See also:
- What are the EU Structural Funds

- European funding grant

- Subsidised loans photovoltaic

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Elements for evaluating applications for loan from the bank's card

Not all loan applications are successful. The criteria that the bank assesses the various requests mutual reliability are

ability to make the repayment of the debt secured by real estate
possession of
The reliability of the subjects usually depends on their economic past. Those who have suffered such a protest can find themselves in a position of disadvantage that would enable him to obtain new financing. In these cases must be referred to a specialist in the field and do not rely on brokers instead often just try to resolve the situation with the falsification of documents. In these cases the situation could obviously only get worse. However, there are special loans and financing that may be required by people who have had problems in the past and will certainly be recommended by the bank.
To see if the customer has the ability to make repayment of the bank have to make some checks on his income. To be able to get a mortgage or funding income revenue should be constant and the monthly payment should not exceed one third of the value of income. These considerations are not useful really only for banks but also for the contractor so he can understand if the opening of the loan instead of just helping create more financial problems. However, there are also potential solutions in this regard. The income of the contractor can, for example, be integrated with the income of another family or you can opt for a different type of mortgage that might provide a lower rate for a longer time. The bank finally
requires additional safeguards to the simple monthly income. The warranty is more widespread as more solid is without doubt the mortgage on immovable property. The value of the mortgage can then be decided based on the value of the property.

The certificate of salary

Documentation mortgage

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over 65 and children under 3 years

The Ministry of Economy and Finance provides citizens with a Purchase Card worth 40 euro a month that can be used for food expenses, medical expenses or to payments of bills or gas. The Purchase Card can also get discounts at some stores and ask for subsidized rates for electricity for example.
The Purchase Card is aimed at two different age groups over 65

children under 3 years

Over 65 years
The requirements for the credit card application
are aged 65 years
Italian citizenship
board less than € 6,235.35 per year for people aged 65 to 70 years or equal to 8313.80 per year for people aged 70 years or Parian
not be holders of more than a consumer or non-electrical household or domestic more a consumer Gas
not to own more than one vehicle
not to own more than one residential property for more than 25% or a non-residential use building for a share of over 10%
not holders of movable assets worth more than € 15,000
not be admitted to nursing homes
not be detained in prisons

Under 3 years
The requirements for the credit card application
are no older than 3 years
Italian citizenship ISEE
equal to or less than € 6,235.35 per year
not be with her parents holders of more than one user or non-electric domestic home or more of a consumer gas
non essere insieme ai genitori proprietari di più di un veicolo
non essere insieme ai genitori proprietari di più di un immobile ad uso abitativo per una quota superiore al 25% o di un immobile ad uso non abitativo per una quota superiore al 10%
non essere insieme ai genitori titolari di un patrimonio mobiliare di valore superiore ai 15.000 €

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Rules for grants and loans to and protested

Le persone che hanno subito un protesto o un pignoramento possono incontrare molte difficoltà alla richiesta di un finanziamenti. Ciò è ovviamente dovuto al fatto che la loro affidabilità non è considerata sufficiente alla stipula di un contratto. Le banche possono controllare l'affidabilità dei loro clienti attraverso i dati delle Centrali Risks and therefore can know exactly where a person has had economic problems of this kind.
This does not mean that people who have suffered a protest did not happen to a mode of financing. Banks can in fact make use of a special funding to protest that is based on salary as collateral. The best choice for the customer and the bank is that of employee loans that involves not only the salary as collateral also loves the direct deduction of the amount of the installment from the salary. The bank has so certain that the customer has the option to pay and payment is made automatically each month.

Cancellation and update data from the CRIF