Abstract The determination of net asset value and burden of the insured.
Italian legislation on insurance against damage states that if the insurance covers only a part of the value that it had secured at the time of the accident the insurance company is liable for damages in proportion to that part (proportional rule, Art. 1907 cc and art. 21 of the General Insurance).
E 'is therefore clear that the insured has a serious responsibility, complicated by the fact that phenomena such as inflation and technological innovations make it extremely difficult to follow the trend in asset values, whether the replacement cost (new value) or value (value of use to the State).
To overcome the drawbacks of these you can take out a policy of "Insurance with the Declaration of Value", or rather a policy where the insured values \u200b\u200bare derived from an estimate (estimate insurance quote) developed by a firm of independent estimates, Comapagnie recognized by insurance and has proven over the years seriousness and professionalism.
There is therefore the Italian insurance market a proven tool for years that every day is more widespread and that it is proposed to overcome any challenge to a prior, in case of accident, on the fairness or otherwise of the values \u200b\u200bdeclared in the policy.
Estimated Benefits of Preventive
The previously assessed has many advantages, including:
· The certainty to ensure the real value of goods and avoiding any unnecessary additional expense due to Overinsurance or at risk, not less likely, of underinsurance.
· deleting explicit condition for the application the proportional rule, with the consequent certainty of a fair compensation which takes account of the real value that the goods were insured at the time of the accident.
· The settlement calls for the damage being exempt from the expert assessment of the seniority of the goods.
° Availability of an inventory of assets that gives a photograph a 360 degree view of business reality and estimated that it constitutes a valuable tool for knowledge purposes interior.
the appointment of the Company to perform a physical inventory analytical estimate of the assets of the insured (except of course land) and emits an expert report (First estimate) that is delivered to the customer.
is then carried out by technicians an annual survey on the property in order to detect and assess new investment and / or transfers of assets and any disposals that occurred during the period (Estimate Update).
Further advantages of Estimate
The expert report of previously assessed contains a detailed inventory (valued for insurance purposes) of property to be divided and defined areas for the insurance companies (buildings, machinery, plant, equipment, data processing machines, etc.)..
It must be stressed that the valuation of assets by independent consultants has two advantages: first absolute objectivity
• Do not have to involve the staff of the Society in a project that normally takes a considerable amount of work.
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