What is the deferred payment of the loan
The release of the deferred loan is precisely in the delivery of the agreed sum to the borrower, but at a later stage than that of the
This element can be for those who sell the property a disincentive to pursue the deal because in case of delayed delivery is difficult in general for the 'buyer convince the other party to conclude the sale of' property without at the same time find the money in hand. For
that the buyer will have to present to the seller that condition
delayed delivery of mortgage planning how they will implement the transmission of money already in the preliminary purchase proposal and in the act of sale. Some lenders to resolve this issue allow the borrower access to a pre-financing.
This pre-financing is granted for a short period of time and in an amount similar to that of the same mortgage.
This will involve some costs borne by the borrower but will return in the conclusion of the sale.
Another solution may be to agree with the venditore la stipulazione differita tra il contratto di compravendita e l’atto del mutuo.
L’iter in questione prenderà avvio dalla stipula del contratto di mutuo. Venditore,
Mutuatario, Notaio ed Ente mutuante si incontreranno in banca per firmare
il mutuo.
Il venditore in quanto proprietario dell’immobile firmerà l’atto come concessore
di ipoteca. Di contro ili mutuatario si impegnerà ad accreditare le
somme spettanti al venditore sul conto da quest’ultimo indicato.
Entro 10 giorni, dunque, una volta attuato il consolidamento dell’ ipoteca il contratto potrà venire sottoscritto.
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